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  • in reply to: Header Title and Breadcrumbs height #626702

    Hi Vinay,

    I just wanted the View butto to be centred but full width will work just as fine :)

    many thanks for your help.


    in reply to: Header Title and Breadcrumbs height #626349

    Great, many thanks!
    I believe I only need one more thing from you.. I’d like to center align the ‘Select Option’ Button at the bottom of the product.


    in reply to: Header Title and Breadcrumbs height #625640

    Hi Vinay,

    I just noticed that after applied your code the + and – button of the quantity product got messed up. Could you please check it out?

    Many thanks

    in reply to: Header Title and Breadcrumbs height #625546

    Hi Vinay,

    brilliant!!! Many thanks!! Admin details below,


    in reply to: Header Title and Breadcrumbs height #625275

    Hi Basil,

    Hope you’re ok, sorry I believe the site was with the maintenance mode on.

    This is what I would like to do:

    – resize the Breadcrumbs (or reduce the padding) and the hero banner in height. On mobile the Breadcrumbs goes on two lines and the vertical middle align switch to top. Is it possible to keep it middle?
    – On the product page (link attached) I have a check box which I would like left aligned with only 10px padding from the text.

    Many thanks

    in reply to: Header Title and Breadcrumbs height #624921

    I would also like to make the homepage banner shorter in height

    Many thanks

    in reply to: Header Title and Breadcrumbs height #624754

    many thanks

    in reply to: WooCommerce Upload Files plugin #624708

    solved, many thanks ;)

    in reply to: WooCommerce Upload Files plugin #623819

    sorry.. can get to display the a href=”#” properly

    in reply to: WooCommerce Upload Files plugin #623817

    The Plugin author says that the <label class=”wcuf_disclaimer_label”> is wrapped into an which shouldn’t be there.
    Also and <div style=”display:none” … > are rendered outside of <label class=”wcuf_disclaimer_label”>..

    Is it something that the Theme is doing or it may be some other plugins interfering?

    Please, I know you guys are busy but I need to solve this issue urgently

    Many thanks for you help

    in reply to: WooCommerce Upload Files plugin #623784
    in reply to: WooCommerce Upload Files plugin #623124


    thanks I solved the issue with the plugin author. I have a couple of more display issue that he told me are from the theme. Checking with you if true.

    As you can see from the attached link, the disclaimer line get broken somehow.. what should I do to fix it?
    Both the description (guideline) and the disclaimer, on mobile or when you shrink the page width to minimum size, get cropped instead then flow on a second line of text.

    I really appreciate your help


    in reply to: WooCommerce Upload Files plugin #620754

    Hi Ismael,

    first of all I want to thank you, I see you guys work also over the weekend and late at night to help your customers.
    I’m not sure is the plug in, I will write to the Author asking him to check the problem.
    Check the screenshot attached (would be easier if we could attach an image to these posts) which I took using Firefox. The preview shows correctly, so it must be something in the code.
    When I upload an image using Safari or Chrome, the image doesn’t show. It shows instead the add file button again. If you manually refresh the page at this point, it will show the image.

    Sorry for the trouble, I really appreciate your help. This has been dragging for weeks and I REALLY need to get this job done immediately.


    in reply to: WooCommerce Upload Files plugin #619004

    Hi Ismael,

    many thanks, that seems to have solved the display issue but unfortunately it seems to not work properly (it works fine with Firefox but not with Safari and Chrome) as the uploaded image doesn’t show. There should be a thumb (small preview) of the image with a button to delete it. In order to achieve that, at the moment, you either have to upload a second image or refresh the page manually. Both options won’t work for me.. is there anything you can do to solve this problem? One more small thing will be to have some padding between the ADD and UPLOAD button.

    Many thanks again I really appreciate your effort. I’d love to get this site up over the weekend so a quick reply would be much appreciated.


    in reply to: WooCommerce Upload Files plugin #618185

    Hi Ismael,

    yes I did, both buttons are still there. I activate ENFOLD again for you to check.

