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  • in reply to: Cant change font-size per CSS on textelement #801615

    There is something completey weird with it
    I used your code, it changed but now i cant change it to anything else…its stucked on 20 px and whatever i do…..20em…200px…whatever…
    Nothing changes.
    Wi do not have any caching plugins and yes …i used Strg & F5 several times and i changed the browser as well

    Regards Martin

    in reply to: http –> https / blocked mixed content issue #782230

    Can you please delete this thread?

    in reply to: Enable HTML in Tooltip (Formatting Text) #778419

    Hi Andy
    the only thing you have to do is to let me know what file(s) is / are responsible for the output (see number 2 in my last post)

    Alternative: Show me a gallery-version that let us use reasonable descriptions
    Styled tooltips are nice but if its not possible to give a user useful informations its just a gimmick and not a useful thing.

    Regards Martin

    in reply to: Enable HTML in Tooltip (Formatting Text) #774457

    1: i already showed you the result (see screenshot) –> no linebreak …no list although we marked marked it with br & li
    2: its quite simple to achieve. Its just replace .text with .html somewhere in your Javascript.
    Just let me know where that is

    Regards Martin

    in reply to: Responsive behaviour of custom widget area #763640

    there are more than 500 device-sizes out there.
    Adressing every single one of them by media-queries cant be a proper solution

    Hi Rikard
    stacking when the images starts to scale doesnt work cause that would be on around 1200px and this much to early.
    Can you please tell me more about your other idea (“add it as a background to the element“)?

    Are there some other possible ways to get that done? (Would it be an idea to disable the scaling on the image?)


    in reply to: Responsive behaviour of custom widget area #762214

    Hi Rikard
    stacking when the images starts to scale doesnt work cause that would be on around 1200px and this much to early.
    Can you please tell me more about your other idea (“add it as a background to the element“)?

    Are there some other possible ways to get that done? (Would it be an idea to disable the scaling on the image?)


    What question did you answered with this: “You can try to make font scale and decrease line-height as the window scales.
    Can you please concretise that ?

    Kind regards

    in reply to: Responsive behaviour of custom widget area #760771

    Hi Rikard
    stacking when the images starts to scale doesnt work cause that would be on around 1200px and this much to early.

    Can you please tell me more about your other idea (“add it as a background to the element“)?

    Are there some other possible ways to get that done? (Would it be an idea to disable the scaling on the image?)

    here i set up a testpage for learning / research purposes:

    As you see its just a simple textbox & the image from Enfold – no interfereces with Ubermenu or other Plugis or so.
    Can you please tell me:
    Where in Enfold is the breakpoint defined that makes the textbox stack over the image?

    Kind Regards Martin

    in reply to: Adding additional elements in header #760714

    Hi Ismael
    please leave that thread open since there are still some questions.
    But i need some time to collect them and fix some other stuff before.
    Thanx and have a nice day.
    Kind regards Martin

    in reply to: Adding additional elements in header #759933

    Hi Ismael,
    yes, ok, but can we use width: auto; or does it create problems?

    Kind regards

    in reply to: Adding additional elements in header #759366

    Hello Vinay
    faster back than you thought, right? ;-)
    We have some real trouble with getting the positions & behavior (for mobile and different viewportsizes) we need and before we start to adjust i thought it might better to ask some PROs – you.
    At first we would like to make sure that we dont have any unnecessary or interfering CSS.
    Can we please start with this?

    Ismael gave us this CSS:

     .logo img {
          width: 340px;
          height: 150px !important;
          max-height: 150px !important;
          top: -20px;

    Would it be better to have it like that: width: auto; ?

    .logo img {
      height: 150px !important;
      max-height: 150px !important;
      top: -20px;
    width: auto;


    .addheader {
      float: right;
      width: 100%;
      color: #222 !important;

    Is that float:right really necessary??
    If i remove it it doesnt change anything

    Kind regards Martin

    in reply to: Adding additional elements in header #759046

    Hi Ismael
    thanx again.

    Can you please leave that thread open??
    I guess that i will have twor or three minor things but first i have to adjust some other elements before i can go further with the header.

    Kind regards martin

    in reply to: Adding additional elements in header #758309

    Hi Ismael
    sorry – but that doesnt work.
    Maybe i wasnt clear when i described the problem.
    Can you please watch the screencast?

    It shows what happens if i resize the window.
    Thats what we need to solve and what i cant figure out how to fix.

    Regards Martin

    in reply to: Adding additional elements in header #757003

    Hi Ismael

    There is no issue with the Ubermenu – it was just for your information that there is some CSS regarding the header.

    But i have one (probably) minor thing i fiddle around for a while now.
    Can you please help me to understand where i have to look for the solution?

    The problem:
    The text “Kontakt” & “Anfrage stellen” should be a bit closer at the icons.
    This value for addheader2 & addheader3 would be perfect for desktop:
    padding:0 55px 0 0
    If i do that and than resize the screen the text is to close and overlaps the icon short before the breakpoint.
    I tried it with a relative value ” padding: 0 3% 0 0″ but that didnt help neither.
    Then i tried it with variations of margin and / text-intent but i cant solve it.
    Could you please point me at least in the right direction to find the solution?
    (Sometimes its just small things that can drive you crazy – doesnt it?)

    Kind regards Martin

    in reply to: Adding additional elements in header #756389

    Hi Ismael
    credentials attached
    Regards Martin

    in reply to: Adding additional elements in header #755126

    Hallo Ismael
    i added your CSS but had to change the value from 156px to 150px – otherwise the logo was chopped of a bit on the bottom.

