Forum Replies Created
Hey Elliott,
thank you for your reply. Sorry for my late response, but I was on holiday for two weeks and I didn’t have access to my FTP on holiday, so I didn’t want to risk crashing my website ;)
Anyway, I’ve changed line 177 instead of 114, at least, that’s what I think you meant. However, now the link disappears. I have the following code on line 177:
if ( is_author('gastblogger') ) { echo "<a href=''>Gastblogger</a>"; }
You can see an example here:
This post is written by gastblogger or ID 275.
I have no clue what I might be doing wrong. I hope you have an idea! Thanks in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
This reply was modified 10 years ago by
Hey Elliott,
thank you for your reply! So I have to change that line; could you give me an example? I just did it wrong and crashed the page. Whoops
Thanks in advance!
Thanks Elliott, however I might have done something wrong, because it keeps redirecting to the wrong page. I tried the following for ‘gastblogger’:
$gravatar = get_avatar($author_email, ’81’, “blank”, $gravatar_alt);
if ( is_author(‘275’) ) { $link = “”; }
}I tried with the name first and after that with id, but both didn’t work. You can check it with this blog:
Can you tell what I’m doing wrong?
Hello Elliott,
I also want to redirect the author page to a different links, but how can I do that if I have multiple authors? I don’t know how exactly to implement the is_author code for more authors. Can you give an example for two authors? Thanks in advance!
Best regards,
Conny Loonstra
Hey Dude,
thanks for your quick reply. For some reason I’m not surprised they haven’t responded yet. Their support isn’t that great, however, I have everything set up for WL Member, including a plugin that connects WLM tot Woocommerce. So I’m not really feeling like wanting to switch, so I’ll just go with the shortcodes…
Too bad it’s not possible to use shortcodes for the colour section.
Thanks for the support!
Hi there,
I was wondering if there’s any news on the subject.
And since I’m now using the shortcodes instead of the page builder, I was wondering if there’s also a shortcode for the colour section?
Thanks in advance for your reply!
Hey guys,
I found the solution! I added:
echo “<span><fb:comments-count href=”.get_permalink().”></fb:comments-count> Reacties</span>”;
However, I’m now looking to add the number of Facebook comments to the blog slider, but I’m not sure which file I need to edit? It’s the div “slide-meta-comments”
Thanks in advance!
Hello Ismael,
the name of the plugin is “Facebook Comments”
I got the code from the file “facebook-comments-plugin/class-frontend.php” See below:
add_filter('language_attributes', 'fbcomments_schema');
function fbcomments_schema($attr) {
$options = get_option('fbcomments');
if (!isset($options)) {$options = "";}
if (!isset($options)) {$options = "";}
if ($options == 'on') {$attr .= "n xmlns:og=""";}
if ($options == 'on') {$attr .= "n xmlns:fb=""";}
return $attr;
function fbgraphinfo() {
$options = get_option('fbcomments'); ?>
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="<?php echo $options; ?>"/>
<meta property="fb:admins" content="<?php echo $options; ?>"/>
add_action('wp_head', 'fbgraphinfo');
function fbmlsetup() {
$options = get_option('fbcomments');
if (!isset($options)) {$options = "";}
if ($options == 'on') {
<!-- Facebook Comments for WordPress: -->
<div id="fb-root"></div>
<script>(function(d, s, id) {
var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
js = d.createElement(s); = id;
js.src = "//<?php echo $options; ?>/all.js#xfbml=1&appId=<?php echo $options; ?>";
fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>
<?php }}
add_action('wp_footer', 'fbmlsetup', 100);
function fbcommentbox($content) {
$options = get_option('fbcomments');
if (!isset($options)) {$options = "off";}
if (!isset($options)) {$options = "off";}
if (!isset($options)) {$options = "off";}
if (!isset($options)) {$options = "off";}
if (!isset($options)) {$options = "off";}
if (!isset($options)) {$options = "off";}
if (
(is_single() && $options == 'on') ||
