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  • in reply to: Reverse columns order on RTL site #888796

    Appearance > Editor panel is accessible.
    login details are in the private field
    thank you so much for looking into this matter 🙏

    in reply to: slider transition between video and picture is jiggy #888795

    sorry it took me so much time to respond
    1. updated WordPress and Enfold to the latest version
    2. removed the extra curly brace

    now we have 3 problems instead of 2:
    1. caption still appear only in the second slide (although it’s configured be on first slide with the video as well)
    2. when the slider reaches the last slide it stops (although it’s configured to loop)
    3. the worst one – video isn’t full screen anymore!
    instead there is a huge black frame and the video is shrinked the the right side of the screen

    please take a look at the screen shot and/or the link in the private contenet

    please help me fix it (at least let’s fix issue number 3..)

    in reply to: Reverse columns order on RTL site #887818

    beside a disabled Akismet there aren’t any plugin in this installation (so far)
    the site is hosted at wpengine but i Purged ALL caches
    I still can’t see any difference
    most left column of a page in the backend will be the the most right column in the frontend and so on
    ..may be i’m missing something?

    you are probably testing your code on a clean installation
    my installation is a modified child theme..could that be the reason?

    in reply to: slider transition between video and picture is jiggy #886973

    I will upgrade to 4.2 as soon as possible
    here is the css code i used (i took it from as Victoria suggested)

     /* home page slider video fade out*/ 
    @keyframes fade-in {
        from {
        to {
    @-moz-keyframes fade-in { /* Firefox */
        from {
        to {
    @-webkit-keyframes fade-in { /* Safari and Chrome */
        from {
        to {
    @-o-keyframes fade-in { /* Opera */
        from {
        to {
            opacity: 1;
    @keyframes fade-out {
        from {
        to {
    @-moz-keyframes fade-out { /* Firefox */
        from {
        to {
    @-webkit-keyframes fade-out { /* Safari and Chrome */
        from {
        to {
    @-o-keyframes fade-out { /* Opera */
        from {
        to {
            opacity: 0;
    .avia-slideshow li:nth-child(1) {
    	opacity: 1;
        -moz-animation: fade-out 3s ease-in forwards; /* Firefox */
        -webkit-animation: fade-out 3s ease-in forwards; /* Safari and Chrome */
        -o-animation: fade-out 3s ease-in forwards; /* Opera */
        animation: fade-out 3s ease-in forwards;
        -moz-animation-delay: 17s;
        -webkit-animation-delay: 17s;
        -o-animation-delay: 17s;
        animation-delay: 17s;
    in reply to: Reverse columns order on RTL site #886970

    thank you so much for trying
    I replaced it with your code but it still doesn’t seem to have any effect at all
    do you want a login access?

    in reply to: slider transition between video and picture is jiggy #885995

    great! it works!!
    but there are couple of glitches
    1. caption only appear in the second slide (although it’s configured be on first slide with the video as well)
    2. when the slider reaches the last slide it stops (although it’s configured to loop)
    is there a way to fix it?

    in reply to: Reverse columns order on RTL site #885984

    Hey Ismael
    beside the reverse columns order, The builder does render the layout on the frontend correctly,
    I’ve changed the script according to your suggestion so it look like this:

    function rtl_columns_fix(){
        var resizeTimeout, sortedReverse = false;
        $(window).resize(function () {
            if (resizeTimeout) {
            resizeTimeout = window.setTimeout(function () {
                var windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
                if ((windowWidth >= 767 && sortedReverse)) {
                    var rtlContainer = $('.entry-content-wrapper'); 
                    	var rtlCols = $(this).children('.flex_column').not('.av_one_full');
                    sortedReverse = !sortedReverse;
            }, 100);
    if(is_rtl()) { 
    	add_action('admin_head', 'rtl_columns_fix'); 

    but now it seems it doesn’t have any effect at all (desktop or mobile view, frontend or backend, they all stayed the same)
    any way, for now I will try hiring a freelance as you suggested
    also, I will be most grateful if you inform kriesi about this RTL issue so hopefully he will fix it in future versions of Enfold
    thanks :)

    sorry it took me so long to respond (for some reason i didn’t get any email notification)
    anyway – it works! like a charm!
    thank you so much!

    in reply to: slider transition between video and picture is jiggy #884964

    of course I’ve enabled the custom class field
    but it gives me option to set a class to the whole full screen slider, not to each slide
    anyway..i think.. instead of slider with mixed content (pictures and video) may be I should simply try putting one long video as a color section background
    so.. if there isn’t an easy solution, you can close the ticket
    sorry for all the hassle

    in reply to: slider transition between video and picture is jiggy #882407

    Hi Victoria
    thanks for the example
    in order to use it with enfold i need to give my video a custom css class which is not possible since it’s inside a slide of a full screen slider
    but.. maybe i can still make it work if I know it’s current class
    can you help me with that?

