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  • As of today, a year after this solution was posted, it seems the event code hasn’t changed but I can’t get the ticket info to display below the Title, Description and Content. I’m using Enfold 4.2 and the event calender version is 4.6.3. Perhaps enfold is different now and the solution would be just a bit different . Hopefully someone might be able to see what needs to be done so I can display the ticket information below the content rather than in the sidebar that is being created.

    Here’s the code for reference again.Thanks!
    * Single Event Template
    * A single event. This displays the event title, description, meta, and
    * optionally, the Google map for the event.
    * Override this template in your own theme by creating a file at [your-theme]/tribe-events/single-event.php
    * @package TribeEventsCalendar
    * @version 4.6.3

    if ( ! defined( ‘ABSPATH’ ) ) {
    die( ‘-1’ );

    $events_label_singular = tribe_get_event_label_singular();
    $events_label_plural = tribe_get_event_label_plural();

    $event_id = get_the_ID();


    <div id=”tribe-events-content” class=”tribe-events-single”>

    <p class=”tribe-events-back”>
    “> <?php printf( ‘« ‘ . esc_html_x( ‘All %s’, ‘%s Events plural label’, ‘the-events-calendar’ ), $events_label_plural ); ?>

    <!– Notices –>
    <?php tribe_the_notices() ?>

    <?php the_title( ‘<h1 class=”tribe-events-single-event-title”>’, ‘</h1>’ ); ?>

    <div class=”tribe-events-schedule tribe-clearfix”>
    <?php echo tribe_events_event_schedule_details( $event_id, ‘<h2>’, ‘</h2>’ ); ?>
    <?php if ( tribe_get_cost() ) : ?>
    <span class=”tribe-events-cost”><?php echo tribe_get_cost( null, true ) ?></span>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <!– Event header –>
    <div id=”tribe-events-header” <?php tribe_events_the_header_attributes() ?>>
    <!– Navigation –>
    <h3 class=”tribe-events-visuallyhidden”><?php printf( esc_html__( ‘%s Navigation’, ‘the-events-calendar’ ), $events_label_singular ); ?></h3>
    <ul class=”tribe-events-sub-nav”>
    <li class=”tribe-events-nav-previous”><?php tribe_the_prev_event_link( ‘<span>«</span> %title%’ ) ?>
    <li class=”tribe-events-nav-next”><?php tribe_the_next_event_link( ‘%title% <span>»</span>’ ) ?>

    <!– .tribe-events-sub-nav –>
    <!– #tribe-events-header –>

    <?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
    <div id=”post-<?php the_ID(); ?>” <?php post_class(); ?>>
    <!– Event featured image, but exclude link –>
    <?php echo tribe_event_featured_image( $event_id, ‘full’, false ); ?>

    <!– Event content –>
    <?php do_action( ‘tribe_events_single_event_before_the_content’ ) ?>
    <div class=”tribe-events-single-event-description tribe-events-content”>
    <?php the_content(); ?>
    <!– .tribe-events-single-event-description –>
    <?php do_action( ‘tribe_events_single_event_after_the_content’ ) ?>

    <!– Event meta –>
    <?php do_action( ‘tribe_events_single_event_before_the_meta’ ) ?>
    <?php tribe_get_template_part( ‘modules/meta’ ); ?>
    <?php do_action( ‘tribe_events_single_event_after_the_meta’ ) ?>

    </div> <!– #post-x –>
    <?php if ( get_post_type() == Tribe__Events__Main::POSTTYPE && tribe_get_option( ‘showComments’, false ) ) comments_template() ?>

    <?php endwhile; ?>

    <!– Event footer –>
    <div id=”tribe-events-footer”>
    <!– Navigation –>
    <h3 class=”tribe-events-visuallyhidden”><?php printf( esc_html__( ‘%s Navigation’, ‘the-events-calendar’ ), $events_label_singular ); ?></h3>
    <ul class=”tribe-events-sub-nav”>
    <li class=”tribe-events-nav-previous”><?php tribe_the_prev_event_link( ‘<span>«</span> %title%’ ) ?>
    <li class=”tribe-events-nav-next”><?php tribe_the_next_event_link( ‘%title% <span>»</span>’ ) ?>

    <!– .tribe-events-sub-nav –>
    <!– #tribe-events-footer –>

    </div><!– #tribe-events-content –>

    in reply to: How can I add custom id to images? #603513

    Thanks Vinnie,

    Looking into this further, turning on custom CSS fields for ALB elements does add a custom css field for images when they are used individually. However, I’m trying to target an individual image that is one of many inside a masonry gallery. The custom CSS field is available for the gallery element, but not the individual images inside the gallery. Any ideas on how to target an individual image inside the masonry gallery element?


