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  • in reply to: broken theme #971372

    Hi Rikard,
    Sorry for my late reply…I finally managed to got it running, uploading manually the theme again,
    I thought everything was fine, but, again problems started to arise…

    Now i see that 3 plugins have been again automatically uninstalled…It seems they don´t have a valid header…
    This was the problem that made the last time to drop the website down…

    Do you have any ideas about how could i solve this? We are not talking about 1 plugin, but 3…The other day were 4/5 plugins the ones that failed, so I guess is something not related to the plugin…

    Please could you help


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by davidmartinserrano. Reason: I think it was amended
    in reply to: lost search icon #932307

    Hi Victoria, thanks for your help,
    It has worked…the only problem is that i have a floating button on the right…And the search icon has taken the css properties of this element…Now, i don´t know how to amend this :) Please can you help? (See snapshot 1)
    Another point, are you sure that this search icon will be shown in mobiles and tablets?


    in reply to: modify child theme portfolio image grid #919722

    Thanks Basilis. You can close this ticket.
    Best Regards

    in reply to: Google map if grid row #908536

    Hi Victoria,
    Attached credentials

    in reply to: Google map if grid row #908452

    Hi Victoria,
    The indicated page doesn´t have the map because it doesn´t fit well….I want the map on the LAST ROW, RIGHT CELL, COVERING THE WHOLE CELL as it is doint the image that there is right now..Please see attached image:

    And If its possible, please let me know how to do it as well for the rest of pages (I have in mind to include it on several on my portfolio items and I would like to know how has it been done)

    in reply to: Responsive Tablet #900756

    Hello Ismael,
    I have already solved all of my issues on the website (so far).. You can close all the post I have published…Do you need me to send you all the links to close them or you can look by name?


    in reply to: Where is the travel demo content #899832

    Thanks Ismael,
    That´s great…I should have thought about it before!
    For me, you can close this ….

    Thanks again

    Hello Rikard,
    I think this screenshot will help:

    Please note that your colleage, finally achieved with code that the floated button on the right PLUS header social icons were just in the right margin…. I mean, as right as possible within the boxed layout (see now that after updating, the social icons and the floated button are again not on the “far right”) … Could you please help me to solve those issues:

    (Menu opening problem) + (Social icons—move to the right) + (floated button move to the right)

    Thanks in advance

    in reply to: Sticky menu for mobile submenu #898150

    Thanks for this Ismael,
    Ok, it now works but would you be able please of sending me the html code for making it look like the other footer widget title? I mean, for having the readymade style you give to all the titles in the footer widget

    Could you please adapt this html code with it?
    <p>I<span style=”font-size:500%;color:red !important;”>♥</span>Alcazar</p>

    In the other hand, could you please help me with this posted above?:

    By the way, this was commented in this post (above)…I have achieved a sticky menu for mobile…but, I have a little problem…It occuppies too much space of the first slider…I have tried decreasing the size of the header, and changing logo for mobile like here: … It works, but it seems the header is still occupying the same space and cutting a bit of the main slider…

    I have also seen that in pageSpeed Insights, the speed for mobile have been decreased considerably…Does it has something to do?

    Iḿ sorry for so much hassle but having no idea of coding sometimes itś difficult to get things work as you like…


    in reply to: Masonry pagination not working okºººººººº #898147

    Hi Ismael,
    I think i understand now what is the problem…The problem here is that where it says :: items per page ..I choose for example 8…I thouht it was items per page/per category…. And it seems my assumption is not correct…
    I wanted to achieve the following:
    -For example — 25 Elements in total chosen on the masonry divided in 3 categories
    —All –Show 8 items and pagination to load 8 by 8 all the elements…
    –Culture– It has 6 items under this category…So all of them showed in one page, since it doesnt reach the 8 established
    –Sightseein — It has 7 items under this category…So all of them showed in one page, since it doesnt reach the 8 established
    and so on….

    but it seems it doesnt work like that…. The problem here is that if I have 3 categories, and I want to display 8 items per page (otherwise the all Category would show a lot of items), each category will show 2/3 images + pagination …and it seems a bit strange…The best option would have been for me show 8 ITEMS PER PAGE PER CATEGORY…

    If this is not possible, I think I will proceed to remove the ALL category as shown in other posts…I have a doubt here, I saw I should modify the functions.php file and so on for doing this…Since I have heard you will lunch a new Enfold update this month, is it worthy doing it before or after update?

