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  • in reply to: How to decrease logo size? #998515

    Hi, Vinay,
    sorry, suggested about the working, but then cleaned cache a bit of times, seems logo shrinking still doesn’t work. You can simply go to Admin to check and tune a bit yourself if possible.

    in reply to: How to decrease logo size? #998324

    Hi, Vinay,

    I put your code now! ) The Logo is started to appear as I expected (I also put padding: 10px; within the .logo class), but now I need to fix finally the Logo scrolling, as seems due to the padding, it scrolls down not so correct, you’ll see? Thanks for your suggestion.

    in reply to: How to decrease logo size? #998264


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by DimaP.
    in reply to: How to decrease logo size? #998092

    Hi, Jordan,
    yes, the code was put on the very top of Quick CSS, also cash is cleaned through WP Rocket Admin & Ctrl-F5 a few times… ) You can check the website yourself, same size logo…

    in reply to: How to decrease logo size? #998058

    unfortunately looks similar, no change so far @ both IE and Chrome. ?

    in reply to: How to decrease logo size? #997790

    This is almost weird as I cannot replicate the behavior myself. ) Please have a loot at both screenshots are taken insofar at Chrome & IE respectively – big ugly logo… ;) Your example is great, I’m looking for such a logo to be shown.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by DimaP.
    in reply to: How to decrease logo size? #997458

    Hi, Ismael,
    I just re-made my logo from the curves, now one size is 340px x 142px, and uploaded one as the full size. When I did that, my logo is started to look awesome, no scale, a bit of padding on top/bottom, same as my wish. But now, Enfold is re-scaled the logo again, blur is occurring… So, how to prevent Enfold from the logo’ re-scaling? Thank you.

    in reply to: Error 404 Page – New Feature of Enfold 4.3 #957122

    Hi, Ismael,
    thanks for the awesome tip, this actually works! Hope, this will be included into the next update, to fix the issue found.

    in reply to: Error 404 Page – New Feature of Enfold 4.3 #955360

    Hi, Ismael,
    there will be good ever news IF the stuff may fix the compatibility issue as me personally don’t understand the roots of why the W P M L compatibility was partially switched off. BTW, I just found that there’re not only “Pages” but also “Posts”, “Media”, and maybe something else aren’t been displayed when the “404” option is activated within the Theme. ;)

    in reply to: Error 404 Page – New Feature of Enfold 4.3 #951292

    Hi, Ismael,
    NOT only me, but ALL the users (and there’re too many of them worldwide) who uses both my lovely Enfold in conjunction with W P M L. My guess considering who exactly W P M L are, as the global-wide company, to consider to tweak the Enfold code to make sure this and further options are becoming workable when guessing about W P M L.
    Maybe you may discuss this question internally, good to know we found the issue, now Enfold have to find out of how to address one, otherwise Enfold shouldn’t talk about 100% compatibility w/ W P M L. )

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by DimaP.
    in reply to: Error 404 Page – New Feature of Enfold 4.3 #950214

    I just deactivated and then reactivated all the plugins from top to down one-by-one, and found that the issue is started to appear exactly after WPML Multilingual CMS (v. 3.9.4. in my case) activation… Indeed, WMPL is quite a famous plugin you know, seems Kriesi’s team need to investigate the compatibility issue more precisely… At least we know the case… )

    in reply to: Error 404 Page – New Feature of Enfold 4.3 #949839

    Hi, Ismael,
    I know what does you meant, and this is true, buy what do I mean – when you enter to Admin, and see the Pages menu (for English version), you’ll see the only Error page there, but none of the other pages!… ) When you unstick this option in the Enfold, you’ll see all the pages there… ) Pls. have a look through the screenshot again.

    in reply to: Error 404 Page – New Feature of Enfold 4.3 #948941

    Hi, Ismael,
    the 404 page works for sure, but the issue I found and stated initially was is that when the option is switched on, then I don’t see ANY except of the only “Error” page inside my Admin pages’ list… Please have a look through the screenshot, also you can see this in the Admin too.
    NB: Yes, the Error page is excluded from WP Rocket…

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by DimaP.
    in reply to: Error 404 Page – New Feature of Enfold 4.3 #948514

