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  • in reply to: Telephone number to right of logo #892176

    Hi Victoria

    Thank you for your support throughout this ticket.

    Yes I agree that in my experience css has nothing to do with it. So take a quick look if you can at

    View post on

    You can see the difference between the two images. The one on the top bar is slightly fuzzy and pixelated but below that in the content area you can see the identical same image appearing crisp. You can also view this in real time at

    Both are of the same image, identical image, so what I am trying to figure out is why they appear differently? One appears lower quality, it must have something to do with the theme in some way. I’m sure anyone can agree there is a clear visible difference

    This screenshot rules out it being anything file related, would you agree?

    I hope we can figure this one out its confusing me

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by codecreative. Reason: amended the image to a test page for you to see the difference... Its quite drastic url to view
    in reply to: issue with website loading layer slide layers #892175

    Thank you Mike for your help

    in reply to: Telephone number to right of logo #890800

    ive just tried it with a jpg at 100% quality and it is blurry still

    is it possible the above css modifications could be make it appear a bit fuzzy?

    To highlight the difference I have included the logo again at the top of the page immediately below the current logo at site navigation menu.

    Can you see how different they both are yet they are the same png image. I’m not sure what in the theme is doing this to make the logo image fuzzy.

    I don’t mind but my client has picked up on it and is wanting me to fix it

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by codecreative.
    in reply to: Telephone number to right of logo #890794

    hi no is it the same but with png instead so like this?

    add_filter(‘png_quality’, function($arg){return 100;});

    in reply to: Telephone number to right of logo #889328

    So strange this didn’t have an impact

    If you go to the absolute url path

    You can see the image appears crisp

    But the enfold theme is doing something so when it loads on the page it seems blury

    Do you recommend anything else we can try?
    login information below

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by codecreative.
    in reply to: Telephone number to right of logo #889327

    I will try this now thank you Victoria

    Strangely never had to do this before, is this issue created by the server or the theme?

    in reply to: Telephone number to right of logo #888908

    Hi Nikko

    Having a strange one for some reason the logo is appearing blurry on the site

    I’m not to sure why if you go to the url of the logo at

    You can see the differene
    Is it something to do with the above css we applied?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by codecreative.
    in reply to: Telephone number to right of logo #888473

    thank you

    in reply to: Telephone number to right of logo #888412

    Wow great thank you that is amazing thank you!

    Is it possible to remove the 2pixel white line that is appearing below the site navigation bar and above the slide show

    I’ve been trying this and can’t figure it out

    in reply to: blog posts not loading #886153

    I’ve just unset it from the wordpress reading settings as being the post page and just left it set on the enfold theme settings and the editor is loading okay now on the back end

    however no posts coming through so issue still not resolved for some reason never seen this before

    in reply to: blog posts not loading #886152

    hi how strange i can’t access the editor for this either

    is it because I’ve set this as the latest post page in the wordpres settings as well as the theme settings?

    in reply to: blog posts not loading #885492

    Hello not sure what you mean. What do you mean by editor ?

    The issue is that if you click on latest news it should load the blog posts (currently 1 is published) but it loads an empty page. If you load it on the front end of site

    So people visiting my site click on Latest’s news should see the latest post appear but they see a blank page which is the problem

    in reply to: mp4 full height background not loading #881881

    Hi Rikard

    Okay I can confirm rolling back to the previous version of enfold worked for me. And it wasn’t a hosting issue.

    I will keep an eye out for the latest release when it comes out and hopefully issue is resolved. Do you have a rough idea of when the next release will be ?

    Thank you again for all your support

    in reply to: mp4 full height background not loading #881733

    Hmm okay so

    Is this just a bug with the latest version of enfold?

    Shall I revert back to a previous version like 4.1 ?

    As I have a project that needs finishing this week and also one of our sites that is live is having this issue

    Will an older version resolve this for now ?

    in reply to: mp4 full height background not loading #881691

    When examining the console, there are no assets that are listed as timing out. It looks like everything is loading into the page with a 200 error, which would indicate a problem with the JS or CSS for the page rather than an actual timeout at the server level.

    Please advise?

    in reply to: Turn off side bar for bb press #877492

    Hi Mike

    If you just add /preview to the url it will turn off the maintenance mode

    I have tried to add that code but it failed to do anything :(

    in reply to: Socket Action Filter #868555

    Thanks for response. But I want to do this via functions file as I want to make use of some php functionality

    Can you be kind enough to provide on why this php provided in my original post above is failing ?

