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Thanks Ismael, you have usually been spot on, this bit of code you gave me did not effect anything.
I have made all the image sizes smaller — Large Med and Thumbnail.. But none of them seem to be effected.
Would I need to use your code but with the different container for each for that also to work with other images?
I found out the site is not wordpress .. and its the style I like.
The size and layout of the images
Going from main categories to subcategories to products. and only the product can be enlarged.
Clean.. quick.. I like it a lot. can I style like this with Enfold? or do I need to php code?
OK, this is the site of a company doing what I do… I actually just found this today… and its pretty much exactly what I am trying to do with the store.
As you can see it is Categories and Subcategories, which I can do through the standard options of the theme.
What I like is the small organized images, with the clean look. NO sort options.. I dont want them displayed.
I found the plugin
DHVC Woocommerce products which allows me to use a page as a category.. BUT if I do this.. then I no longer have access to the category and subcategory grid.IS the long and short of this I am either going to need a combination of several plugins to get this to work? or I change the templates in PHP?? right?
OK, so I have been examining enfold and other woocommerce themes.
So in order to modify files but not break the plugin/wordpress – you do it in the child theme file directory.
So for this it would be enfold-child/woocommerce and then the php files for the pages I want to change.
Now.. lets say I change a woocommerce php file.. for image sizes etc.. does the page take that information from the woocommerce settings OR from the css styles of the theme?
One of the most basic things I am trying to do is make the images smaller – throughout the shop. SO i went into woocommerce/settings/products and changed the sizes of the images there.
BUT when the page displays something.. say I have 5 columns. IT will enlarge or reduce the images to evenly divide the area by 5.. NOT stay to the size I have made. I dont want it enlarging the images. How do I get the theme to use the sizes from the settings .. and not change them?
Is there any answer to this?? why when I change the sizes of images in woocommerce settings or wordpress settings it just ignores them?
I think this is an issue with the responsive site?? the images must be a division of the total area?? to work in the responsive model?
Because if I make the area larger with fewer coloumns it makes the images larger, and if I make more it sizes them smaller..
What I want is a maximum size much smaller regardless .. How can I do that?
OH.. so I would need to modify the files using standard CSS coding? and them put them in there? OR is there a way I can use the visual /avia interface??
Much better thank Yigit.
Thanks Ismael, but thats not what I was looking for.. see attached pic. The red area I want gone, I want it slim.. say only as big as the black lines.
- This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by DocksideChandlery.
Im sorry if this is a stupid question. but I am using a child theme, and so I would assume that I transfer these to the main direc there.
I have done that.. I transfered several template php files that I thought I might want to change.
I see nothing that has changed in the interface of the theme that would allow me to edit these??
OK!! I did that.. working great! thanks.. Can I resize the Footer, with css code so that it makes it tighter on the slider.. AKA no padding?
I have that set to no sidebar, and it is putting a side bar on it.. and I have all the sidebar widget area empty and its putting the one sidebar I am using the shop overview in that page.
I want to be able to change the layout just like I would the product page?? why can I not do that?
I am not positive, but developers are supposed to buy a multi site licence so that they are able to use it with clients they have. If you are an individual, and they are all your sites, then I think your ok.. Sort of like you can copy a dvd for your own use not to sell to others.
YES! .. there is no way way in ENFOLD that I can figure out,
What I want is the top page of the store – either the woocommerce shop page (but your advanced editor does not work, and I cant place elements into it) OR another custom page shop top. I will call it.
ON this page I want to display SMALL – 120 x 120 max images of the categories with a title below. There will be say 18 categories, I would display them in rows of 4 or 3 whatever..
It would open up a category page that would either display more subcategories in the same grid or products – AGAIN SMALL 120 x 120 max.
That would open to a product page with a MEDIUM image 250 x 250 – whatever.. and if you click or hover then it could open a large image.
There is much I like about Enfold.. but I am really debating if the store functions I need are best served with say Shopkeeper, and then I will have to use plug in for all the features I do like in Enfold but dont have there.