    Hope his makes sense,

    in reply to: Sticky menu for mobile submenu #896893

    Hi Ismael,

    This is for the widget title:
    <p>I<span style=”font-size:500%;color:red !important;”>♥</span>Alcazar</p>

    Then, it was automatically transformed into a heart…I copy the text and i pasted on the socket…
    Now, I have change this and I have included on the socket the following html code:

    @ I<span style=”font-size:130%;color:red !important;”>♥</span>Alcazar[nolink] || Política de Privacidad

    The point is that the color is working on the footer (laptop) but no on the widget title….However, as stated before, on android devices, I see the red color in both places: widget title (footer column 1) and socket

    Could you please let me know why the color for the footer widget title is still being grey on laptops?

    in reply to: Sticky menu for mobile submenu #896682

    Thanks Ismael,
    I have tried putting it on the socket, and it doesn´t work…I have also tried to include it on the text widget TITLE on the footer and it doesn´t work either…

    Actually I achieved it with html code directly, and it looks fine..the problem is that I don´t know why in some places (like my laptop) it appears grey..and in others, like my android devices, red…. I don´t even have the html code because it was copy/paste and it is now a heart icon, which I don´t know how to obtain back the html code….

    Is there anyway of achieving it with a html direct code instead of fontello icons?
    By the way, this was commented in this post (above)…I have achieved a sticky menu for mobile…but, I have a little problem…It occuppies too much space of the first slider…I have tried decreasing the size of the header, and changing logo for mobile like here: … It works, but it seems the header is still occupying the same space and cutting a bit of the main slider…

    I have also seen that in pageSpeed Insights, the speed for mobile have been decreased considerably…Does it has something to do?

    Thanks in advance

    in reply to: Tablet responsiveness issues with enfold-shop/about/ #896266

    Hello Rikard,
    Post 215 itś working now nice…Only 1 point, the map follows being cut on the right…

    Could you please take a look at it and let me know if I should extend this code to the rest of posts?

    in reply to: Responsive Tablet #896255

    Hello Rikard

    We are getting there!
    Comments in upper case below:

    —-Responsiveness: Text widget in footer is cut ( sorry for insist, remember these have been tried on tablet 10 ” landscape) …NOT WORKING, PLEASE SEE SCREENSHOT:

    — Responsiveness: Bad alignment of icon boxes : … WORKING NICE! THANKS!

    — Responsiveness: the same applies for example here (icon boxes misaligned + too much left margin) .,.. NOT WORKING VERY WELL…. DO YOU SEE THE MISPLACEMENT SHOWN IN THESE SCREENSHOTS?:

    Thanks in advance,

    in reply to: Where is the travel demo content #896247

    Hello Rikard,
    I think i have explained it badly…. I mean, take a look at the screenshots taken on my mobile device:

    The first impression you get is that something is working badly…It seems the table is cut on the right…Just if you press the table and drag it, you realize this table is “draggable”…. You see for example once you are moving the table, the little bar below the table showing you that it is already being moved…

    I mean, is there anyway, to show the bar or an arrow or whatever to make people know that, the table can be dragged to the left if they want to visualize the whole content?

    It may seem obvious, but, our first impression when we saw it was that there were responsiveness problems…just trying again and again the same view we realized about the drag movement available for the table…


    in reply to: Is anyone using this – CSS Hero? #896243

    Thanks you Rikard,
    I will copy all the css generated by this plugin, and if something goes wrong after updating enfold, I will paste it in quick css section.
    For my part, you can close this post,

    in reply to: Masonry pagination not working okºººººººº #896055

    sorry but my keyboard is showing extrange elements ºººº and I submit the post title without correcting this mistake)..Now I don´t know how could I amend that…

    Thanks in advance,

    in reply to: Where is the travel demo content #895197

    Hello guys,
    I have a question related to Flights table of travel demo: — This is the template for your travel services..I have here a question…The table with flights is really good done..but, would it be possible to show an arrow for people to know that they can move it to see the whole table (THIS PROBLEM IS FOR MOBILE)

    Any idea? Thanks!!

    in reply to: Is anyone using this – CSS Hero? #895196

    Hello Support!

    I have used the plugin css hero for some modifications…since I have heard that you will be updating the theme, should I paste all the css code generated onto the quick css tab of my child theme?

