Forum Replies Created
Hi Victoria
I’ve read that thread and checked again
Screen Options
Individual Posts…all have the Comments allowed, and no “Closing after xxx days”
In the Advanced Editor, the Posts do not show ‘Post a Reply’ and they do show Comments closed
When we revert to the Standard Editor, the behaviour is normal, as per the screenshot – so the issue is the Advanced Editor Comments Module ?
It’s the image gallery on the right hand side of the page, when you click an image it brings up a single image and you can’t cycle through the other images.
No problem here you go
This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by
I’ve added that to both the Quick CSS and via the Editor in the Network Admin but it’s not made any difference.
Please can you go in and sort both of them out as they don’t look good.
I’ve been tweaking things at my end to get them showing again. I still have an issue with the position of the menus and the search icon on both sites and In both cases they need moving down, they should sit just above the bottom of the header panel
HELP! The dropdown menu links on both sites have disappeared, I’m guessing they are white when they should be #2f5691. It’s the same on and Please can you help ASAP
I’ve managed to move the main menus down using some code you provided me with before:
span.avia-menu-text { position: relative; top: 30px; }
nav.main_menu { background-size: inherit; background-repeat: no-repeat; }But the search icons haven’t moved down as well, see both sites when viewed on a desktop and
Hi, thanks for your help. I’m trying to get the Editor working on the Appearance. In the meantime I still have an issue with both the menus being too high when viewed on a desktop. Please can you look into them.
That seems to be resolved, thanks
That’s great, many thanks.
Many thanks, both menus look great when viewed on a mobile but they both now don’t look right on the desktop view. Both main menus need moving down and
Plus the fireworks panel at the top of the patient homepage now has a gap in the middle and on the right hand edge, please can you remove them.
Thanks Ismael, I just don’t have the skills to sort this out. I’ve tried adjusting the line height but it’s not made a difference. Please can someone login and resolve all these issues for me. The two sites are looking worse than when we started the process!
I outlined what needs doing in this reply:
July 30, 2018 at 12:07 pm #991479Ah ok, I see you’re looking at the dentist site which seems to be ok now on a mobile but the main menu has shifted up on a desktop
The mobile menu still isn’t right on the patient site – and something has also affected the top banner on the home page because it now has a gap in the middle and the right hand edge – Please can you sort this out asap.
Many thanks. I did as you requested and ended up adding it to custom.css but the left image (2 awards) looks like it’s still got some code that’s making it smaller. Any ideas?
OK I’ve swapped that out but it doesn’t seem to have made any difference
OK I’ve definitely added this
@media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
.main_menu ul:first-child > li > a { line-height: 240px !important; }
}15 inch MacBook Pro viewed at 100%
I’m confused, I’ve looked at it in three different browsers, I’ve also cleared the cache in each and also purged the cache in WP but it still doesn’t look right to me. This is what I’m seeing
I hope I’ve done what you asked but it’s still not quite right
Do I remove all of this or just one line…}
.sub_menu { font-size: 16px; } /* changes the font size of sub menu */
.fixed_header.social_header #main { padding-top: 174px; }
.main_menu ul:first-child > li > a { line-height: 240px !important; }
#header .mega_menu_title { color: #2f5691; }Yes the code is live but it seems to be effecting just the first column
That doesn’t seem to have done what I’m after, the six awards are in 3 groups of 2 and this seems to have just affected to the first group.
Many thanks Mike and point taken regarding moving it to the live homepage.
One final thing, please can you tell me how to bring in the margins for the awards section
Many thanks Mike, that’s great. One final thing, the content of the bottom section of the page, footer and bottom bar have also all been stretched to the left and right edges I’d like them to not have this margin removed, like the bottom of the current homepage
RupertMany thanks Mike. A couple of other things:
With regard to the first point
– how do I reduce the gutter in the middle between the two columns?With the text on the blue panels
– I’d like to make the sub text Lato Light
– Plus how do I bring the left and right text margins in so the text isn’t so close to the edges?Many thanks
That’s great many thanks for your help.
There’s just one odd situation arising on the dentists site at a certain screen size It doesn’t do this on the Patient site. Would you mind taking a look at it?
Many thanks, I’ve added that to the Quick CSS but it doesn’t seem to have made any difference
Many thanks Vinay, that looks much better thank you. The only outstanding thing is the search icon is displaying when viewing the dentist sit on a mobile It’s not showing on the patient site on a mobile which is what I’m after for both.
Many thanks for your help, that looks great with regard to viewing it on a desktop. There’s still an issue with the mobile view
This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by