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  • in reply to: Unknown error on page. How to find out? #163965
    global $avia_config;
    	 * get_header is a basic wordpress function, used to retrieve the header.php file in your theme directory.
     	 if( get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'header', true) != 'no') echo avia_title();
    		<div class='container_wrap main_color <?php avia_layout_class( 'main' ); ?>'>
    			<div class='container'>
    				<div class='template-page template-portfolio content  <?php avia_layout_class( 'content' ); ?> units'>
                  echo "<div style='float:left; border:1px solid #E1E1E1; margin-right:5%; margin-bottom:20px;'>";
    			  	if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { // check if the post has a Post Thumbnail assigned to it.
                  the_post_thumbnail( );
    				the_title( '</div><h3>', '</h3><p>' ); 
    				echo strip_tags (
    				get_the_term_list( get_the_ID(), 'customers_entries' )
    				$customers_website = simple_fields_get_post_value(get_the_id(), array(3, 1), true);
    				echo "</p><p><a href='$customers_website' target='_blank'>$customers_website</a></p>";
    				/* Run the loop to output the posts.
    				* If you want to overload this in a child theme then include a file
    				* called loop-page.php and that will be used instead.
    				$avia_config['size'] = avia_layout_class( 'main' , false) == 'entry_without_sidebar' ? '' : 'entry_with_sidebar';
    				get_template_part( 'includes/loop', 'portfolio-single' );
    				<!--end content-->
    				//get the sidebar
    				$avia_config['currently_viewing'] = 'page';
    			</div><!--end container-->
    		</div><!-- close default .container_wrap element -->
    <?php get_footer(); ?>
    in reply to: Unknown error on page. How to find out? #163502

    Because of the previous part:

    echo "<div style='float:left; border:1px solid #E1E1E1; margin-right:5%; margin-bottom:20px;'>";
    if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { // check if the post has a Post Thumbnail assigned to it.
    the_post_thumbnail( );

    the_post_thumbnail is put in between a div. Atm the div has inline styling, but that’s just temporary. PHP is definitely not my specialty. That piece of code is only 10 rules or so and there is already some error. I’ve just checked the log and even on the “good link” there is an error. Guess I’ll have to find a better way to achieve this.

    I can look on the internet, BUT my new question depends on the theme, so I’ll ask that here. Maybe better in a new topic?

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by DavyE.
    in reply to: Unknown error on page. How to find out? #163050

    I’ve basically added this to that single-portfolio.php file:

                  echo "<div style='float:left; border:1px solid #E1E1E1; margin-right:5%; margin-bottom:20px;'>";
    			  	if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { // check if the post has a Post Thumbnail assigned to it.
                  the_post_thumbnail( );
    				the_title( '</div><h3>', '</h3><p>' ); 
    				echo strip_tags (
    				get_the_term_list( get_the_ID(), 'customers_entries' )
    				$customers_website = simple_fields_get_post_value(get_the_id(), array(3, 1), true);
    				echo "</p><p><a href='$customers_website' target='_blank'>$customers_website</a></p>";

    This is supposed to make sure that the logo (featured image), the title and a custom field of that specific page are automatically shown on the page in a specific way. If I delete that piece of code, the page is back to normal (empty content though).

    What I’m trying to achieve is to have a few elements of the portfolio page to be shown, then see all of the page content (which doesn’t seem to load now) and then the footer etc.

    The strange thing is, the “Good link” has the exact same piece of code and there’s no error there.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by DavyE.
    in reply to: Unknown error on page. How to find out? #163044

    I have once again made sure the socket and footer widgets are set to display. In the page itself it’s set to “Enfold Default” and in the Enfold theme settings it’s set to “Display the footer widgets & socket”. So I’m very sure it’s supposed to show.

    Look closely and you’ll notice the web address below the name (right of the logo) is visible on the good link and invisible on the bad link. So I assume the error is located around there, maybe.