    Hi, Victoria,
    as I mentioned above, there’s nothing there, please check yourself (attach)…

    in reply to: Error 404 Page – New Feature of Enfold 4.3 #948420

    Hi, Guys,
    I have sent the website credentials w/ nor reply from your side… So far, the issue found is still exist. May you please kindly come back to the issue ASAP? Thank you.

    in reply to: Error 404 Page – New Feature of Enfold 4.3 #947669

    Hi, Ismael,
    actually I had some WP plugin like 404… installed in before, also some function put into my functions.php, but now everything has been cleared out, also I have nothing at .htaccess
    Your credentials are attached, thank you.

    in reply to: Error 404 Page – New Feature of Enfold 4.3 #947559

    Bump,… Any response on that issue please?

    in reply to: Fontello isn't displaying in Frontend w/ HTTPS #945092

    Hello, Mike,
    thanks for the suggestion. You can check both http:// & https:// versions of the website yourself, better to see at IE11, also please check the code within https:// to ensure the proper URLs are there… Anyway, Fontello isn’t displaying…
    Sure, I can consider even the Pro version of Really Simple SSL, but I don’t sure IE11 will display the Fontello properly… ?

    in reply to: Search bar in header #893567

    Hi, Jordan,

    well, thanks to your efforts we moved forward a bit, so the widget is created, and even may be tuned a bit better through the css, but I want to put one exactly to that area, , say as the Header menu element, same height, same color,… Any chance to put the widget into there?

    in reply to: Archive Widget Doesn't Work? #889487

    Hi, Rikard,

    it’s almost strange that something at website redirects the Archive posts to the home page; I assume it’s doing by Yoast, but when I deactivate one, nothing happens (same to other major plugs that might influence that). Therefore, I just simply installed the 3rd party widget and tune one to show the Posts Archive that works.

    Thank you indeed, please close the ticket.

    in reply to: Archive Widget Doesn't Work? #889214

    Here u go… Thanks for your involvement…

    Hi, please close the ticket. Thank you.

    Thank you, Mike, everything is started to work as a charm! )

    404 page exists as a part of Enfold, and it is there, /wp-content/themes/enfold/404.php

    But the issue is that once the user types something wrong as e.g., and that page don’t exist, the browser redirects him to the, showing this exact url also showing 404.php

    In my case, browser shows 404.php indeed but not showing the

    Hi, Victoria,

    thanks for the suggestion. I just put the below lines into my .htaccess file, and seems it should work, as most suggestions in the web points to this code, but one doesn’t work – when user types something like trying to access the absent webpage, website don’t do the hard redirect to

    Any idea of how to fix? Maybe something need to be done within the 404.php ?

    ErrorDocument 404

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/404/$
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /wp-content/themes/enfold/404.php [L]

    in reply to: The minor issues with the Footer & the Accordian Slider #881530

    Hi, Rikard,

    thank you, indeed it is started to look a bit better, at least at desktop it is plus/minus similar even some pixels “jumping” by precise view… But, the style on that exact page (1) is still different from any other pages on the website (so, how it can be done – the only 1 page has a different footer widgets formatting than any others?), so due to that, the mobile version (checked on iPhone) of that page (footer) is looks different too…

    So, maybe the question of how to make the footer widgets area 1:1 same to the other pages on the website?

    Last but not lease, the question #2 in my initial post (Accordian Slider) – is still not solved as the formatting is gonna be broken after some or another pictures clicking to the preview mode…

    in reply to: The minor issues with the Footer & the Accordian Slider #881388

    Bump… Is there any chance to get the support please? Thank you.

    in reply to: The minor issues with the Footer & the Accordian Slider #880888

    Dear Sirs,

    any update on the topic? Thank you.

    in reply to: The minor issues with the Footer & the Accordian Slider #880490

    Dear Victoria,

    the W3 Total Cache has been deactivated, also all the cache has been purged… Thank you!

    in reply to: Some Fontello Icons Doesn't Show In SSL #874814


    FYI, under Chrome the issue was properly solved, working as a charm. The only issue remained under IE 11, but please make sure once you have some caching plugin (in my case one is W3 Total Cache) at Browser Cache / Set cache control header you set up no-cache (no-store) option…

    After that, Fontello is started to work properly at IE 11 too, under https:// …

    Thank you all who’ve been involved into.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by DimaP.
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