    Many thanks

    in reply to: WooCommerce Upload Files plugin #618108

    Hi Ismael,

    thanks for your reply. It’s probably me not be able to explain myself well, I’ve explained many times before but this is not getting anywhere, sorry I know you’re busy but every reply take 48 hours and I have to get this site working asap. I’ll give this a last chance before asking for a refund to the last license purchased.

    This is how the plugin is meant to work.

    When you open the product page, only the ‘add files’ button should show. There shouldn’t be any ‘upload button’.
    You select your file(s), the file name shows up along with the ‘upload button’

    Check it with this free theme, then activate enfold again and you will see that both ‘add file’ and ‘upload button’ are showing at the same time.

    Many thanks

    in reply to: WooCommerce Upload Files plugin #616307

    not sure how to locate the file and remove the code.. Could you help?
    The plugin works fine if I use other skins so I assume is just the enfold theme that doesn’t interact properly with it. The author said it has been developed according to Woocommerce/wordpress guidelines. Below the credencial to access to the back end.

    Many thanks

    in reply to: WooCommerce Upload Files plugin #612421

    Hi Basilis,

    Thanks for your reply. The upload button should not be there on first instance when you open the product page. Only the select file button should be there. The upload button should show up only after you selected the file. It works justvlike this if I activate any other theme. The plugin author sugested to remove this rule from the enfold.css file

    .wcuf_upload_multiple_files_button, .wcuf_upload_field_button {

        display: inline !important;


    Do u think it will work?


    in reply to: WooCommerce Upload Files plugin #611583

    sorry to bother you but I need this to work properly asap or I will have to ask for a refund and buy another theme

    in reply to: WooCommerce Upload Files plugin #610855

    many thanks again.. unfortunately it doesn’t..


    in reply to: WooCommerce Upload Files plugin #610794

    Hi Ismael,

    Thanks for your help. I need that button to upload the file once selected. It should just show up once the file is selected. Your code makes it just disappear not allowing to go any further. The author told me he’s not going to customise the plugin for me so I have to find a way to make it work with enfold or I will have to try a different theme.

    Many thanks

    in reply to: WooCommerce Upload Files plugin #609479


    Many thanks

    Hi Basils,

    thanks for your reply. I’m afraid it isn’t about the fancy product plugin, as you see (attached url) the product canvas shows correctly if I place it below the product title.

    Assume there isn’t any plugin on and just dealing with regular product page. If I activate the advance layout function, which allows me to remove the sidebar and go full width, everything in the page get lost: product Image, gallery, title, info, price etc. I only get a blank page with a bit of text. What seems to be a problem is that I can’t find these elements (Image, gallery, title, info, price) in the advance layout to put back in the page.

    I probably have to edit the single product template and CSS of woocommerce php file but I’m not sure how to do it safely with the enfold theme on.

    Could you help me with that asap?

    Many thanks

    no way to edit that template?

    I’ve also tried to resize the Single Product image at WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Display > Product Images and then regenerate the thumbnails with the apposite plug-in but no effect. :(

    Hi Basilis,

    Thanks for your reply, there is not such a option in the fancy designer plug-in. You can set the canvas dimension and make it responsive or not but it doesn’t effect the layout of the product page. You can choose the position it in the page checking one of these options:
    – Replace Product Image
    – After Product Title
    – After Summary
    – Custom Hook
    but, again, it doesn’t effect the layout.
    I would have the same issue with any of your demo product. Forget about the plug-in, how could I change the product page layout? I see you do have a different template for the grouped products page (link attached) which doesn’t work with the plug-in as there is no product image to replace. There isn’t actually any possibility in the Avia Layout Builder, under the ‘plugin addition’ to add the product image, a title or a Summary. To be honest anytime I drag a new module in the page the product gets completely screwed up with no way back.
    Any helpful advise?

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