    thanks to this

    you can close this ticket

    in reply to: view issues on mobile phones with age verification form #840918

    UPDATE 2:
    plugin author released an update and now everything seems to work perfectly even in mobile view :)
    Sorry for all the hassle, please close this ticket

    in reply to: view issues on mobile phones with age verification form #840609

    i think this is the css (from the grid.css) the causing this issue (?):

    html { min-width: 910px; } 

    ..probably it’s there for a good reason so I don’t want to change it..
    but I do hope there is way to override it temporally (e.g only when the form is viewed on mobile phone)?

    I think i can achieve it by using page id code ..something like:

    .page-id-1760 .cart_dropdown { display: none; }

    but it’s very manual (because i have to list all ‘not shop pages’ one by one)
    any chance there’ a better solution?

    in reply to: can't enable site-wide store notice text #822005

    i’m not sure if it’s your doing but now somehow it’s working!
    may be a cache problem?
    anyway, sorry, you can ignore and close this ticket

    in reply to: ajax portfolio window not align to center on mobile #821006

    you can close it
    thank you very much :)

    in reply to: ajax portfolio window not align to center on mobile #820442

    Hi Victoria
    you are right! :)
    thanks again!

    in reply to: ajax portfolio window not align to center on mobile #819932

    Hi Victoria
    It works – thanks!
    although now the bottles look much bigger on mobile view.. is there a way to fix it?
    but thats much less critical so if there isn’t its still ok
    and again thank you very very much!

    in reply to: WooCommerce display product attributes in archive page #813715

    It works!!
    thank you so much!!

    in reply to: WooCommerce display product attributes in archive page #812915

    hi.. is there any news?

    in reply to: WooCommerce display product attributes in archive page #810462

    thank you
    I posted them in the private content

    in reply to: WooCommerce display product attributes in archive page #809977

    I’ve changed from Hebrew (מחיר ל 100 גרם) to English (price per 100gr)
    so the attribute name is now price per 100gr
    whats the next step?
    I’m note sure what code to use or how to use each code
    (I’m o.k with CSS but not so strong with PHP, was hoping you could guide me with this?)

    in reply to: WooCommerce display product attributes in archive page #808521

    by the way – I’m able to change the attribute name to English but I’m not sure if I can because than it will also display in English in the inner product pages ‘more info’ tab and the client needs the websites language to be Hebrew

    in reply to: WooCommerce display product attributes in archive page #808464

    by googling I found something that might do the trick
    But I’m still not sure how to Combine it with the current code
    (and especially not sure if its possible when the attribute name isn’t in English)
    Victoria? can you help me?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Doron.
    in reply to: WooCommerce display product attributes in archive page #807276

    HI Victoria
    I’m not sure about that
    if you go to the attributes page (there is a a screen shot in the private content) you will see
    all attributes, including weight, has only Hebrew name (which is this websites’s front end language) none are in english
    (weight is the pink number 1 in the screen shot and number 2 is ‘price per 100gr’)

    I’m pretty sure the code snippet above uses the weight specified in the product shipping values (look at the second screen shot in the private content) and not the weight attribute

    if I give you login details, would it help?

    in reply to: WooCommerce display product attributes in archive page #806873

    o.k.. i think that the flowing code snippet in my child theme function.php is the one responsible for displaying the weight attribute

    add_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item', 'rs_show_weights', 9 );
    function rs_show_weights() {
        global $product;
        $weight = $product->get_weight();
        if ( $product->has_weight() ) {
            echo '<div class="product-meta"><span class="product-meta-label">משקל ליחידה: </span>' . $weight . get_option('woocommerce_weight_unit') . '</div></br>';

    my question is: is it possible to display other attributes in archive pages in the same way?
    Any help would be very appreciated

    in reply to: woocommerce buttons RTL issues #805861

    You can close it
    Thank you very much!

    in reply to: woocommerce buttons RTL issues #805044

    I added

    .archive .quantity {
        display: inherit;
        text-align: center;

    and now categories pages also look fine
    thanks again!

    in reply to: woocommerce buttons RTL issues #805041

    there is still a bug
    in the main shop page it works fine (thanks!) BUT if you go into one of the categories
    the quantity button isn’t centered (while everything else is)
    can we fix it too?

    in reply to: woocommerce buttons RTL issues #805039

    thank you so much!

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