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  • in reply to: Import theme settings to child theme #1290742

    Ok, I had to save the settings several times. Tedious!

    in reply to: How to check for updates automatically #1235609

    I would appreciate that.

    Your description is not very clear. It reads:

    Once you have entered and verified your Envato Personal Token Key WordPress will check for updates every 12 Hours and notify you here, if one is available.

    This is not quite true, if I have to log in first.

    The system check is not running smoothly. Today, I checked a customer site and logged in. It said: Version 4.7.4, no update available. Seriously? I had to check manually TWICE for the available update to show.

    Mainwp, on the other hand, showed the new version, but was not able to perform the pending update.Please, check with Envato. This is very annoying and time-consuming and not acceptable for a premium theme.

    in reply to: How to check for updates automatically #1234847

    Currently, the theme only checks for theme updates when a user access the admin or during an AJAX call.

    Well, this would easily explain, why some sites don’t show updates. Some customers almost never log in. The same is true for me, since I use remote maintenance whenever possible. The update check should not rely on user access to the dashboard but on the wp-cron. It would be even better if you could provide an URL that could be called via a cronjob. Is this a problem due to Envato restrictions?

    in reply to: How to check for updates automatically #1234322

    I tested it again. The issue is not caused by mainwp. Today, I checked manually for updates for the Enfold theme and checkd again in mainwp. It shows the available update. So, the problem is Enfold not performing the update checks automatically. Actually, this was my very first question: How can I trigger the update check without logging in? Some sites do perfom the update check. Does it depend on how often somebody logs in? I am pretty sure that my customers do not check for updates. Neither do I.

    So, I would like to repeat my question: Can I trigger the update check via a cronjob. Please let me know.



    in reply to: How to check for updates automatically #1233715

    I don’t see a pattern. I have several sites on the same server using pretty much the same configuration. Some check automatically for updates, others don’t. I can update some site via mainwp, others fail.This is very annoying. Would you please dig into it? This is very likely not a problem with Envato. I use the Betheme (via Envato) on at least 20 sites. The updates run with no problems at all. All Enfold tokens are validated and ok.

    in reply to: How to check for updates automatically #1233700

    Hi Rikard,
    the updates via mainwp run ok. The problem is, that the theme is not always checked automatically for updates. Please, see the attached screenshot. The first screenshot shows the updates panel (today): No update available. After manually checking it clearly shows that there IS an update:
    Some sites run the update check automatically, others don’t. So, I would rather use a cronjob to be safe. Is this possible?

    in reply to: Input for slider button label not sanitized #1164372

    Hi Günter,
    ok, I get it. That’s the price you have to pay when using such powerfull themes. :-)) I think, a short note above the input fields would be perfectly fine. Just give the user a hint where to beginn the troubleshooting.

    Thanks, Mike

    in reply to: Input for slider button label not sanitized #1164173

    I don’t quite get the idea. Why don’t you sanitize the input fields? I know that “>” and “<” are used in html tags. This is exactly why this issue should be addressed by the dev team, since most users are not aware of this problem. These symbols are relatively often used and are not considered special characters. Let alone characters that could break the slider. It’s okay that theses characters must not be used. But it’s not ok to not give any kind of hint or info. It took me some 15 minutes to figure out what’s going on being a quite experienced pro. If you can’t find a proper solution, you could at least add a warning like “Don’t use special characters!”. Having said this, a proper validation seems to me appropriate for such a powerful theme like the Enfold.
    Best, Mike

    in reply to: Input for slider button label not sanitized #1164096

    Thanks for the update. While I personally would never use “>>>” in a title, I wouldn’t call it a special character. However, the mor important question is: What is considered a special character by the devs? I would rather not use a plugin for such a special task. We probably don’t need it. But it would be better just to know which characters might cause trouble.

    in reply to: Input for slider button label not sanitized #1164073

    Thank you very much!

    in reply to: Update for LayerSlider notification #1162213

    By the way, will you integrate this function in the theme core? This would probably cause a conflict with the same function in the child theme and could break the site.

