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  • in reply to: Changing distance between different elements… #1249637

    Hi Jordan,

    could you please post a screenshot, too. Because without I can’t see what you see on your side.
    And – no of course, I couldn’t fix the problem(s)…how could I? Because I lack the knowledge,
    I ask you. I’m looking forward to your new reply!

    Kind regards

    in reply to: Button-Size / Changing in mobile view #1247007

    Hi Rikard,

    thx for the new snippets! Now it works perfect…great!
    It seems that this problem is solved! :)
    See you soon…

    Bon Weekend

    in reply to: Button-Size / Changing in mobile view #1246517

    Hey Rikard,

    thank you for your reply and the snippets!

    They working quite good but not perfect. ;-) Take a new look on
    the new screenshot. You’ll see that the button is right now in
    the middle – great! But it is also still to far over the slider. I want
    the button complete under the slider. Changing the “margin-top”
    did change unfortunately nothing. ;-/

    Kind regards

    in reply to: H-Headlines / Fontsize-Adjusting for mobile view #1244683

    Hi Mike,

    thx for you new reply! The snippets working fine! :)
    New questions are already in the pipeline…see you soon! :)
    But this thread you can close.

    Best regards

    in reply to: H-Headlines / Fontsize-Adjusting for mobile view #1244042

    Hi Mike,

    thx for your answer! But unfortunately we have a little missunderstanding. ;-)
    Did you take a new view to the old thread again? I only want the size-
    correction on the mobile-view/resolution, not on the desktop-view! I changed
    the H-tag-sizes in the “Advanced Stylings” already and because of that, the
    Headlines doesn’t change to a smaller size in the mobile view! ;-/

    I need a snippet, or snippets, like these for my H1 and H3:
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    #main .av-mini-font-size-14 > h2 {
    font-size: 12px !important;
    Now you know what I need…don’t you? :-)

    I’m looking forward to your new reply.

    Best regards

    Hi Jordan,

    no, you can close…thx…

    Best regards

    Hi Rikard,

    sorry, you’re right! It was or it is the browser! ;-/ ;-)
    With Firefox it works right now. And tomorrow
    there will be the next browser-update and the next
    tech-prob arrives. ;-) And again and again…it’ll
    never stops! ;-)

    Happy weekend and see ya soon!

    Kind regards

    Hi Nikko,

    sorry, I thought the thread-number would be enough for you. ;)

    Best regards

    in reply to: WP-Update 5.5-Probs…as already known ;-) #1238787

    Hi Rikard,

    thanks for your new reply and the new infos! Right, now it works! :-)
    I’ve got no idea why it didn’t at the weekend. ;-) Damn technic! ;-)
    Or damn user ;-)

    Ok, it seems that the world is fine again…thanks again! :-)

    Best regards

    in reply to: WP-Update 5.5-Probs…as already known ;-) #1238225

    Hi Rikard,

    thx for your fast reply and the new infos! The trick with the simple
    click on an element I didn’t know before…thx…but it helps not
    really good, because if you have to put the element back in direction
    to the top you still have the known problem. ;-)

    Yesterday I saw a new enfold-update arrived, but unfortunately
    it didn’t solve the problem. Ok, we have to wait a little bit longer.

    Thanks also for your offer to update to your last “developer-version”!
    I think about it and if the next “normal“ update takes to long time
    I’ll come back to you! In the meantime working with the “classic-
    editor” works. :-)

    Kind regards

    in reply to: WP-Update 5.5-Probs…as already known ;-) #1237545

    Good evening Rikard,

    thanks for your quick answer!

    After I tested again today, the problem with the title bar has disappeared ;-)
    I also tried to work with the block editor again today, but it still doesn’t
    work well. It works, but moving the layout elements from top to bottom is
    still not possible!

    So, then check it by yourself. I’m curious what comes out of it!

    Best regards

    in reply to: Burger-Menu / How can I change the position? #1228977

    Hi Ismael,

    thx also for this answer and I’m sorry also here for my late reply!

    It wasn’t odd – that was creative, because I’m an designer and designers
    must be progressive! ;-) But I recognized immediately that would not be
    easy to handle…especially in the mobile view! ;-/ And of course I’m further
    in the draftmode and because of that I decided to change it again. Now I
    switch back to the right side and reduced the burger menu on only the word.
    Please take a new look on the site and you’ll see.