    Thanks in advance

    in reply to: Responsive Tablet #895194

    Hello there,
    I have posted already several responsiveness issues with my website, talking about 10″ tablet landscape…Here are 2 of them, which I hope you can help me with:

    —-Responsiveness: Text widget in footer is cut ( sorry for insist, remember these have been tried on tablet 10 ” landscape)

    — Responsiveness: Bad alignment of icon boxes : … the same applies for example here (icon boxes misaligned + too much left margin)

    Thanks in advance,

    in reply to: Menu top left, social icons top right, logo below middle? #895193

    Hello guys,
    I have some responsiveness problems with 10″ tablet landscape:

    1) Watching at a 10″ tablet, landscape, social icons on the footer are cut on the right (we don´t see for example youtube icon)…Same problem that on several pages appears to apply…everything weighted to the right side…

    Can you please help with this? Thanks,

    Hi Basilis,
    Sorry for disturbing here again, but I have been told in the other thread that I should post each question if different threads….so please, could you treat this menu problem independently here?


    in reply to: Tablet responsiveness issues with enfold-shop/about/ #895183

    Hello Support,
    I have a problem with responsiveness on ipad (10″ , landscape)

    In pages like this one: … We are seeing it at a 10″ tablet, landscape, since it´s our main tool for showing it to clients…and, the map it´s cut on the right…I mean, everything seems to be a bit displaced to the right….and there is like a big margin on the left… (image attached)

    You will be able to check that talking about 10″ tablet, landscape, several responsiveness issues are happening on the website like following:

    In pages like this: … the catalogs are cut on the right, prices are not even shown (TALKING MOSTLY IN 10 ” TABLETS, PORTRAIT AS COMMENTED) …. In addition, when a line break occurs, everything looks weird (image attached)

    In pages like this: …. Text is cut, map is cut (on the right)…and icon box are totally displaced (Remember, always talking about 10″ portrait tablet) (Image attached for icon boxes…the map and text seems to be the same problem…too much left margin or pardding)

    Blog page: The same problem of too much left margin applies

    Responsiveness: .. The same problem, too much left margin that makes cut the text and the map

    Could you please help with this issues?

    Thanks in advance for your effort

    in reply to: Masonry Pagination #895181

    Hello Support;
    I have the following problem with masonry pagination:

    I have a masonry with portfolio items in most of my pages (Ver,Comer,Domir…etc..)..The point is that I select for example show pagination, and show 8 items per page… The problem is that in some categories, where for example there are only 6 items, those 6 items are not shown in the same page! and the pagination is shown, and each page only shows 2 items! I would like that, if there are only 6 items, those to be shown in the same page…up to the 8 items, like marked on the settings….

    Could you please help?

    in reply to: Responsive & general issues #895180

    Hi Ismael,
    Thank you…I will separate each question and I will post it in different places,

    in reply to: Sticky menu for mobile submenu #894944

    Hello Victoria,
    Burguer icon is now ok! Regarding heart red icon, I see it red in my different android devices … If you think it´s gonna be quicker, let me know a html code for a simple red heart icon and I will include it on the footer and socket

    Regarding other problems, are all mentioned in this post, which I will be monitoring:

    Thanks again!

    in reply to: Sticky menu for mobile submenu #894311

    Hello Victoria,
    It may seems a non-sense but, I do see the red color of the heart icon on mobiles…but, on my laptop, using chrome & internet explorer I don´t see them….
    Please let me know if you can help in the following open points:
    —Heart icon red color (abovementioned)
    —Burguer icon on mobile (abovementioned the point of not being able of erasing the line height of the menu)
    — Resposiveness issues (other thread posted above) :
    — Menu –> Submenu items open to the left instead of right (Floated button i on the right is causing problems)

    Thanks for your help,

    in reply to: Sticky menu for mobile submenu #893613

    Sorry again, I forgot to mention one point…. I´m not sure if support prefers to post every different problem in one post or not….but, I have a little doubt…

    I have a heart icon (red) inserted on the text footer,column….and in the socket (2 positions)…The point is that in some computers i see it red, in others not…in some mobiles yes, in others no….. Do you know why can be this happening? It was inserted directly with code…

    Thanks and sorry again for so much hassle…

    in reply to: Sticky menu for mobile submenu #893611

    Sorry I forgot to mention that another one post open is this:

    I also mentioned this problem in the resposiveness issues thread just in case….
    Thanks and great support!

    in reply to: Sticky menu for mobile submenu #893610

    Hello Victoria,
    Thanks for your answer… It does work fine in 2 mobile devices I have tested (portrait and landscape) Thanks! Only one point..I´m using css hero for styling the menu tabs…and if I choose the readymade style that I have chosen, I do need the line height 26 px for the text being situaded in the middle of the button…Otherwise, the text is positioned too far on the top…. Now I can see the social icons ok in mobile…but, I still have the burguer icon too high…. Is there any other way for changing this?

    Thanks in advance,

    By the way: I have posted some responsiveness issues here: .. They are the last amendments needed to submit or web….just in case you want to take a look

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