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  • in reply to: Using shortcodes in template files breaks layout #1404211

    Ok thank you.
    I was able to get what I want by replacing [av_section] shortcodes by equivalent html in my php file.
    Best regards

    in reply to: Using shortcodes in template files breaks layout #1404094

    Making tests with simpler Enfold shortcodes structure, I found out that it’s the use of [av_section] that breaks the layout. If I do not use ALB sections, the layout does not break (though this is not a working solution).
    Is this known issue? Is there a way to fix this?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Crimson-Guard.
    in reply to: Using shortcodes in template files breaks layout #1404093

    Hello Mike
    Thank you for your reply.
    I am using a custom template file (based on page.php) for a custom post type.
    This template (single-residence.php) includes standard php logic and html elements, plus Enfold shortcodes via do_shortcode() function (actually, I use shortcodes to load template parts that includes the Enfold shortcodes, but that the same, and I already tried using shortcodes directly in my template file).
    I do not use hooks to inject shortcodes, I load them in the template file PHP.

    Maybe there is something I need to add to the template to make Enfold ALB elements work as expected?
    I have reenabled the theme editor, if you want to check out.

    in reply to: Huge dynamic_avia folder #1333872

    Thanks Ismael
    I added this snippet, it didn’t seem to work at first (still couldn’t delete the folder with my FTP client),
    but then I managed to delete the folder through SiteGround SiteTools panel (their proprietary equivalent to cPanel).
    Maybe it would have worked without your snippet, couldn’t say.
    Anyway, thank you for your help.

    in reply to: Add custom CSS class to Timeline Milestones sub-elements #1187454

    Great! Thank you Mike

    in reply to: Add custom CSS class to Timeline Milestones sub-elements #1187351

    Hello Mike
    Thank you for your time.

    Imagine I have 2 or 3 types of milestones/events on my timeline, and each of these types has its own style (background-color, size, fonts, etc.).
    it would be convenient to just add a class on a milestone to style it according to the type of event.

    Of course, I can target each milestone by its unique ID, but that would be nowhere near confortable, I would have to update CSS each time I add an event.
    With classes, on the contrary, that would be a breeze (and non-tech end users could do that easily).

    What do you think of this?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 12 months ago by Crimson-Guard.
    in reply to: Add custom CSS class to Timeline Milestones sub-elements #1187260

    Any update about the idea of adding custom class on each Milestone? ;-)
    I guess it’s not a priority but it shouldn’t be difficult to do.

    in reply to: Hide featured image on single portfolio… recursively #1184459

    arf, it’s so obvious now.
    If I had been more confident in my own skills, I would have seen it. ^^
    Thank you for your help, I learned a lot here.

    in reply to: Hide featured image on single portfolio… recursively #1183870

    The function is at the bottom of functions.php (commented).

    Please note I have hidden the featured image at page top using:

    .single-portfolio .entry-content-header .page-thumb {
    	display: none;

    When activating the filter, the image in entry-header is removed, but also those in the “Related” portfolio-grid at page bottom.

    in reply to: Hide featured image on single portfolio… recursively #1183816

    Well, that’s more or less what I had tried, and it doesn’t really work as expected.
    It does remove the featured image on top of page, but also removes the ‘portfolio’ images on the ‘portfolio grid’ element at page bottom.
    It actually does the exact same thing than Mike’s code. :s
    Any idea of what we’re missing?
    Do you want to have a look on the page?

    in reply to: Hide featured image on single portfolio… recursively #1183581

    Thank you Ismael.
    I really tried to understand your lead but I fear I wasn’t able to do it.

    Should I try to update the above filter provided by Mike to include this condition on image size?
    Specifically, in my case, the portfolio featured image on top uses ‘entry_with_sidebar’ image size, so I could try a

    if($size = 'entry_with_sidebar') {
       return '';

    but I don’t understand how to use this in Mike’s filter.
    (sorry, I’m still a beginner in WP hooks, but I’m willing to learn)

    in reply to: Need access to Enfold 4.6 and 4.7 #1183376

    Many thanks Nikko

    in reply to: Hide featured image on single portfolio… recursively #1183004

    Well, thank you Mike, that’s a start.
    Since I want to hide featured images on portfolios only (not blog posts nor other custom posts), I could change it like this:

    function disable_portfolio_featured_image( $html, $post_id, $post_image_id ) {
        if(is_singular('portfolio')) {
        	return '';
        } else    
        return $html;
    add_filter( 'post_thumbnail_html', 'disable_portfolio_featured_image', 10, 3 );

    But there’s still a glitch.
    Using this code not only hides featured image on top of page, it also hides featured images on a “related posts” at page bottom (which is a 4 items “portfolio grid” Enfold element).
    I don’t see how I could limit the effect to .entry-content-header .page-thumb .wp-post-image (except using some CSS, I don’t want to hide it, I want to prevent it loading).

    Using a function would be great, but if it’s not possible (without overriding loop-portfolio-single.php), I guess the MySQL request could still be something worth doing. I’m just not very confortable with.

    in reply to: Add custom CSS class to Timeline Milestones sub-elements #1145693

    Hi Victoria
    What do you mean? The only parent element I can add ID or class to is the Timeline element itself.
    What if I need to target one or more specific milestone inside one timeline?

    Actually, I noticed that the date heading has an automatic ID with the date in it (example id=”milestone-31-august-2019″),
    which allow me to target the heading by its ID, then the icon and the milestone content using the + CSS selector:

    CSS selectors examples:
    date heading: #milestone-31-august-2019 (adapt to your date)
    icon: #milestone-31-august-2019 + .av-milestone-icon-wrap
    milestone content: #milestone-31-august-2019 + .av-milestone-icon-wrap + .av-milestone-content-wrap

    This solution is far from perfect, because the selectors are long and unoptimized, but above all, it forces me to change the CSS rules for each new milstone date.

