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The demo doesn’t change either when switching between the two. Its ok, I will leave it static — I was just curious.
I’m good. I installed Mashare and its doing the job I needed
Thanks Victoria. That’s what I thought. I’ll try some plugins
Hi Nikko,
I am using the Magic Wand now, that is how I get the shortcode mentioned above, I am importing lots of Meetup events into TEC on a daily basis and I need something more automated
Nevermind, found it. My membership plugin has a comment setting.
No new thread. Don’t know how to pose question yet. Its a timezone issue between event imports, TEC, WP, event times and publish times. Looks like everything is in sync for now
Ah-ha! That was from trying to add a scroll arrow to the slider. Thanks!
Hi Victoria,
Thanks. Just wanted to confirm there is no easy solution. Its just 5 events at a time so no biggie editing publishing date as needed. I found a plugin that might do the sorting for me (Post Types Order) but haven’t tried it yet.
I have a related issue on “Upcoming Events” but I will save for a new thread. It may get complicated.
Thanks again
Hi Rikard,
The width is set for 1310px. I believe that is what it has always been. I tried it at 100%, with no change. In the screen shots above the same monitor and browser window size is used. I am not next to my notes right now, but I recall the different widths to be about 950px vs 750px. See also private content
…one more thing. It appears to be global. All the page containers are narrower than before
Correct. The top screen shot is the default. I would like to return to that width. The width is too narrow all the way down — from Special Heading element to Latest Sermons/Next Event counter equivalent in church demo. You can see how the Special Heading is 4 lines instead of 3
This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by
Thanks. That worked
November 10, 2018 at 2:16 am in reply to: Calendar Recommendation for Enfold – not The Events Calendar #1031884you can close
November 8, 2018 at 2:08 pm in reply to: Calendar Recommendation for Enfold – not The Events Calendar #1031261I’m good for now. Thanks
November 7, 2018 at 8:28 pm in reply to: Calendar Recommendation for Enfold – not The Events Calendar #1030987I don’t know much about how wp works under the hood. If I can’t edit the page via editor I am at the mercy of the plugin. But I don’t have your issue as described with sidebars: I am importing events from using another plugin.
I received a refund from Tribe (lack of support), but I will stick with free TEC since Enfold has native configuration for it and can probably answer most of my style questions
This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by
November 2, 2018 at 6:08 pm in reply to: Default Template Settings Missing from Event Calendar Pro #1029250No issue. Just curious if its better, in terms of support, if I use the Enfold style instead the TEC style options (with code above) if there is a layout issue
October 30, 2018 at 7:19 pm in reply to: Default Template Settings Missing from Event Calendar Pro #1028199I’ve been playing with this option and going crazy with the different style sheet permutations and settings in TEC and comparing them with the Enfold version.
Tell, me are you able to provide better support if I just let Enfold control the styles?
October 29, 2018 at 9:30 pm in reply to: Default Template Settings Missing from Event Calendar Pro #1027756Using the child theme solution I get
Error thrown
Class ‘Tribe__Events__Pro__Main’ not foundin site and wp-admin
I found some other typos I think — avia spelled ava
Thanks that looks much better. The submit button isn’t quite centered vertically but that is ok.
Related question: I am using a child theme. Where does the Quick CSS content go? Would it be better if I saved code to child theme custom.css?
More info: When I updated I did so manually while renaming the 4.4 version folder enfold-old. When I switch back to that the bar is “normal” except it stretches the entire window width (the search fields and buttons are within calendar width) as before and no title.
I’ve attached one of Tribe’s screenshots. Notice the title is below the search bar on this. I am not too concerned with that — I have seen the title above and below search bar in screen shots. I don’t recall if the text boxes were white of same as bar background, but you can see how the ends and the vertical centering is off
I’m back. I had the same problem again and remembered my old post. I reinstalled wp and that fixed it. I must of done that 4 years ago also – i did not post a result here. There are a lot of search results for that problem and none of them suggest re-installThanks Sephan. Maybe i am looking in the wrong place. Can someone send a screen shot of this text box with, say, an acordian with some sample content in it?
It messed up my site. I find out later that the template options are reset? I went back to parent. How do I switch to child and get everything back quickly?
Also, it messes up the dashboard/admin menu panel — even when on parent now. The menu items overlap
This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by
…hold on I think I found it. I’ll post again if I have problems
I have a problem
I added
add_action( 'avia_builder_mode', "builder_set_debug" ); function builder_set_debug () { return "debug"; }
to functions.php with and without
if(isset($avia_config['use_child_theme_functions_only'])) return;
above, below and between “add_action” and “function”
but don’t see any text box with the code-
This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by
I was able to fix it
I was able to identify the plugin. Its been installed since the beginning of the site and is essential to its funcitoning. I wish I could get rid of it but I can’t. Off-hand is there something plugins have in common that cause my problem that I can check? Refresh the css and js directory?
More accurately it works only temporarily
I have three pages with those icons. Two of them were not working. All three had fonts a bit larger than enfold default.
I did a cache delete and opened with f5. I got the icons on one of the pages in chrome but not ie. No change in the font
At the office now on different pc. Opened chrome and it looked good. Opened ie and no icons on the same two page and big font on all three pages. Went back to chrome and same thing all over again
I did notice that just before the icons disappeared the homepage slider didn’t open — got blank rectangle in header. I disabled a new plugin (piwik stats) — no chante
I started looking at TinyMCE and disabled Java script concatenation
i fixed it
This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by