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  • Hi, Guys, pity, after the recent update of WordPress to v5.4.2 also Enfold to v4.7.5 ALL the social icons have been disappeared at ALL the desktop browsers (IE, Chrome, etc.) at blog Posts whilst iPhone’s Safari shows them correctly… Any other Pages shows icons correctly. Gave a look at or

    Pages shows the icons whilst Posts not… (

    Any workaround on it please?

    Wow! Thanks a lot, I didn’t dig inside so deep… Anyway, I have changed the header for H1, now trying to change the color from just black to white. I made my customs CSS class as h1color_white and put this code w/ success… Anything wrong?

    #h1color_white .main_color h1 {
    color: #ffffff !important;

    Hey Guenni,
    did u find solution of how to do the same as above but for the latest update meant v4.7.5? I have my very 1st page with the Fullscreen slider within which is domain/wp-admin/post.php?post=143&action=edit so what about the right function to work out?

    Following this thread too… At least, Text Block Editor doesn’t work for me (shows blank content)… WP Downgrade has been used, but Text Block still doesn’t work… (

    in reply to: Self-Hosted Video Background Pt. 2 #1007354

    Hi, Victoria,
    should all the changes implemented manually via FTP will be part of the next Enfold update?
    Thank you! )

    in reply to: Self-Hosted Video Background Pt. 2 #1005880

    Hi, Ismael, indeed this looks MUCH-MUCH better! Thanks for that, u r the ROCK! )
    P.S. I also sent you FTP credentials in the separate thread based on your request …

    in reply to: Self-Hosted Video Background Pt. 2 #1005666

    Hi, Victoria,
    both caching plugins are have been deactivated as of now, cache was cleared …

    here you go … ) Thanks!

    in reply to: Self-Hosted Video Background Pt. 2 #1005153

    Hi, Ismael,
    nope, you’ve just sent me the Logo which is working as charm now thanks to the guys. Anyway, initial thread was about the slider, so I don’t see the buttons at each slide at mobile (iPhone) … I just sent you credentials to the admin, so may you please check of what’s going on there on mobile devises ? The goal is to make the slider’s buttons visible … Thank you.

    Hi, Ismael,
    sure, pls. find the credentials below…

    in reply to: How to decrease logo size? #1004456

    Hi, Vinay,
    seems to be working Bud! Thank you!

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by DimaP.
    in reply to: How to decrease logo size? #1004063

    Thanks, done, it was started shrinking much-much beautiful, anyway the final tune is to set the bottom padding / margin, as whilst you see the shrinked logo isn’t well positioned from the bottom…

    in reply to: Self-Hosted Video Background Pt. 2 #1004049

    Seems the code doesn’t work (same height, I tried even do – no change

    @media only screen and (max-width: 1200px) {
    #top .av-video-slide .avia-slideshow-inner {
    min-height: 150vh !important;

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by DimaP.
    in reply to: Self-Hosted Video Background Pt. 2 #1003944

    Much better, but the slides’ height still covers the button in the vertical layout.. So, how to increase slides’ height ?

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by DimaP.

    Good question, just put my image of 1500px x 630px into my Video Slide options (Choose a preview/fallback image), and that’s it – I didn’t find any tick to hide the fallback image @ desktop – are there some option?… There’re the only common option for ALL the slides to hide them @ on large screens, but not for the slide 1 e.g.

    in reply to: Self-Hosted Video Background Pt. 2 #1003886

    Well, looks better, anyway how to put that 1st pink block a bit closer to the slider? As I tried to change “-50px” myself w/ no success. Also let’s see of what’s happened w/the slider itself – the only horizontal view is almost normal, the buttons are there, all the vertical slides becomes purer, not showing the full slider w/ buttons… ? So, another .css fix please?

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by DimaP.
    in reply to: How to decrease logo size? #1003879

    Hi, Ismael,
    should I try putting this into my functions.php?

    in reply to: CDN issue w/ WP Rocket & Enfold #1003719

    Hi, Dude,
    well, I revert back with the question to Cloudway’s dudes, they simply enable CORS policy in 10 mins., then I’ve cleared the WP Rocket cache, now I enjoy a full CDN/WP Rocket functionality!

    in reply to: Self-Hosted Video Background Pt. 2 #1003564

    Hi, Ismael, the issue seems to be fixed, one more beforehand we will close the case: would you check the screenshot that is done @ iPhone, as you can see, the “pink” element covers the slider also buttons within @ mobile whilst @ desktop it looks fine, so how can I fix the issue to ensure website looks brilliant?

    in reply to: Self-Hosted Video Background Pt. 2 #1003384

    Hi, Ismael,
    thanks for the update too, you meant the hard-coding should be done w/ that newest .js? Whether it will be replaced by the standard one during the next/following update, so I will need to replace the code agai and again? Or the change will be implemented into the update, so I shouldn’t be worry about?