(is_page() && $options == 'on') ||
((is_home() || is_front_page()) && $options == 'on')) {
if ($options == 'on') {
if ($options == '') {
$commentcount = "<p>";
} else {
$commentcount = "<p class="".$options."">";
$commentcount .= "<fb:comments-count href=".get_permalink()."></fb:comments-count> ".$options."</p>";
if ($options != '') {
if ($options == '') {
$commenttitle = "<h3>";
} else {
$commenttitle = "<h3 class="".$options."">";
$commenttitle .= $options."</h3>";
$content .= "<!-- Facebook Comments for WordPress: -->".$commenttitle.$commentcount;
if ($options == 'on') {
$content .= "<div class="fb-comments" data-href="".get_permalink()."" data-num-posts="".$options."" data-width="".$options."" data-colorscheme="".$options.""></div>";
} else {
$content .= "<fb:comments href="".get_permalink()."" num_posts="".$options."" width="".$options."" colorscheme="".$options.""></fb:comments>";
if ($options != 'no') {
if ($options != 'off') {
if (empty($fbcomments[linklove])) {
$content .= '<p>Powered by Facebook Comments</p>';
return $content;
add_filter ('the_content', 'fbcommentbox', 100);
function fbcommentshortcode($fbatts) {
"fbcomments" => get_option('fbcomments'),
"url" => get_permalink(),
), $fbatts));
if (!empty($fbatts)) {
foreach ($fbatts as $key => $option)
$fbcomments[$key] = $option;
if ($fbcomments[count] == 'on') {
if ($fbcomments[countstyle] == '') {
$commentcount = "<p>";
} else {
$commentcount = "<p class="".$fbcomments[countstyle]."">";
$commentcount .= "<fb:comments-count href=".$url."></fb:comments-count> ".$fbcomments[countmsg]."</p>";
if ($fbcomments[title] != '') {
if ($fbcomments[titleclass] == '') {
$commenttitle = "<h3>";
} else {
$commenttitle = "<h3 class="".$fbcomments[titleclass]."">";
$commenttitle .= $fbcomments[title]."</h3>";
$fbcommentbox = "<!-- Facebook Comments for WordPress: -->".$commenttitle.$commentcount;
if ($fbcomments[html5] == 'on') {
$fbcommentbox .= "<div class="fb-comments" data-href="".$url."" data-num-posts="".$fbcomments[num]."" data-width="".$fbcomments[width]."" data-colorscheme="".$fbcomments[scheme].""></div>";
} else {
$fbcommentbox .= "<fb:comments href="".$url."" num_posts="".$fbcomments[num]."" width="".$fbcomments[width]."" colorscheme="".$fbcomments[scheme].""></fb:comments>";
if (!empty($fbcomments[linklove])) {
$fbcommentbox .= '<p>Powered by Facebook Comments</p>';
return $fbcommentbox;
add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode');
add_shortcode('fbcomments', 'fbcommentshortcode');
Hey Dude,
thanks for your reply. I found the following code, which I tried to put in the above lines of code, but it keeps breaking. I don’t know too much of php, so I was hoping if you could tell me how to modify the code with the code below.
<fb:comments-count href=”<?php echo get_permalink($post->ID); ?>”></fb:comments-count> Comments
I’m really hoping you can help me out!!!! Thanks in advance!!
Wow thank you Nick! :)
Hi there,
sorry about the link. I just moved the testversion to the real domain, so therefore you couldn’t see the website. The website can be found here:
Thanks for your replies. I get the page-id css trick, but is it also possible to apply a css-rule for the primary colour on that page so that each element with the primary colour gets changed?
Hello Nick,
thank you for your reply. What I mean is the following. My basic theme colour is blue and therefore, links, buttons, icon boxes etc. are automatically blue. However, on a few pages, I want to change that colour to a different colour.
For example on the following page:
I would like the menu hover items to have the orange colour instead of blue and the same counts for the subscribe button below and the socket.
This also counts for the following page where the colour should be red:
I adjusted the icon boxes with css, but I’m assuming there should be a way to change it for every “blue item” on that page with one line of code?
The different colours represent the different services we provide. (this the original website:
Thanks in advance and I REALLY love the theme!!!
This reply was modified 10 years ago by