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  • in reply to: WPML Language Switch Header to the left of burger menu #1360446

    Hi Mike – its not what I need. ;-) The Question is – can I position the character Switcher to the left of the burger menu. Thanks for your help. KR Tanju

    Or another question
    How I can change the Enfold WPML Language Flags (Global Setting) just into text – like english flag into “EN”

    in reply to: Change Font Weight of Special Heading #1359884

    Hi Mike,

    it worked… Thank you!


    Hi Rikard,

    I solved it by using other solutions.

    Thanks – I’ll come back when I have done a alternative homepage version.
    Thank you!


    Hi Rikard,

    Unfortunately it didn’t worked. The easy slider is within a column section – has it something to do with it?

    Cheers for the help.


    in reply to: Space under a code block #1356819

    Cheers Nikko,

    has worked.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Upgrade from 4.0.7 to newest version #1293333

    Solved by myself.
    First deleted the old enfold folder from themes folder via ftp. Installed the new enfold folder via ftp.

    : 7.3.xx – I’m not sure.


    Please close the topic.

    in reply to: Leaflet maps are not showing #1271596

    Hi Guys,
    Any thoughts?


    in reply to: Custom Fonts // Upload // Not working #1268619

    Hi Nikko,

    this was correct.
    For all MAC Users. You need any App which does zip your files without any mac resources.
    In my case it was the app Keka from the apple app store.

    Now the upload did work and the fonts working in the right styles.

    – you can closed the request.. thx

    Cheers Guys

    in reply to: Custom Fonts // Upload // Not working #1267899

    Hi Guys,

    everything is working fine until you use other fonts then from google. which is cool.

    But Google offer me only the TTF style of the “EB Garamond” – which has a size of approx. 500KB!! Which is way to much from a seo perspective.
    I can’t use the google fonts from their server / GDRP…

    If I convert the font into WOFF or WOFF2 and do zip it on the (MAC OS all details are showing wrong in Enfold.

    Looks similar to this

    And the font will be not used correct in the front end…

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Custom Fonts // Upload // Not working #1267404


    please find the link in the private content section.


    in reply to: Several requests #1225979

    Hi Guys,

    you are the best….

    Best Template,
    Best Support,
    Best price,
    Best ever and only…

    You can close the request.


    in reply to: Several requests #1225742

    Dear Kriesi-Team,

    I’m sure you doing your best to answer all the questions and I approached that. Only Guenni try to help since a week and he is not working for you. In the Morning i got mail from the “support team” I should separate my question? Really?

    I mean Yigit told your are busy, and asked me to be patient.. all fine! But a week, I mean 7 days – busy? Really.

    Sorry guys, it’s frustrating.
    My plan was to go live today…

    Kindly regards

    in reply to: Help – anyone? #1225738

    Hi. Do you want me to separate the questions now? Br

    in reply to: Help – anyone? #1225467

    Hi Rikard,

    yes – i did have to this topic a conversation. But the main topic 1 and 2 are not solved.

    thank you …


    in reply to: Several requests #1225266

    hi günni,

    danke. habe es in meine htccess integriert. passt erstmal! ;) Den Rest mit PageSpeed spare ich mir.

    Bin mal gespannt, was noch von Enfold zu dem Thema mit den Fehlern und Copyrights kommt…

    Beste Dank erst einmal!


    in reply to: Several requests #1225213

    danke. ich weiß es sehr zu schätzen. habe schon öfter gesehen, dass du hilfst. Merci!

    Habe in den Einstellung bei der Schrift es auf swap gestellt gehabt. Ich habe die Schriften auch über Enfold hochgeladen gehabt.
    Irgendwie schein sich Google daran zu stören, dass die Schriften nur 30d Gültigkeit haben.
    Ich soll wahrscheinlich die Gültigkeit hoch setzen, aber wo? Bei Super Cache ist es nicht einstellbar. Also geht es vom Template aus?
    Wie auch immer – vielleicht nicht wichtig.