    Also, what about my 2nd question, I put in P.S. meaning this one, seems you didn’t catch one neither,

    P.S. In parallel to the above, do you suggest some .css to ensure the slider doesn’t rescaling the fallback image from one original size, as in my case, GtMetrix decreases the ranks of my page suggesting so, FYI:

    Serve scaled images / The following images are resized in HTML or CSS. Serving scaled images could save 75.7KiB (100% reduction). is resized in HTML or CSS from 1500×630 to 0x0. Serving a scaled image could save 75.7KiB (100% reduction).

    in reply to: How to decrease logo size? #1003354

    Hi, Vinay,
    I just saw a small issue I need to fix please, so in between the initial (big) logo (max-height: 90px;) and the scrolled (small) logo (max-height: 37.13px;) we have the “interim” logo (max-height: 80px;) w/o the paddings … So, how I could change the (max-height: 80px;) for (max-height: 71px;) please as it look great.
    The only code we put into Quicj CSS was:

    /* Logo */
    .responsive #top #header #header_main .inner-container .logo {
    display: flex;
    flex-basis: auto;
    padding-top: 6px;
    width: auto;

    /* Define scalable min width of the Logo on small screens */
    min-width: 106.85px;
    /* Define scalable max width of the Logo on big screens */
    /* Logo width: (auto | 100% | px ); Set auto to display the uploaded image size */
    max-width: 187px;
    z-index: 9;
    /* Logo image size */
    .responsive #top #header .logo,
    .responsive #top #header .logo a,
    .responsive #top #header .logo img {
    width: auto;

    /* Height specification is not required. It is proportional to the max width of the Logo */
    height: auto;
    align-items: center;
    align-self: center;
    justify-content: center;
    /* CSS – Shrinking logo */
    .responsive #top .header-scrolled .logo {
    padding-top: 6px !important;
    .responsive #top .header-scrolled .logo img {
    max-height: 37.14px !important;

    Wow! Everything works as a charm, Dude, u r the Rock! Thank you!

    Sure, … ) SFTP or SSH (should work also)

    in reply to: Self-Hosted Video Background Pt. 2 #1003110

    Hi, Ismael,

    I went there, and found 2 piece of code, the big one, and just a smaller string… ) I guessed, the big one I should put into my functions.php, but what about another one? May you suggest here the final working code please to test?

    Also, I saw within the slider a comment about the fallback Lazy Loading – does it mean Enfold’ Lazy Loading option, or it means some cache plugin same option, e.g. WpRocket or so? Even having had my .mp4 video just a small one, ~ 8MB (but this is actually re-encoded via YouTube original HD video of 1920 x 1280, it comes to display a bit slowly calling for the fallback image to be shown instead, while the video is loading.

    Is this the normal situation when the internet connection becomes purer sometime, or this is coz the Lazy Loading option switched on somewhere?

    P.S. In parallel to the above, do you suggest some .css to ensure the slider doesn’t rescaling the fallback image from one original size, as in my case, GtMetrix decreases the ranks of my page suggesting so, FYI:

    Serve scaled images / The following images are resized in HTML or CSS. Serving scaled images could save 75.7KiB (100% reduction). is resized in HTML or CSS from 1500×630 to 0x0. Serving a scaled image could save 75.7KiB (100% reduction).

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by DimaP.

    Hi, Dude,
    thanks for your cordial involvement. )

    I’ve been trying to update my functions w/ your both Code 1 & Code 2, at the current set-up of my website, meaning 404 page was translated to RU, having had the RU slug – NO way,
    then I’ve changed that page’ slug in /error/ and tried to apply both Code 1 & Code 2 – NO way,
    finally, I put that RU 404 page in the trash, and changed one for the proper 404 EN page from my other website (this page is now presence @ Admin), then did all the stuff again, NO way…

    All outcomes are similar to each other,- 404 page seems to be loading, as far as you can see one SEO Title on-top, but not displaying the content within…

    Quite a strange situation, but still hope to fix one of somehow …

    Hi, Ismail,
    good to hear you again! As far as you noticed the main website language is RU, but there will be a few other languages on top. As we’re still staying in the DEV phase for the main language, simply we don’t rush ourselves in the other languages.
    “Becomes positive” means that Website Auditor’s audit was the right one – the custom 404 page there doesn’t work at the moment, meaning when I type a bit of abracadabra in the search string like the page redirects to (seems to be to the 404 custom page) as I can see the SEO Title of the page on top of the browser, but the page content is simply absent – the totally white page.
    Why is that I don’t know … )

    Hi, Dude,
    this becomes positive, AS I just dig inside my Admin by checking the 404 and actually being set-up correctly, it doesn’t being displaying so it displays the SEO Title only, but no content – this is almost strange, so I will give a temporary admin access to have a look through & help to fix the issue… So Web Auditor had the right opinion …

    Hi, Rikard,
    the issue found is just an information message comes out from Web Auditor side, so the tool is suggested that I don’t have the properly set-up page 404. I assumed that there should be some code to be put into functions that exactly states about page 404 presence & one workability, so due to that Web Auditor may recognize the page properly.
    But if not, the 404 page is working as a charm, no issues w/ one at all, except of the only one info-message found.

    Hi, Rikard,
    my goal is to ensure Website Auditors makes as less as possible various suggestions for my website; considering 404 page is set-up correctly, I don’t understand of why it made me point about some problem there. I don’t know of how to pass this check exactly therefore I revert my question to the Team.

    in reply to: How to decrease logo size? #998529

    Hmmm… This is almost strange – in RU this work, but in EN (1:1 QuickCSS) doesn’t … 2-checking now…

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by DimaP.
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