    This shows how the additional elements should be positioned in mobile devices.
    Just right beside the logo

    The settings we have is:
    Stretched layout by 1310px
    Logo left / Menu below
    Breadcrumb & Title = NO
    Header-Size= Big
    No Extra-Elements

    This is what we already have in our CSS regarding the header

    #header #header_main_alternate .container {
      padding: 0px !important;
    	display:block !important;

    The last one is to solve the “residiual styling” problem for Ubermenu from SevenSparks

    Then we have this but it should only affect the <divs> we have added already.
    I am not sure if its correct.

    .addheader {
      float: right;
      width: 45%;
      color: #222 !important;
    .addheader a {
    color:#ccc !important;
    font-size: 100%;
    .addheader1 {
      background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) url("") no-repeat scroll 0 0;
      border: 1px solid #ccc;
      float: left;
      min-height: 51px;
      padding: 0 12px 0 0;
      text-align: right;
      width: 24% !important;
    .addheader2{   background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) url("") no-repeat scroll 0 0;
      border: 1px solid #ccc;
      float: left;
      min-height: 51px;
      padding: 0 12px 0 0;
      text-align: right;
      width: 24% !important;}
    .addheader3{   background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) url("") no-repeat scroll 0 0;
      border: 1px solid #ccc;
      float: left;
      min-height: 51px;
      padding: 0 12px 0 0;
      text-align: right;
      width: 24% !important;}
      .widget.clearfix.widget_text {
      position: relative;
      top: 117px;
      right: 65px;

    Kind Regards martin

    in reply to: Issue with Grid-Row #754010

    Hello Nikko
    thank you very much, that helped.

    Kind regards Martin

    in reply to: Adding additional elements in header #748996

    I forgot to mention the URL:

    I am already quite far but here some specific questions:
    1: How can i reduce the distance between the upper browserwindow edge and the logo?
    2: How can i make the logo bigger? (if i use the “custom pixel value setting” for the header it influences the whole header but i just want to make the logo takes more space)
    3: Something is wrong with the CSS cause it does not adapt properly if i minimize the browser window.

    Thanx Martin

    in reply to: Adding additional elements in header #748989

    Hi Basil
    Mister Budschedl aka Kriesi told us personally on Themeforest this:
    Hey Martin!

    1.) the Customization wouldn’t be too hard I guess, since all you need to do is to inject a html button into the header which can be done via one of the WordPress Hooks in file includes/herlper-main-menu.php. All you need to do then is to style the button to your likings and position it properly. This is something we can definitley help with once we know which header and layout setting you are going for ;)

    Ok, so here we go:
    This is what we are going to achieve:

    The Layout we have choosen is this:

    Thanx for supporting
    Regards Martin

    in reply to: Mysterious Sidebar-Content – cant remove it #739504

    thanks a lot!!
    That was the solution.
    Maybe i should not try to work on my website with almost 40° fever….
    Regards marcus

    in reply to: Simple Layout seems impossible to achieve #735419

    Ok – i guess i solved it.
    I didnt expect that a cell could contain layout-columns.
    Still seems a bit strange to me but if it works…
    Regards max

    in reply to: Simple Layout seems impossible to achieve #735411

    Hi Rikard
    giving you the link doesnt make sense at this point since i dont even come close to it.
    Every approach seems to be wrong.
    Please just let me know what the right approach would be.
    Grid-rows or layout column? Then i can do a reasonable start instead of fumbling arround and get frustrated.

    in reply to: Simple Layout seems impossible to achieve #735260

    You say thats def. possible?
    So you know wich way to go?
    Why dont you share yor knowledge?

    in reply to: Simple Layout seems impossible to achieve #735256

    I definitely dont want any “step by step-instruction”.
    I tried more than two hours and every solution that came into my mind – from grid-rows to any kind of version with layout columns – but nothing worked.
    Then i gave up.

    in reply to: How to remove Border from header_main #732216

    Hi Yigit
    strange.I flushed the cache when i tried as well and it didnt work.
    Now its fine

    in reply to: How to remove Border from header_main #732067

    Hi Yigit
    it didnt help, sorry:

    Regards Max

    in reply to: Position of slide description #732066

    Hello Ismael
    thanxs for helping and we decided to use stretched layout.

    Two small questions left:
    1: We can move the code from Quick CSS field to our child-themes CSS-file?
    2: On a mobile the heading of the description is chopped off. I guess its more a question of the height of the color section. Is that correct? can you please point me in the right direction?

    Best Regards

    in reply to: How to build a "Customers liked also" #731059

    Yes , of course ….but then i am closed to an oldschool manualy crafted HTML webpage.
    An experienced Mod like you for sure has something more sophisticated (some PHP for our child-themes functions.php)
    Please share your knowledge with us.

    Regards Max

    in reply to: Position of slide description #730704

    Hallo Ismael
    Thanks for helping, but please let us know what you have done.
    Can you please have a look before into the screenshot to avoid misunderstandings?

    Kind regards Max

    in reply to: How to build a "Customers liked also" #730672

    Hallo Rikard
    not really.
    Optical similar but the links are on the title and not on the images (which have been added by the standard WP function “add media”).
    If you tell me a solution how to bring the links on the images for that i think my boss can live with it
    Kind regards Max

    in reply to: Position of slide description #729585

    Hello Ismael
    this is the result of your code:

    This is what we want to achieve:

    You see the difference?

    Regards Max

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