    in reply to: Update for LayerSlider notification #1161794

    Hi Nikko,
    I can confirm that the updated code snippet is working perfectly. Thank you. this should be part of the theme core, since most users won’t have the time or experience to implement this solution. While this is really not a major issue, it’s quite distracting to see a plugin update notification without knowing where it comes from.
    Thanks, Mike

    in reply to: Update for LayerSlider notification #1161047

    No, it does not work. Not even in on our staging server. Just go to Updates and reload. You will see the red circle, but no update showing in the panel. Please, see the screenshot:

    in reply to: Update for LayerSlider notification #1160654

    Luckily, we have a staging server for this site. Please, see the private content for the credentials. Feel free to tweak some files.

    in reply to: Update for LayerSlider notification #1160327

    Oh, I’m sorry. Update notifications are by default only visible by me. I’ve just disabled the function. You should now see the pending updates.

    in reply to: Severe problems with editor on Mac + Firefox #1160260

    Hi Victoria,
    what now? While I totally understand that this is a tricky issue for you, I’ll have to find a solution for my customer. She is simply not able to edit anything. Even IF Wordfence would be the problem, should I disable one of the most popular plugins?

    in reply to: Update for LayerSlider notification #1160258

    Hi Nikko,
    please find the credentials in the private data section. We don’t use a child theme. Instead, we have a custom plugin called “Wartung”. Feel free to temporarily change the theme or the plugin. I tried your snippet in both the theme and and plugin with no luck.
    Thank you!

    in reply to: Update for LayerSlider notification #1159864

    Hi Nikko,
    tried the snippet. Unfortunately, it didn’t change anything. The notification is still there.


    in reply to: Severe problems with editor on Mac + Firefox #1159204

    unfortunately, I can’t confirm that. We tested it, and it worked. Then, I reactivated Wordfence and the Cache Plugin. It still worked. Then a disabled wp_debug, and the editor did not worked. I enabled wp_debug again, but the problems are still there. We cleared the cache and I even asked the client to shut down her computer. However, it would not a solution anyway. I don’t want to run a site with debugging enabled. What now? I know, it’s a weird situation. I can’t see any of theses problems on my machine. But the client is pretty pissed, and I understand her.

    in reply to: Update for LayerSlider notification #1159149

    it does not work. It is stated clearly in that thread that the code snippet will supress ALL update notifications. That’s what it does in my installation. As others say, it’s not really a big issue. However, the phantom notification is a nuisance and should not appear in a premium theme like Enfold. At least, now I know why it does not show up on the other site: It’s deactivated in the theme options.
    Thanks, Mike

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by DFME.
    in reply to: Severe problems with editor on Mac + Firefox #1158092

    No problems whatsoever on my Windows 7 + any browser. Please see private content for the FTP credentials.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by DFME.
    in reply to: Severe problems with editor on Mac + Firefox #1157224

    Any news on this topic? My customer is not able to edit any content on her site, and she is not amused.

    Thanks, Mike

    in reply to: Severe problems with editor on Mac + Firefox #1156714

    By the way, my customer’s machine is running on Mojave OS.

    in reply to: Severe problems with editor on Mac + Firefox #1156130

    at least, this is much better than what my customer sees.
    I’ve enabled the theme editor. Feel free to do whatever you need.

    in reply to: Severe problems with editor on Mac + Firefox #1156001

    I asked the customer to install Chrome on her Mac.Still no luck. The editor is dead on Firefox, Safari and Chrome.

    in reply to: Severe problems with editor on Mac + Firefox #1155963

    For test purposes, I deactivated all plugins but the most important ones. No luck, the editor is still not working on Mac + Firefox. Safari seems to be problem, too.
    Do you have an Apple machine for testing? I don’t have any problems running on Win 7.

    in reply to: Severe problems with editor on Mac + Firefox #1155858

    Disabling Wordfence made things even worse. The editor stayed in loading mode. That means, the loading indicator was spinning forever, and no content was loaded even in Mac + Safari and Win 7 + Chrome. My customer is not amused. Any ideas?

    Best, Mike

    in reply to: Severe problems with editor on Mac + Firefox #1155600

    the site is running on PHP 7.3.
    Thanks, Mike

    in reply to: Severe problems with editor on Mac + Firefox #1155514

    I’ve already tried this. Didn’t fix the problem.

    in reply to: Severe problems with editor on Mac + Firefox #1155037
    This reply has been marked as private.
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