Ok, I found the error. It seems that wrapping CF7 with the following code, prevents the form from sending emails.
<div class="avia_ajax_form av-form-labels-hidden"><!-- CF7 --></div>
But I want the styling of CF7 to be exactly the same as the integrated form from Enfold.
Could you please help?
Here is the full code:
<div class="avia_ajax_form av-form-labels-hidden">
<p class="first_form form_element_half">[text* vorname placeholder "Vorname*"]</p>
<p class="form_element_half">[text* nachname placeholder "Nachname*"]</p>
<p class="first_form form_element_half">[email* email placeholder "E-Mail*"]</p>
<p class="form_element_half">[text* telefon placeholder "Telefon*"]</p>
[textarea nachricht placeholder "Anmerkungen"]
<p class="first_form form_element_half"><strong>Rezept hochladen:</strong> Machen Sie ein Foto oder scannen Sie Ihr Rezept. Erlaubte Dateiformate sind PDF, JPG und PNG.</p>
<p class="form_element_half">[file your-file filetypes:pdf|jpg|jpeg|png limit:3mb]</p>
[submit "Senden"]
It also doesn’t work, when I delete the upload field.
I just tried that, but didn’t help