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  • in reply to: Section ID #598190

    Hi.. I have found the solution with adding 1/1 element and code block with <div id=”customid”></div> just for info if anyone have the same issue.. also with mobile css is fixed

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by dewasurya.
    in reply to: Section ID #598178

    Hi Vinay,

    Thank you for your response. Unfortunately it act the same as color section.
    Please find below private details.

    Also another question if I may ask, I set the table custom size for certain ID, it looks perfect on PC but mess on mobile, can we disable the applied css on mobile for that certain ID? You may see this on the rates table on page details below


    in reply to: Section ID #597465

    Thanks Yigit,

    But that doesn’t work..
    What I mean is I need to apply Section ID on comments.
    I have button “see more comments” on the top of the page that I want to have anchor linked to the comments section below.
    I can have it correctly while the page is full width by inserting the comments element inside color section that has section ID, but the story is different when the page has sidebar, the sidebar now disappears from the right side and appears on the bottom of the page because the color section stretch to the full page, so my sidebar is below.
    So I need the css for color section to have width the same as 1/1 element instead of full width, so it won’t crash the sidebar..
    Hope it is clear


    in reply to: upload font #583852

    Tried that already..
    The strange thing is, it is appear fine on mac, but not on my windows

    in reply to: upload font #582886

    Still not working..
    But it works in Mac, just not on my windows pc??

    in reply to: upload font #582111

    Hi.. OK. Please find it on private content section.. Thanks

    in reply to: Shortcode on top of slideshow #513588

    Got it.. Thanks.. It works!

    in reply to: Shortcode on top of slideshow #513088

    Hi Sorry,
    It didn’t work..

    in reply to: Shortcode on top of slideshow #512054

    Thanks alot Rikard for your help. I sent you the private details.

    in reply to: portfolio open not in the new tab #361245

    Hi Yigit,

    Thank you.. I can make it this time.
    I am sure i put the code before the closing php tag.
    I was editing the file with notepad++ and it always get my site blank. Now I edit with dreamweaver, not sure what was the difference, but now it works!


    in reply to: portfolio open not in the new tab #360689

    Hi Thanks,

    I have another problem for the masonry gallery, I need it to open in the new tab too:


    in reply to: portfolio open not in the new tab #358934
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: portfolio open not in the new tab #354957

    Hi Yigit,

    It turns my whole site to blank..

    in reply to: gallery shrinking? #346956

    Thank you it works!

    in reply to: gallery shrinking? #346933

    Hi Arvish,

    I found the problem, it caused by Revolution Slider Plugin (when i disabled it, gallery back to normal).
    I have to use this plugin as the Layer Slider plugin broke because of my other important plugin “convertable”
    Any way how to fix this?


    in reply to: layer slider crash #338066

    Hi Josue,

    Thank you so much for your reply.
    Is enfold compatible with another slider plugin?


    in reply to: layer slider crash #335927

    Hi Yigit,
    I deactivated the plugin at the moment. It appears once I activate and login into the plugin system.


    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by dewasurya.
    in reply to: update breaks color serction #334603

    Hi Josue,

    Thank you for your fast response. It works!


    in reply to: Contact form Indicator #306163

    Hi Josue,

    Sorry for being pain.
    Actually we would like to track the source from where they find our website. We need to grab the cookies and insert it inside the email that visitor submitted from your contact form.
    We have manage to write some texts in the contact form, but now we would like to replace the text with the cookies, then we are able to get the tracking for every conversion.

    If I may ask, how we can output the content from the Contact Us form to a local file at the same time as generating an email to our email address? So we dont need to assign email to PHP, and we just need to write the content to a file which will include the email (plus name, subject, message)?

    Or do you have any other suggestion?

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Contact form Indicator #305600

    Hi Josue,
    Could you please let me know where this code should exactly should be located?


    in reply to: Contact form Indicator #305525

    Hi Josue,

    Thank you.
    I tried couple ways putting the codes, but ended with blank page.

    We like to have something like this inside the Email Form:
    echo “SRC= “.$_SESSION[‘src’].” ADID= “.$_SESSION[‘adid’];
    $ip = getenv(‘REMOTE_ADDR’);
    $time = date(“M j G:i:s Y”);
    fwrite($fwrite, “T=”.$time.”\t IP=”.$ip.”\t EMAIL= SOURCE=”.$_SESSION[‘src’].” ADID=”.$_SESSION[‘adid’].”\n”);

    Hhow we can assign the EMAIL address that’s captured on to a PHP session variable e.g. $_SESSION[’email’]?


    in reply to: Contact form Indicator #302407

    Hi Dude,

    Thank you so much for your help. It’s a charm!

    I have now some similar thing but in the different level, please advise if you could help.
    I have set some parameters in the front page using plugin insert php, to catch the source of the person who contact us, to know that our adwords is worth or not.
    here is the parameters:
    if(isset($_SESSION[‘src’]) && isset($_SESSION[‘adid’])) {
    $_SESSION[‘src’] = $_GET[‘src’];
    $_SESSION[‘adid’] = $_GET[‘adid’];
    } else {
    $_SESSION[‘src’] = ”;
    $_SESSION[‘adid’] = ”;

    Then I need the text in the message to be the result of the parameters instead of the current plain text message:
    $_SESSION[‘src’] = $_GET[‘src’];
    $_SESSION[‘adid’] = $_GET[‘adid’];
    echo “SRC= “.$_SESSION[‘src’].” ADID= “.$_SESSION[‘adid’];

    Please help if possible.


    in reply to: Contact form Indicator #292776

    Hi Josue,

    Thank you.
    It works, however, it just work if I change the class-form-generator.php in the main theme. I can’t apply it from child theme? I’m afraid it will gone in the next theme update.
    And as the additional message is set in function.php, it apply for all contact form in all pages, we need to make the text different, depend on the page. Is that possible?


    in reply to: Contact form Indicator #291954

    Hi Peter,

    Thank you for your help. But it change the mail subject completely, and each new message always has the same subject. This is not what I mean. Sorry for the confusion.
    If you see contact form 7. you can define some text in message body:

    This e-mail was sent from a Promo Blast on Villa Bugis (

    The same with this, I need to add some text after all message defined by all fields in your contact form. I don’t want to use contact form 7 as contact form 7 could not redirect the page to another page after submit.

    Sorry for my bad English, hope you understand.


    in reply to: Contact form Indicator #290941


    Thank you,
    so how this is work? I just tried to send an email, but there is no indicator showing that it is came from this contact form.

    Name: test4
    E-Mail: (Email address hidden if logged out)
    Subject: testing email subject 4

    Message: test ajaahhh

    I need something written inside the email that I receive. For example under the message there is always text says “email from contact us”. Then in another contact form in different page, there is another text says something else. Therefore I can give indicator which email came from which contact form

    in reply to: Contact form Indicator #290866


    I might do something wrong. Once I paste the code it makes my sites blank. Please have a try with the login info i gave you.


    in reply to: missing default text editor #285137
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: missing default text editor #285119

    Hi Yigit,

    Thank you for your response.
    I use the latest Enfold version 2.8.1 already.
    Did I missed something?

    in reply to: virtual tour panorama #278454

    That works! Thank you..

    in reply to: virtual tour panorama #278408

    Hi Josue,

    Thank you for your response.
    Do you mean I make a color section and then add text block inside it?
    Unfortunately it’s not working. I have tried with changing the style too.. still it just same width as content.
    Please see the page here :

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