Plugin author says his plugin works fine with WP stock theme, but has many errors when dealing with Enfold. So Tough luck for me.
I want to display categories in a grid, not products.
Disabled and reenabled plugins.. found my GS_logo plugin is conflicting .. I guess?? woo commerce? or would it conflit with ENFOLD??
OK, I have answered my own question – I started a 2nd install of wp I installed woocommerce and GS_logo .. used a stock theme and it works fine. Active ENFOLD – its gone.. I cannot add a product image and product hover is in its place and I guess GS_LOGO has an issue with that???
I have emailed the plugin author.. not sure it will solve the issue.
- This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by DocksideChandlery.
Im sorry I find nothing when I edit a product in enfold to set the featured image. Could you show me somehow? In every other theme I have tried, it does.. in Enfold I cannot find it.
OMG this is so frustrating. I am leaving info for someone to get in and look.. this is crazy!!
- This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by DocksideChandlery.
Thanks for the try, but thats not what I am looking for Dake, If you look at the Aviaccordion from Abundance.. that is what I want. 1 line title, maybe one line description. shadow across the complete bottom.
played some more with the suggestions and also using google :) and came up with this .. that worked.
#top .aviaccordion-preview-title {padding: 1%;}
#top .aviaccordion-preview-title-pos {position: absolute; bottom:1%; height:10%; width: 300%;}Slider done need to fix image sizing .. I guess thats on me to resize the images to work in the slider.
- This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by DocksideChandlery.
OK, I changed the size of the accordion so that there was no white space featured 1500 x 430.. the white was generated with the entry with sidebar 845 x 321.The later sizes the images better to what I am looking for.. but generates the white space. What I need to know.. is what size do I make the images so that it fits the slider.
The changes to the padding value does not work.. ALL I want to do is extend the shadow all the way to the right.. NO ajustment up or down.
Thankyou, that was my next thought the min-height.. :) getting there!
sorry I forget how many customers and requests you have. I figure you just remember.
There is a colour section with a marque in the top just under the header.
Ok close, but I need to move it to the bottom of the picture, so that would be your padding value?
Finally, what is the deal with sizing as opposed to the accordian from Abundance – it took my images and just scaled them to work. This one does not seem capable of that, and you see the gaps in the title shadow and the big white gap when it slides?? how do I eliminate that? This was never an issue with Abundance.
I am also now having an issue with products with Enfold that I did not with Abundance as well.. IF I am not mistaken there is no way in the interface to add an image to the product????? I can add images to the gallery? but not directly to the product? What happened there?
my website is
you can see the Enfold full width slider there(at the top).. and see the shadows I refer with the sailing picture. is the acordion in Abundance that I liked.. see the shawdow bar along the bottom.
I want to be able to make the Enfold acordian work and look as great as the Abundance one looks.
OK, so as I am learning more, I am understanding..
SO that shadow I am seeing in Enfold is your version of the shadowbar along the bottom of the Aviaccordian in Abundance. I would like to change this shadow so that it runs like the Abundance version.
I also found that the sizes in this Enfold is setup I assume so that it can adjust for different devices. Can I get an Image size to import in the images at so that this function works.. Your accordian does not seem to have the ability to scale the images properly on its own.James
OK, but first off why is the slides shadowed ?? see how the exposed half is dark.. and even when it slides out the discolour remains?
Why is that happening?
WOuld the Aviaccordion from Abundance be transferable to Enford??
TO answer your questions directly… I would like the enfold one to look like the Abundance one.. I REALLY liked it.. and since it was the same author and company etc.. I assumed it was the same slider.
I would either go for a fix of what I have, maybe I need a custom size? The long and short is the accordion slider in Enfold does not work very well, sometimes it auto rotates, sometimes it does not , the look is poor compared to the Abundance one. Is this a responsive issue?
If its do-able I would rather take the slider from Abundance which I like a lot to Enfold?
- This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by DocksideChandlery.