    A couple of weeks ago I’ve visited a friends-website. And now I would like to
    have the same burger-menu as he has. :-) Please, take a look at his site and
    tell me – how can I create/copy this menu with the enfold-builder? That would
    be great! :-)

    Kind regards

    in reply to: H-Headlines / The fontsize don't adjust on mobile #1228938

    Hi Mike,

    thx for your answer and sorry for my late reply! But as you guys I’ve got also
    so many to do right now. ;-/

    Ok, I see…thx for the detailed explanation! I’ll definitely come back to you Mike,
    if I have a new H-question – on another page. :-)

    Kind regards

    Hi again Folks,

    I just wanted to ask again, if you Victoria (or Rikard?) had the possibility
    to check my follow-up-question in the meantime?

    Kind regards

    Hi Ismael,

    thx for your answer and sorry for my late reply! But as you guys I’ve got also
    so many to do right now. ;-/

    Ok, I see…thx for the explanation! And good that this will not take affect on
    the front-end. But it is of course a little problem in the cooperation of Yoast
    and the enfold-builder. Because Yoast shows you constantly a bad result of
    your SEO-effort. ;-) Anyway…Yoast is not allmighty, isn’t it? ;-)

    Kind regards

    in reply to: Strange distance-behaviour between columns #1224871

    Hi Jordan,

    thx for your reply!

    Of course I know that it is difficult to analyze that. And of course I did some
    updates – the last wp- and enfold-updates. And the one and other plugin
    was also involved.

    So, do I see that right – the only way to find out is to check every site completly
    after every update? It seems so… Wow, that’s a hard task! ;-/ Or do you have
    another suggestion?

    Kind regards

    in reply to: Strange distance-behaviour between columns #1224609

    Hey Rikard,

    thank you for your fast reply and snippet. The snippet works fine…great! :)

    I know you guys are always in hurry, but can you please explain me what
    the problem was? And why does it happened on this page? Thank you
    for your effort!

    Kind regards

    Hi Ismael,

    now I tried the “@font-face rule“ and I thought I did it right but unfortunately
    the font doesn’t appear in the backend. By the way – where does the font
    should appear? In the tab “fonts“ at the bottom in the “general stylings“?

    Please take a look at the screenshots – on the first you see the style.css with
    the font-rules. Are they ok? On the second you see the wp-path. So, where
    is the mistake?

    Best regards

    Hey Rikard,

    thank you for your reply and help!

    Great, your new snippet works fine…thx again! Of course the snippet
    helps to solve the problem, but it doesn’t explain why the timeline-
    element does not working as it should. Is that a new bug after the last
    enfold- or wp-update? I tried the timeline also on other sites and there
    is the same problem!

    Kind regards

    in reply to: Strange Backend-Problem #1220944

    Hey Rikard,

    nice to hear from you! It seems that you’re right! God damn…everytime these
    annoying problems with that plugins! ;-( Of course I knew that plugins often
    do bullshit to the system, but the problem is too, that these does not happen
    on every site! Very often you work quit normal and nothing happens! Can you
    confirm this experience?

    So, what is the conclusion of this? Always deactivate cache-plugins until you
    finished a website! ;-/ ;-) Or do you have a better suggestion? How do you
    work normaly?

    I’m looking forward to hear again from you.

    Kind regards

    in reply to: Burger-Menu / How can I change the position? #1220919

    Hi Yigit,

    thx for your reply and new help!

    Very nice, but unfortunately not perfect. ;-) Please look again at my screenshot.
    Yes, I know that I can enable the sidebar-menu in the theme options. ;-) And it
    looks nearly like my screenshot, but only nearly. ;-) I want the “sidebar-menu“
    in the center of the page and not on the side! Just a center-menu! ;-) But still
    with that small width! And I want the text right-justified…as you can see on the
    screenshot. :-)

    I know you can do that…I count on you! :-)

    Best regards

    in reply to: H-Headlines / The fontsize don't adjust on mobile #1218791

    Hi Jordan,

    thx for your superfast reply!

    Ok, I see…within the section it is no problem. But how can I use the snippet
    in another section/ in another site? Because I’ve got some more customer-
    sites with the same problem. ;-/ How can I adjust the snippet for other sites?
    In the private content you can see another customer-example.

