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  • in reply to: change style by category #983027

    Yes i did it ,problem resolved ;)
    Thank you :D

    in reply to: change style by category #981237

    I found a solution but I think that it is very dumb, I call the class of each category and I change the style of text
    like this
    .category-2-technique .av-masonry-entry-title.entry-title
    color: red !important;
    this solution is so dumb why?
    because when i display the blog the title color still black

    in reply to: Design blog articles #981102

    Problem resolved ,I downloaded the plguin Maxbuttons
    thank you ;)
    Best support .

    in reply to: Menu Burger #980263

    function custom_excerpt(){
    // trim sentence by 22 words
    function trimByWord(sentence,wordcount = 22) {
    var result = sentence;
    var resultArray = result.split(” “);
    if(resultArray.length > wordcount){
    resultArray = resultArray.slice(0, wordcount);
    result = resultArray.join(” “) + “…”;
    return result;
    jQuery(‘.post-entry’).each(function() {
    jQuery(“.entry-content “).text(function(index, currentText) {

    return trimByWord(currentText);
    jQuery(“.entry-title a”).text(function(index, currentText) {
    return trimByWord(currentText,15); // trim title by 15 words
    add_action(‘wp_head’, ‘custom_excerpt’);

    in reply to: Menu Burger #980261

    Thank you,
    I put this code but now the blog does not display the buttons Read more
    Link :
    i want to display all button in same line

    in reply to: Menu Burger #980135

    Hello Rikard,
    Problem solved for burger menu ,but now i have problem ,i can’t increase the excerpt lenght in the blog
    look please at articles blogs :
    yet I have tried many methods

    thnaks you very much for reply

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