Forum Replies Created
November 2, 2013 at 2:34 am in reply to: I want to show Gallery without thumbnails, under each other. #183588
u need fixed background in your beta web :)
November 2, 2013 at 2:31 am in reply to: I want to show Gallery without thumbnails, under each other. #183586Hello khalidmuharraqi :) plz tell how u make this header menu in your web . thanx .
- This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by Cutegi.
1.css folder -> base.css add :
@font-face {
font-family: ‘entypo’;
src: url(‘entypo.eot’);
src: url(‘entypo.eot?#iefix’) format(’embedded-opentype’),
url(‘entypo.woff’) format(‘woff’),
url(‘entypo.ttf’) format(‘truetype’),
url(‘entypo.svg#entypo’) format(‘svg’);
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
}2. add files from in css folder :
( )Resultatas kai tu dirbi su iconom tu nematai ju , bet jei ziureti savo web , to jie matosi normaliai .
Hi Yigit :)
mano draugas pataise css. kad rodytu iconos .
Jei tau idomu galiu tau paaiskint ka jis padareany ideas ? :(
This reply has been marked as private.joa :(
nieko nepadejo :(
ir browseri isvaliau ka tik , ir vistiek nieko :(tai as pries 2 valandu atnaujinau is 2.3 i 2.31 . arba isejo naujesne dar ?
Firefox nerodo , ie nerodo , opera nerodo :(
as naudoju ccleaner kad isvalyti talpykla . gal kokia kita programa naudot ?
Labas Yigit :)
Q5 iconos nerodomos :( rodomos kvadratai)
Atnaujinau 2.3.1 versija vistiek kvadratai :(
Need help :(.Hi .
Q1. :
main content -> image
Where in setup change this colors ?Q2 :
page with logo+menu , no header , no footer , no socket .
in this page only widget “google search” in page center , i need page 100% height all time . (
How setup ?Q3 :
where in setup add widgets in footer or socket ?Q4
page with revolution slider only .
i need add in slider widget “enfold google maps” , but dont know this widget shortkode :( [???widget title???]Q5
revolution slider …
NOW : input text in tab -“i love Enfold”> i see nice color text . ” I Love Enfold” :))
this command css :
position: absolute;
color: #fff8dc;
text-shadow: none;
font-weight: 100;
font-size: 25px;
line-height: 9px;
font-family: ‘Alegreya’, serif;
padding: 0px 3px;
padding-top: 1px;
margin: 0px;
border-width: 0px;
border-style: none;
I NEED : input icon number in tab ue803 -> resultat i see nice icon from enfold [av_font_icon color="#64fade" font="entypo-fontello" icon="ue803" size="30px"] . Tell me plz icons css code , i input this code in rev slider css . Its possyble ?
Thanx for help :)
i noob , i know it :)
sorry for english .work normaly :)
Kur keiciasi tos spalvos ? ( main content) dar vienas klausimas ….
kaip man padaryti taip kad puslapio “main” aukstis visada butu 100%
footer , socket atjungtas pas manedar man reikia “google maps widget” pavadinima , kad as galeciau ten ikisti
[google maps widget] ???upss delete this post :) this my problem … “duplikate post” :) im noob
sorrytavo variantas blogai , jis skirtingose monitoriose skirtingai rodys . pas mane mazas monitorius :(
padejo variantas :
.js_active .top_tab .tab { width: 50%; }Blog : kaip nuimti ta ka uzbraukta ? 3 kolonos , ir kiekvienoj 2 tabai .
deja as kol kas tik mokinuosiu dirbti savo PC (localhost : ), ir dar neturiu savo serverio :(
Pradzioj reikia viska ismokti , o tik poto kelti i interneta :)hi :)
add in Quick CSS:
div .logo { left: 40%; }1. firefox naudoju .
kada mazdaug gali atsirast atnaujinimas ?2. anglu rodo default option .
nustaciau fono spalvas visus (rusu) , lietuviu kalboj jie automatiskai pasikeite , o anglu net fono spalvos visos standartines :(3. dar nebandziau zaisti su slideriu , as labai lietai po truputi viska mokinuosiu :)
4 child theme kas tai ? gali trumpai paaiskint ?
- This reply was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by Cutegi.
As dar serverio neturiu :)
Aciu Yigit :) ir ‘Labas Yigit!’ :)
paziuriek kaip pas mane dabar gaunasi su veliavom :
jie pas mane atsiranda virs meniu juostos . o noreciau kad jie butu salia “search” zenkliuko . Kaip tai imanoma ?DONE ! :)
- This reply was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by Cutegi.
Labas Rytas Yigit ! :)
as norejau ne tai paklausti .Situacija : Zmogus – klientas uzeina i puslapi , standartine kalba – rusu . Zmogus pakeicia kalba i anglu ir mato visa puslapi anglu kalba . Slaidere pasikeis kalba i anglu ?
Yigit is kur Jus suprantote lietuviu kalba ?
Hi !
i need mini line fixed header . need header height not change with scroll.
Sorry for english bad .‘Labas Yigit!’ :)
kaip padaryti kad header nekeistu dydi ?
reikia tik sumazintas : :)
Tiesa dar galiu papasakoti kaip as cia pataikiau :)
As naujokas ir dar zalias visiskai , nusprendziau ismokti suprogramuot sau saita su interneto parduotuve .
Anksciau nieko bendro neturejau su programavimu .
Tai susipazinau su wordpress , ir pradejau siusti visokios temos . Is rusisko torento atsisiunciau jusu tema , bet labai sena versija , ten nieko nesupratau kaip ir ka kur keisti ir kaip dirbti su tema :)
Torente buvo nuoroda i themeforest su jusu demo . Perskaiciau temos comments , pamaciau kad zmones raso kad labai geras supportas . Taip ir nupirkau jusu tema :)
Ir dabar LABAI patenkintas . -