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you can close the ticket. Please let meknow it there are some news about this topic.
I would like to use the Advanced Layout Builder is not rendering in the popup maker if possible.Thanks and best ergards
I contacted popup maker support and asked them the problem of rendering content made with AVIA editor. I provided them with the credentials and they did some further investigation. Their conclusions are as follows.Hi Andrea,
We tried it out and we’re also unable to render the content built with Avia in our popups. When we searched for similar cases, it looks like it has been this way ever since.
Could you try reaching out to Avia if they have ideas as to why their content doesn’t show up in Popup Maker?
As an alternative, you can still use the standard Gutenberg Block Editor in our popups if you want to utilize columns.
You can enable the block editor by going to Popup Maker > Settings > Enable Block Editor Support.
Other page builders that still work with Popup Maker are Elementor (using template shortcodes), Divi, Beaver Builder, and WP Bakery Page Builder.
Let us know if you have other questions.In conclusion they also verified the incompatibility of the AVIA editor with the rendering of their plugin … but from what you wrote above there was a time when rendering worked. If we can figure out which version of Enfold and Popup Maker were the ones that worked, we will have a key to understanding the origins of the problem.
If we are able to find a solution, it is OK if not I would say that I have to abandon this path and switch to use the standard Gutenberg Block Editor in my popups. I tried to use the Gutenberg editor … now I understand the reason for the negative comments I had seen about it … compared to AVIA editor it is really bad! I was hoping it was something similar to AVIA or Elementor, but we are light years away. Yes, it is better than the standard editor but unfortunately it is not a nice choice! Well, I really hope I will find a better solution in the future.
Thank you for your support
AndreaHello Ismael,
below is the link to the post October 4, 2019 at 4:04 am with your code to activate the AVIA editor. the popup built with AVIA editor is called “test” and the link is as follows:
In the following page you can verify the result, unfortunately an empty box. why did you choose the photo of a harp seal? I don’t think you have that face. :-D
Thanks and best regards
AndreaThanks a lot Mike,
it is OK now, please close the ticket.Best regards
I checked the code and the results but it seems to me it is not OK. As I wrote before I need to have the same color on hover also for the button-fullwidth as I have for the other buttons as in the following image; and best regards
This reply was modified 6 months, 1 week ago by
Ok, no problem.
This reply was modified 6 months, 1 week ago by
I used again the old CSS to change the hover of all avia buttons and the result is OK for me, There are only to small problems remaining:
– I need a CSS to change the hover effect of custom button class “evidenza”
– I need a CSS to change the hover effect of button class fullwidht that is mch darker bacause it is not affected by the general hover effect of the avia buttonsBest regards
AndreaHello Ismael,
I am sorry to say that it was a nice try but it does not work unfortunately … all the buttons continue to not change color with the mouse hover, in particular on the top of homepage you can check the buttons “Comitato” and “Contatti” with the mouse hover they remain blue and not grey also the toher following buttons, apart from the four buttons placed vertically next to each other on the left, those work correctly..
I think it is necessary to modify a little the CSS code.Thanks again
AndreaThanks Mike,
I applied your suggestion and it works as expected.
The only problem to solve is that after having removed the CSS statement that modified the hover on all the avia buttons, now there are some buttons, even on the home that in case of mouse hover remain blue instead of becoming dark gray. However, there are some buttons on the left side of the homepage with the name “Calendario” and “Tornei giovanili” for example that with mouse hover become gray as desired.
I think it is necessary to add some CSS to obtain this result.Thanks in advance
AndreaThanks Ismael,
it worked perfectly for the privacy buttons. Unfortunately then i noticed that all the buttons that become gricons on hover now do not do it anymore. This is because i deleted the following instruction from the quick css.
/* Background button on hover */
a.avia-button:hover {
background: var(–dark1-color)!important;
}Regarding the first question instead, in the posts slider, is it possible to show only the posts that have the “featured” flag set?
I did not find any parameter for that. I want to apply this to the first posts slider in the home again and best regards
This reply was modified 6 months, 2 weeks ago by
Hello Ismael,
I imagined that this was the answer, but I was hoping that maybe there was some other non-standard alternative that could solve the problem.
You can close the ticket obviously.Thanks as usual for your precious support
AndreaAugust 6, 2024 at 4:22 pm in reply to: Custom layout to display posts for category / year-month #1463958Excellent job Mike!!
Thanks a lot, you can close the ticket.Best regards
AndreaAugust 5, 2024 at 9:01 pm in reply to: Custom layout to display posts for category / year-month #1463870Hello Mike,
the result for this page is OK in fact the horizontal gallery is shown at the top of the page.