    And basically: How do I know/see which section I am actually in?
    You guys mention these sections again and again, but so far I can’t
    really classify how I recognize a section? Sorry, but after all this time
    I’m still a beginner. I learn every day more but mostly it’s not enough. ;)

    Kind regards

    in reply to: Burger-Menu / How can I change the position? #1218570

    Hi Yigit,

    thx for your answer and sorry for my late reply!
    Your snippets working fine…thx again!

    Now I’ve got further wishes, sorry. In the mobile view
    I want the burger-menu back on the right side.

    And I have a little special wish – please take a look
    at the screenshot and you’ll understand. I wanna
    change the menu-overlay in that kind you can see.
    On the example-site you can see a burger-menu
    that is nearly like that I wanna have. Hopefully it is
    not to complicated.

    Kind regards

    in reply to: H-Headlines / The fontsize don't adjust on mobile #1218489

    Hi Mike,

    also sorry for my late reply and thx for yours!
    Your snippet works very fine…thx again very much!
    Is it possible to use the snippet for all other “h” tags,
    too – means – can I change it to h1, h3 and so on
    and it works too? Or is the fontsize of 14pt only for h2
    and the other h-tags have other sizes? And what would
    those be?

    Thanks in advance…

    Kind regards

    Hey Ismael,

    thx for your answer!

    Good information! I didn’t know that I only can upload Google-fonts.
    Not nice but ok…now I know it. Why you didn’t write that on the
    documentation-page? That’s a really important information! (in my opinion)

    I’ll try now your tipp to use the “@font-face rule”…hope it works. Until I tried
    please let the thread open…thank you!

    Best regards

    in reply to: Burger-Menu / How can I change the position? #1214686

    Hey Ismael,

    thanks for your answer. At the moment it takes a little bit time since you all
    guys answer. Do you have so much to do? I’m just asking.

    The webadress you’ve seen in the private field is just for download, it is not the
    actual site. You’ll now find the address in the p-field.

    Thanks for the new snippet…it works but not really good! Please take a look
    at the site and try the menu by your own and you’ll see it immediately. :)
    And sorry, but you only answered one part of my question(s). What’s missing
    is, how I can change the distance of the burger-menu to the content-area?

    Best regards

    PS: Hope you guys are all fine in these difficult times…stay healthy! Without
    your top-support we also can’t do our job very well!

    in reply to: H-Headlines / The fontsize don't adjust on mobile #1214319

    Hi Rikard,

    sorry, but the site is definitely accessible! Please try again. Only thing:
    this adress is not in https-mode but http-mode. ;-)

    Best regards

    PS: In the meantime I checked also other customer-sites and there is
    the problem too! Please take a further look at the new screenshot.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by designbasis.

    Hi Ismael,

    thx for your double-answer! :) During the waitingtime I changed the startpage
    a little bit, sorry! ;) But I tried also what you’ve written first. First I didn’t
    understand but after thinking about it’s got clear. But sorry, the result isn’t really
    satisfying. ;-/

    So, now I’ve got the slider-solution. I can’t use the Fullscreen-Slider because
    my customer don’t like it…I tried it already.

    You described in the following sentences what I have to do next. But would you
    please so kind and tell me exactly which additional css I have to put in? In ad-
    vance thx a lot!

    Best regards

    Hi Victoria,

    thx and sorry for the late reply, but I’m very busy at the moment.

    The solution should be that the image is always completely visible,
    also in the horizontal view! And the text underneath, too. I’m aware
    that the image must be scaled smaller for this option. But that’s ok!

    In other words, no matter which view you are in (horizontal or vertical
    view), the entire content should always be completely visible. But only
    on the start page! In the vertical view it already works! :)

    Ok, I hope my wish has become clearer now, right? :)

    Best regards

    Hi Victoria,

    thx for your reply. No problem…here are the screenshots,
    which shows the issue quite good. In the vertical-view
    everything is ok, especially at the desktop-resolution. But in
    the horizontal-view the image is always half cutted, but I
    have the wish that you can see the full image also in the
    horizontal-view…including the text underneath. Is it now
    clearer what my wish is?

    Best regards

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