Please close it. That’s the only issue I had in it. Thanks again !
Amazing Mike. That worked!. Thank you very much for the help. :)
Hello Victoria. Thanks for the response. A temporary link is given below. Please have a check.
Hello Mike. Thank you for the response. Yes the links are working and directing correctly to their pages and sections properly. The problem is when I click on “Why Coreintegrator” menu it goes to its section but when you see the menus all the menus will be highlighted to black color as active link. I need only “Why Coreintegrator” to be active. This was working fine when its “<anchor href=”#why”> Why Coreintegrator </anchor>”. I changed it to “<anchor href=”/#why”> Why Coreintegrator </anchor>”. in Appearence => Menus. The reason I changed it to “/#why” is I need to go to the same section even when I click on the menu from a different page. Hope you got what I mean. Please do check and help me with this. Thank you again. :)