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by drwildwave.
    in reply to: How can I add custom id to images? #602081

    Adding the suggested solution to the functions.php file does indeed turn on the custom class field for ALB elements. However, it does not seem to turn on custom class fields for images. This is the question. Is there something we can do to turn on custom class ID’s for Images?

    in reply to: Enfold Contact Form Post Function #591301

    Thanks Josue for your reply.
    Here’s what I’m doing.
    I’m using the submission of Enfold contact form to create a subscriber to my Aweber list.
    I’ve already considered using the Aweber plugin but all that does is facilitate putting an Aweber form on the site.
    I can do that without the plugin.
    I’d rather use Enfolds contact form functionality because it looks more inline with the theme without extra work.
    So, I have an optin form on my website created with Enfolds contact form functionality.
    It has 3 fields: Name, Email, Phone.
    As it stands now, when Enfold sends the data from the from it sends it like this:
    Email: (Email address hidden if logged out)
    And everything else in one string like this: (Email address hidden if logged out) , johndoe, phone number ( As one combined string).
    Using Zapier to integrate with Aweber, I can map the (Email address hidden if logged out) ‘ to the (Email address hidden if logged out) field in the Aweber list because it is sent by Enfold as a separate piece of data.
    I cannot map the ‘JohnD (Email address hidden if logged out) , John Doe, XXX-XXX-XXXX’ string because it’s posted as one string of data, not separate items.
    I need them to be posted like this:
    Email: (Email address hidden if logged out)
    Name: John Doe
    Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXX
    Then, in addition to the email, I can select, or ‘map’ johndoe’ to the ‘name’ field of my Aweber list, and XXX-XXX-XXXX to the ‘phone number’ field in my Aweber list..
    The integration works, with just the email so far, but I’d like to have the ‘name’ and ‘phone number’ fields for the new subscriber as well.
    So I just need to tweak Enfold and tell it to post each entry, i.e. Name, Email, Phone Number, separately so I can ‘map’ them to the corresponding fields in the Aweber list and add them as a subscriber with all 3 pieces of information.

    I’m sure it’s probably an easy fix for someone that knows php.

    Thanks for your help!!!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 12 months ago by drwildwave.
    in reply to: Enfold Contact Forms Output #590321

    Thanks Ismael!

    What we’re doing is sending the Enfold contact form data to a third party
    autoresponder. In order to use that data to subscribe to this third party
    list, we need the fields to be posted as separate, mappable pieces of
    data. What Enfold currently posts is a string of all the fields together,
    not separate mappable fields. So we need to tweak how enfold is sending the
    form field data. i.e. Name, Email, Phone,

    Out of the box, Enfold sends the email address as a separate entry, but all
    other fields, the name and phone for example are sent in the same entry
    i.e: name, XXX-XXX-XXXX. In order to enter this data into the fields of a
    third party list, the name and phone data need to be separated.

    Is there an easy way to do this?



    • This reply was modified 8 years, 12 months ago by drwildwave.
    in reply to: Enfold Contact Forms Output #588709

    Still hoping someone from Enfold can point me in the right direction as to what file the Enfold Contact form code is in. We want to tweak it so it posts the data from each form field as a separate item so it can be mapped.


    in reply to: Enfold Contact Forms Output #587884

    I’m thinking we should be able to modify how enfold posts the contact form data. If you can point me to where that functionality is in the theme that would save me some time.

    We’ve already created subscribers to our Aweber list from Enfold contact forms using Zapier but need to tell Enfold to post all form data as separate entries, not combined into one data string.

    Thanks Much!

    in reply to: Enfold Contact Forms Output #587345

    Hi Vinnie,

    Thanks for the suggestion. We considered that solution but found so many terrible reviews we decided it probably wasn’t a good way to go about it.

    Using a Zapier integration works great if we could just get enfold to post field data as separate pieces of info, not combined in a string. We’ve already successfully created subscribers to our Aweber list with the only separate field data enfold posts- the email field. We need the other fields in our enfold contact form posted separately so we can map them to the fields in our Aweber list.

    Where would we find the contact form post function in Enfold? Maybe we can tweak it ourselves. Thanks!

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by drwildwave.
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