Hello Jordan,
I know loco-translate, but it is much more simple to duplicate page and change translation. Loco translate it is good for translation word by word …
Polylang is doing good job, and it is working good with enfold, unique problem is with Layer slider.
Could I make, any way, two sliders? Each for each language?
Thank you,
Best Regards,
Thank you, the problem has been resolved, it was hosting limits to email sending.
Thank you very much Victoria,
I resolved this problem,
Writing here, because may be somebody will use my solution.
It is impossible to chose portuguise version in wordpress (PT or BR), at least I did not find, it is just Portuguese.
So I just renamed pt_BR.mo and pt_BR.po in pt_PT.mo and pt_PT.mo, and edit files with Loco Translate, and the translation apeared in frontend.
Some of the words on sidebar were in wiget title, just changed there.
Thank you, Resolved,
Thank you very much, Victoria, I am able to enter now.