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  • in reply to: Possible AJAX conflict with Events Calendar (Pro) #728794

    Hi, Ismael–thanks so much for your response.
    I’ve actually only just gotten sftp access (I’m an outside party to the initial development team) and so was just today able to update the theme. It looks like they were running a pretty old version, 3.7x, which pre-dated a major Enfold release. I’ve just updated it to 3.8.

    So, for issue #1 above: I’ve gone ahead and added your snippet to functions.php.

    #2: I’ve also analyzed the child theme’s header.php file comparing code with the main one, and right now, the only differences between enfold’s header.php and the child theme’s header.php files are the following additions to the <head> tag in the custom one:

    a) This custom title tag, line 21:
    <title><?php if(function_exists('avia_set_title_tag')) { echo avia_set_title_tag(); } ?></title>

    b) This custom favicon tag, line 34:
    if (function_exists('avia_favicon')) { echo avia_favicon(avia_get_option('favicon')); }

    c) The addition of font css links, line 57:

    <link href=',700,600' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css">

    The rest of the file is identical.

    I’m still seeing PHP errors for:
    Unknown location

    I’m also seeing that avia_modal_js and avia_element_js are missing, with broken dependencies in avia_table_js (/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/assets/js/avia-table.js), avia_tab_taggle_js (/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/assets/js/avia-tab-toggle.js) and avia_media_js (/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/assets/js/avia-media.js), in case these .js errors are culprits?

    Thanks and much appreciated.

    in reply to: Possible AJAX conflict with Events Calendar (Pro) #722286

    Andy, our staff and also the plugin developers determined that:

    1) this problem is only happening when Enfold is active. It is not happening when we test using another theme. Therefore, they have said we should contact YOU, the theme developers.

    2) We are having a THEME ISSUE here that goes beyond this plugin. We are getting theme-related PHP errors in header.php and function-set-avia-backend.php! ( ) I don’t understand why no one is responding to this. I will submit a separate ticket right now.

    in reply to: Possible AJAX conflict with Events Calendar (Pro) #720703

    Hi, Ismael. Please read the full thread. First I am trying to troubleshoot theme-specific errors, PHP errors we are finding on theme load: . If the header file is not being correctly read, that may account for ajax issues.

    in reply to: Possible AJAX conflict with Events Calendar (Pro) #719976

    Hi, hello? Is this theme actively supported? Any idea how to troubleshoot the above Enfold PHP errors?


    in reply to: Possible AJAX conflict with Events Calendar (Pro) #718556

    Hi, Ismael–

    Because the errors are occurring only when Enfold is active, these errors seem to be from some kind of AJAX conflict with the theme. So I’m trying to get to the bottom of finding theme-related errors first.

    One thing I’m finding are these Enfold PHP errors, which may/may not be related:

    It would be helpful for us to resolve these first.

    Devra (for Xiaojing and the EBMC)

    in reply to: Modify Homepage Slider #689589

    Got it, thank you!

    in reply to: Modify Homepage Slider #687683

    Looks like it moved it! However, I’d like to move it outside of the slider box, like a caption at the bottom of the image. So when I move it further down, the text isn’t viewable anymore… help!

    in reply to: Modify Homepage Slider #687154

    Hi Andy,

    Thanks for your response!

    Another issue, it has been problematic reading the title against some of the slider images and would prefer to have it on the bottom instead. Can we possibly move the title to bottom of the slider with the text centered? Please let us know!

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