    I’ve performed an online test of the page to see if there are errors and I’ve seen some PHP errors, if I understood correctly. I just can’t figure out where the error is located. I think it’s the closing of a php tag or something.

    in reply to: How to translate Enfold site with WPML, correctly? #162940

    Thanks very much for that explanation!

    I’m a bit confused as to what’s the difference between WPML > String Translation and Codestyling Localization.

    in reply to: Fullscreen easy slider in IE8 background out of proportion #162822

    Hi Kriesi.

    I had no idea it was such a difficult issue. My apologies for causing you frustrations and I really appreciate your effort and time to try to solve this. Now that I know it’s either too difficult to fix or just impossible I can say the same when others ask me why it’s not perfect on their machine.

    So thank you very much, I’ll just make due with what the theme offers and adapt to that. Just one question now that you mention “I think I will reset the slider”, do you mean that you’ll switch back to the previous slider in the next theme update? I’d like to know so I can add the necessary CSS back to disable the image repeating on IE8.

    in reply to: Fullscreen easy slider in IE8 background out of proportion #162175

    Ok so I’ve tried resizing the image to be within your suggested dimensions of 1500 x 500 px. I’ve resized the image to be 1000 x 500 and it is not stretched, great! Thanks for the suggestion!

    But, now my question is if I can change something in the code somewhere in order to accept larger sizes so the image isn’t that blurry on bigger screen sizes. I’ve set the image in the slider to “No scaling”, but it doesn’t change anything, so must be in the code itself then.

    I’d like to keep the 1920 width.

    in reply to: Fullscreen easy slider in IE8 background out of proportion #161742

    FYI: I just tried it on a completely new Wp install with a new db and ftp and no plugins installed.

    in reply to: Fullscreen easy slider in IE8 background out of proportion #161623

    Oh, and by the way, love your new site (though I’m not so fond of the dark color outside the boxed site).

    I do wonder how you managed to add 2 overlay buttons ons portfolio items (demo and details). It’s not something that comes with the Enfold theme, is it?

    in reply to: Fullscreen easy slider in IE8 background out of proportion #161621

    Still the same. Tried it on different pages and with different images as well, same problem.

    It’s really important that I can fix this ASAP. The site goes live next week and still have much work to do with these sliders on multiple pages. :(

    in reply to: My menu not working well with touch devices #127478

    Hi, I haven’t heard anything from this anymore. This issue still needs a fix though. Is there any alternative, like JS, please?

    I basically need something to tell the submenu to disappear again when the visitor clicks anywhere else. I see you add class names to custom menu items, so maybe I can use that to refer to in a JS script that generates the correct script to realize the toggle function?

    If you know of any JS function that would generate the toggle based on a class name, then just give me the link and I’ll even try it myself.

    in reply to: Fullscreen easy slider in IE8 background out of proportion #140268

    Unfortunately your new code hasn’t changed anything. I’ve added it to the bottom of the custom.css and even tried to add !important to make sure it doesn’t get overruled by anything, but nothing changes.

    in reply to: Fullscreen easy slider in IE8 background out of proportion #140266

    This way the picture just doesn’t even seem to display in IE8. I get only a blank background.

    in reply to: Fullscreen easy slider in IE8 background out of proportion #140264

    Thanks for letting me know. The site is not live yet, so I’ll wait for feedback from Kriesi. I won’t add another slider as it’s only an IE8.