    Then I can use the php echo admin URL function to generate an admin link that auto updates as a site moved from a development link to live link.

    And if I have third party access provided on user restricted roles they can not edit as easily

    in reply to: transparent header #868111

    hey guys
    I’d like to add an anchor link that says Admin and points to the admin url of a site to the sites socket.

    Okay so I know I can manually write this inside the theme options, but if a site is say on a temp development link then goes live I need to go back and re edit it.

    So I want to make use of echo admin_url(); php function. I could hardcore it into footer.php but I dont want to do this. Because if I do it in the parent files a theme update overwrites it and if I place it inside child theme then that file won’t update with the latest theme updates.

    What I want to do is use an function in the child theme functions.php to hook this code in. Can you elaborate on what the code to do this is? I’m presuming it is some kind of an action hook?

    in reply to: transparent header #868104

    I don’t understand Ismael

    I didn’t pro actively attempt to enable them. Is the upgrade going to resolve this issue? I don’t want it repeating you see if I can help it

    in reply to: transparent header #866283

    Great this css fix worked :)

    The site url was now moved to

    Yeah any clarification on why this is happening is appreciated as I’ve noticed it happen more then once and I must be doing something to trigger it

    in reply to: transparent header #866275

    Hi Guys

    Thank you will try now

    Can you advise why this is happening and the theme doesn’t work out of the box so to speak?

    So I can explain to my assistant, if they don’t have to do this with each build be better if I can figure out why it is happening in the first instance

    Thank you Guenni007

    in reply to: header invisible #863272

    how strange it appears to have fixed itself sorry for posting

    in reply to: Enfold 50% continer size issue #852209

    okay progress is being made slowly

    ive made using custom code block a four image grid, ive test in element inspector and it each image is of equal proportions…

    which indicates the method used abouve with the native avia plugin must have an issue with pixel rounding possibly using divs? Worth confirming from you guys

    How ever a new issue is that there is a white gap in the middle running through each pair of images,, can anyone offer some css to remove this as I can’t see why it is there

    in reply to: Enfold 50% continer size issue #852196

    if you scroll down my page you can see using html inside a code block ive got an even 50% column working but how can I make it span the full fluid width of the page like the images above ?

    in reply to: Enfold 50% continer size issue #852188

    Here is an example of a site using 50% width for each portfolio item on chrome and on all my screens it renders 50% correctly. With decimal points in the pixel width handled correctly when inspected by element inspector

    The css shows they put width 50% and pixel calculation is accurate.

    What have they done different to be successful to overcome this?
    Example of it working properly

    in reply to: Enfold 50% continer size issue #852053

    Hi Victoria

    Yes you are correct. I can see this now if I slowly drag the screen out and in.

    This must be only how chrome intereprets 50%. It should make the width’s of the containers use decimal points.

    Because I can resize them using element inspector to use .5 and it works fine.

    Is there a css setting we can use that won’t round the pixel length when 50% is used and will use decimal? That white gap is a bit ugly especially as it is for a design website.

    Worse come to worse how can I change the background colour from white to something else?

    in reply to: Enfold 50% continer size issue #851613

    hi it is happening on various screens, including the native 13 inch macbook pro screen

    if you look at this imgurl

    you can see both screenshots and they show you both pixel dimensions of each box and you can see the two are not even in width, in the black box it indicates the size in pixels of each segmented area

    its crazy i cant understand why, it doesnt do it in safari just chrome browser but it makes an unsightly gap

    so it is doing it on different screens

    i dont know why the theme isn’t functioning properly

    in reply to: Strange Block Appearing on Check out page #848289

    that has fixed it

    but can you explain what is going on here? What is the possible cons of adding this code and why was it needed in the first place?

    in reply to: Buttons not floating on same line in 1/2 1/2 containers #845890

    Hi Ismael

    Yes that sort of works now the buttons stack on top of one another which is okay

    But can you help me understand why this didn’t align “straight out of the box” so to speak. The theme should do this was there something creating this issue? Would it happen again with another site using enfold?

    hi i am having the same issues and i am also using flywheel hosting

    i found this post from a google search, the response from flywheel was

    The 504 Gateway Timeout error is an HTTP status code that means that one server did not receive a timely response from another server that it was accessing while attempting to load the web page or fill another request by the browser.

    In other words, 504 errors usually indicate that a different computer, one that the website you’re getting the 504 message on doesn’t control but relies on, isn’t communicating with it quickly enough. Often these errors can be intermittent, depending on the performance of the other server.

    I hope that’s helpful, and let us know if you have further questions. :)

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