However, selecting categories or month-year the situation is different as you can see in the following pages: it possible to insert the same horizontal gallery at the top of the page also for this type of pages??
Thank you very much
August 2, 2024 at 7:31 pm in reply to: Custom layout to display posts for category / year-month #1463672Hello Mike,
in private the requested credentials.The orizontal gallery not visible in
is the same of this post that is instead visible.thanks
This reply was modified 7 months, 4 weeks ago by
August 1, 2024 at 6:30 pm in reply to: Custom layout to display posts for category / year-month #1463546Thanks Mike,
I applied your suggestion for CSS, everything is OK.
Regarding the 2 point, I have modiified the “Notizie” page as you suggested, so I added an horizontal gallery for your help
AndreaJuly 30, 2024 at 12:20 pm in reply to: Custom layout to display posts for category / year-month #1463319Hello,
I activated the title as suggested and the following result is reasonable;
Only I would like to change the font size of the title and put it in the center and not on the left like now,
Another thing that would be appropriate is to add a horizontal gallery between the menu and the title, as in the following page.
Would it be possible to make these changes?Thanks for the support
AndreaJuly 29, 2024 at 7:46 pm in reply to: Custom layout to display posts for category / year-month #1463256Hello Mike,
I’m not sure I understood correctly, my primary problem occurs when user selects a year/month in the archives page: for example June 2024, in this case the selected posts are OK , but the actual layout is as follows. Looking at the resulting page, it is not at all clear that the posts are those relating to June 2024 are being shown, because an explanatory header is missing.The ideal solution would be to have this header for the year – month selection of june 2024, This header is OK, I have the layerslider and also an header that clarifies thta the current selection is for post for month June 2024. Unfortunately in the above example I was unable to select the posts using June 2024 as the article filter.
The header must be filled dynamically, i.e. if the user selects posts from June 2024 the header must be Archive; June 2024, instead if the selection of posts is March 2023, the header must consequently be Archive; March 2023, and so on.Thanks for your help
AndreaYou can close the ticket now, thanks
Hello Ismael,
I have solved the problem using the following code in my funcion.php in enfold child theme!
In this way the user is limited only to see and update his posts while the admin and editor can mange all posts.function posts_for_current_author($query) {
global $pagenow;if( ‘edit.php’ != $pagenow || !$query->is_admin )
return $query;if( !current_user_can( ‘edit_others_posts’ ) ) {
global $user_ID;
$query->set(‘author’, $user_ID );
return $query;
add_filter(‘pre_get_posts’, ‘posts_for_current_author’);Sorry Ismael,
but in this way I don’t think it’s a reasonable operation, I think a shortcode to use in the frontend with a functionality to display only the articles created by the current user is needed.
Changing the backend functionality of the WordPress dashboard for everyone is definitely not good.
Please let me know if there is an alternative in this sense or if it is necessary to create a custom function.Have a nice day
AndrewPS This is not the topic, but I found problems in the block editor with wordpress 6.6. I was obliged to downgrade to wordpress 6.5.5 that is OK.
This reply was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by
Thanks Ismael,
for displaying posts, would it be optimal to use a shortcode to insert into a block in the frontend or is it necessary to link the post management function in the backend?
I imagine the administrator continues to see all the posts right?Thanks again for tour support
AndreaOk, you can close the ticket.
I found the problem is related to this plugin “Variation Swatches for WooCommerce” this implement Advance features of Variation Swatches for WooCommerce. Version 2.0.31 | By Emran Ahmed”. The Pro versione create a fatal error on the website, so I disabled this before.
This reply was modified 9 months ago by
you can close the ticket please.Hello Rikard,
I applied your suggestion and the result seems good to me.
I have only one doubt, if the screen were to be much larger than the one I normally use, would you see white areas on the left and right? If so, would it be possible to avoid this by stretching the figure to cover the entire space?Thanks for the support
AndreaOk, you can close the ticket.
Hello Mike,
I solved the justify left problem by myself.
Please you can close the ticket.Have a nice day
AndreaThanks Mike,
excellent as usual. Only I small correction, the 2 column (Squadre) must be justified on the left not in the center, the other columns can be fine like this.Kind regards
AndreaHello Mike,
in the meantime I found the solution to use the base background instead of transparent, which for some strange reason doesn’t work
Now the result is perfect! Thanks for your help, please close the ticket.kind regards
Andrew -
This reply was modified 6 months, 1 week ago by