    And the fact that it seems to work well in the Enfold demo site, it proves that it should work. Just need to find the cause and fix, so hopefully Kriesi can point it out.

    in reply to: Fullscreen easy slider in IE8 background out of proportion #140262

    Pretty please?

    in reply to: Fullscreen easy slider in IE8 background out of proportion #140261

    Please help

    in reply to: Slow page speed / Low YSlow grade #139628

    Thank you very much for the info. I’ll compress the image more when the site will go live.

    in reply to: Slow page speed / Low YSlow grade #139626

    Already have that, but it’s quite advanced and I’m not entirely sure what to do in order to improve performance. I’ve checked all cache checkboxes, but other than that …

    in reply to: Fullscreen easy slider in IE8 #137249

    I’m eagerly awaiting that update, then. Thanks for the feedback.

    in reply to: Fullscreen easy slider in IE8 #137247

    Unfortunately, it’s very important that I get this right, because it’s the homepage of the site and there are still many IE8 visitors on my site.

    in reply to: Fullscreen easy slider in IE8 #137246

    Already tried that. But on what class would you suggest to add it to? I’ve currently have the following: {background-repeat:no-repeat!important;}

    Would you suggest a different class/id than

    in reply to: Full width Easy Slider – Base line colour #137636

    Looking for the same solution as Gstar72, but unfortunately your solution doesn’t seem to work either, Devin. At least, not for me.

    I’m sure the grey line is from the content section right below the fullscreen slider, not the fullscreen slider itself. I just don’t know how to get rid of that specific line (or make it white) without changing all grey lines for all sections.

    in reply to: Fullscreen easy slider in IE8 #137244

    Here you go:

    Just make sure your browser is set wide enough to see the repeated sides of the image.

    in reply to: Fullscreen easy slider in IE8 #137242

    Sure can. See link below for screenshot.


    In the screenshot I have shown the homepage 5 times. The big image is a fullscreen easy slider. Apparently IE8 doesn’t put the image width to full width (resolution 1680 x 1050). Instead of letting the image repeat itself, I’d prefer to turn off repeat so the image just has whitespace on the sides.

    As seen in the screenshot, the sides still fade in, but once it’s 100% opacity it disappears again. I need to turn off the fade-in so it’s blank from the start. Of course, the center image fades in too, but i’ve kept it at 100% opacity throughout the screenshot in order to better separate the repeated sides.

    in reply to: How to Upgrade new version of enfold 1.8 #130246

    This can help you on how to update:

    If you don’t use a Child Theme you should do 2 things:

    1) Keep a .txt file with all of the changes you make in any of the Enfold files so you can add/modify it again after the update

    2) Try to only update the files that have been updated in the new version. You can see the names of updated files in the version.txt file that comes with the Enfold download.

    in reply to: Google maps in full width slider #129902

    Awesome, just tried it myself and works great!

    in reply to: Laggy fullscreen slider #128823

    “Same here” as in: Mine is laggy, too.

    I’d like to add one thing:

    I’ve noticed a possible difference between a browser window that has been open for a while and a fresh browser window. Fresh windows seem to do it fluently, while windows that have been open for a while (with tabs etc.) tend to be slower.

    Could also be a coincidence, of course.

    in reply to: Portfolio "Next" points to last instead of next #128999

    I already have that plugin installed, useful for small lists. This is insane for around 500 (and growing) items. Manually reordering hundreds of items just so they are alphabetical, then I’d rather just disable the previous and next buttons altogether. A shame though, I’d rather keep them.

    in reply to: Bug in AJAX portfolio preview image? #128590

    Did the update, recreated everything from scratch. Still same issue.

    But nevermind, stopped using AJAX now, I’ll just link to a new page.

    in reply to: Portfolio "Next" points to last instead of next #128997

    I think I just figured out why!

    In the past I asked how to sort the portfolio items alphabetically instead of last added. The code below was what I was told to add to the bottom of the functions.php file. Yet, I suspect this does not influence the Next/Previous button, meaning they still refer to the items in last added formation. Perhaps I need to just add a similar code to make them act alphabetically, too?

    function custom_post_grid_query( $query, $params ) {

    $query = ‘title’;

    $query = ‘ASC’;

    return $query;


    add_filter( ‘avia_post_grid_query’, ‘custom_post_grid_query’, 10, 2);

    I did notice another issue, however. In some items the Previous and Next buttons don’t roll out on hover, they stay closed.

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