    That is why adding a class to individual milestones would be great.
    (can’t add it to Enfold feature request since the form is frozen for now)

    in reply to: No preview image for YouTube videos #1134553

    Forget about my message, I solved it.
    Actually, it was a cookie consent issue, somehow I had disabled some settings in Enfold cookie consent feature in my Firefox,
    which explain why the issue was only on Firefox and, I realised later, only for me.
    For incognito mode on Chrome/Edge, it was because the cookie was not present at first, when I accepted it and reloaded, it worked.
    I’ll be more careful next time.

    Topic closed

    in reply to: Animated numbers not working, stay at 00 #1117465

    Support post is here, if it can help others.

    in reply to: Animated numbers not working, stay at 00 #1117346

    In my case, I don’t use file conbination, and the order was not the issue.
    When compressed, it did’nt work whether it was loaded in head or footer,
    when uncompressed, it works either way.

    Plus when there are order issues, you generally get some javascript errors logged in the console, but I had no log here.

    So it has to do with the way the file is compressed it seems.
    I’ll pass this to WPMUDEV, maybe they will be able to sort this out.


    in reply to: Animated numbers not working, stay at 00 #1117005

    Hi Rikard
    Working with Hummingbird caching and file order (head or footer), I finally found out that if I enable compression on “avia-compat.js”, the Animated Numbers would not work.

    The avia-compat.js file states on line 2 that it should be loaded at page top, and that’s what I did for ages, but I hadn’t think compressing it would be an issue. Maybe it has to do with the fact that the file path is changed by Hummingbird when compressed? Maybe something has to be changed in order to allow for compression (though it is a small file so it’s not that critical).

    My issue is solved, but maybe you can find something to optimize to prevent such issues for others?

    Thank you for the zip file.
    I will test this asap and let you know.

    Concerning WPML, the staging version who met the issue uses v4.2.1.
    I will also test with latest ( of course.

    Hey Victoria
    There seems to be a mistake: I asked for Enfold 4.5.3 and you provided me with 4.2.3. ;-)

    Hi sherdex
    Could you precise your issue, it might help us find the exact cause of it.

    in reply to: Blurry text on Chrome #1069425

    Ok. I’ll keep checking this on other computers and let you know.

    in reply to: Blurry text on Chrome #1068862

    I can now confirm the blur in both PC with Chrome 72.
    Screenshot (on Dropbox) and URL are in private content.
    Can you see the blur on your browser?

    Right now, my fix doesn’t always work, I have to remove

        -webkit-perspective: 1000px;
        -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;

    on your code to fix the blur.

    Not sure what it means.

    in reply to: Add font-display to entypo-fontello and custom fonts #1068296

    Ok, thank you for your time.

    in reply to: Blurry text on Chrome #1068282

    I temporarily fixed the issue with this CSS

    .avia-chrome #top .avia-content-slider, .avia-chrome #top .avia-content-slider-inner {
        perspective: unset;

    Right now, if I remove this code, the blur is present but slightly less than last week. Couldn’t say why (please note that last week, the blur was not present on a second PC I used to compare).

    A screenshot is attached in private content but please note that the blur is lighter than it has been.

    in reply to: Add font-display to entypo-fontello and custom fonts #1066599

    Hi Vinay
    Thank you for this long reply.
    Well, it didn’t work for me. Have you tested this tip?

    I guess I might have did something wrong, but before trying to understand what’s wrong on my side, are you able to show me a working example of your tip on an Enfold site?

    Because I’m not that sure that declaring a @font-face statement outside of its initial declaration will work (and I found nothing about it in your video nor codepen which only seems to mention initial declaration).

    Adding font-display: anything on your first declaration works, which is exactly what I did in hacking font-manager.class.php

    But adding

    @font-face {
        font-family: 'entypo-fontello';	
        font-display: block;

    on another CSS file does not work on my sites.

    Does it on yours? Can you provide a working example?

    in reply to: Add font-display to entypo-fontello and custom fonts #1066469

    Hi Mike

    Well, I already knew this page but it’s not consistent with what Vinay said so I will just suppose he made a mistake with his suggestion?

    Furthermore, you didn’t reply to my initial questions:
    – how can I override the file /enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/font-manager.class.php on child-theme to prevent erasing on Enfold update? Already tried mimicking the folder hierarchy and it didn’t work.
    – do you plan to add font-display features on Enfold?

    From where I am now, I guess the easier way to add font-display features on Enfold would to be to use both the following methods:
    – Google Fonts: prevent Enfold to load them by not selecting Google Fonts in Theme Options / General Styling / Fonts (choose websave fonts), and self-host Google Fonts you need while adding font-display property yourself.
    – Icon fonts (Entypo-Fontello): hack font-manager.class.php as I said before (but I’d prefer a way to properly override the file in child-theme…)

    What do you think?

    in reply to: Add font-display to entypo-fontello and custom fonts #1062687

    so… how would you apply font-display to a specific font when loaded by Enfold?
    Let’s say I want to apply font-display: block to Entypo-Fontello loaded by Enfold. How would I do that?

    in reply to: Add font-display to entypo-fontello and custom fonts #1061961

    Hi Vinay
    I’m sorry but you lost me somewhere. How do you apply the font-display property to a specific font?
    What would be the selector? I thought font-display was applied to @font-face

    in reply to: Enfold not compatible with PHP 7.1? #963084


    in reply to: Enfold not compatible with PHP 7.1? #963062

    Exactly my question.
    Just following. ^^

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