    Danke für deine Hilfe…


    in reply to: Several requests #1225181

    hi günni – danke für die Antwort!

    ja, es ist ein wahn mit dem PageSpeed – aber es war vorher echt lahm! Abgesehen von dem ganzen Messen um das letzte Prozent hinzubekommen. War aber eine gute Übung. Alles gut. Was mich eher wundert ist, dass das Laden der Schriften bremst bzw. ein Fehler beim Cachen angezeigt wird. Und ich nicht weiss wie das ändere. Ich habe die Schriften bei Enfold hochgeladen, damit ich keine GoogleFonts nutzen muss (DSGVO).
    Was ich auch rausgefunden habe ist – dass WORDPRESS ein Java Problem hat, was die mobile Seite verlangsamt… (irgendwas mit dem scrollen) Ok – nicht euer Problem. Es kommt aber auch keine Lösung von WordPress?!?
    Was mir wirklich geholfen hat war autoptimze in Kombi mit super cache… der rest das übliche mit gzip etc. und natürlich die möglichen Einstellungen von enfold… !

    Copyright / DSGVO / https
    Bin gerade auf der Subdomain als Testserver – die Website zieht, wenn ich alles fertig hab um mit einem https Zertifikat… ;-)

    Was das Thema Copyright angeht, wäre ein besserer Umgang damit mir wichtig. Weil es irreführend ist, dass man ein Feld dafür bereitstellt und dann eigentlich nicht mit dem Content anfangen kann. Bzw. in meinem Fall nichts anfangen kann. Laie! ;-)
    Man kann es nur auf Einzelbilder darstellen lassen. Schade. Man macht sich die Arbeit und trägt es überall ein und dann… Ernüchterung bzw. Unwissenheit, wie nutzen. Toll wären Ansätze wie, dass man es überall anzeigen lassen kann oder eine Liste ausgeben lassen könnte auf der Impressumseite – irgendwas nutzvolles – damit es eine Berechtigung hat. Oder?
    Nein – die DSVGO hat sich nicht geändert. Sollte glaube ich im Impressum reichen. Wird halt eine lange Liste! ;-)

    Zu Punkt 1 und deiner zweiten Antwort.
    Ich kann es echt nicht beurteilen. Mein Wissen reichte nur dafür, dass ich nichts geändert habe was die Themen da angeht und ich dachte, dass es eventuell mit Enfold zu tun hat. Und ihr mir helfen könnt. Meine Änderungen basieren nur auf CSS Änderungen bei den Allgemeinen Stylings – alles aus dem Forum hier. Aber das dann 13 Fehler angezeigt wurden, hat mich gewundert…

    Das einzige, was sein könnte ist, dass ich ein Plugin installiert habe “Tablepress” – jedoch verwende ich auf der Startseite keine Tabelle… Das einzige, was wie eine Tabelle aussieht ist, ist die Tabelle unten auf der Seite. Hier habe ich die Partnerlogo-Darstellung aus dem Builder genutzt.


    hi günni – thanks for the answer!

    yes, it’s a madness with the PageSpeed – but it was really lame before! Apart from all the measuring to get the last percent. But it was a good exercise. All good. What surprises me is that the loading of the fonts slows down or an error is displayed when caching. And I do not know how to change that. I uploaded the fonts to Enfold so that I don’t have to use GoogleFonts (DSGVO).
    What I also found out is – that WORDPRESS has a Java problem, which slows down the mobile site… (something with the scrolling) Ok – not your problem. But there is no solution from WordPress?!?
    What really helped me was autoptimze in combination with super cache… the rest the usual with gzip etc. and of course the possible settings of enfold… !

    Copyright / DSGVO / https
    I’m currently on the subdomain as a test server – the website will move when I’m ready to start with an https certificate. ;-)

    As far as copyright is concerned, a better handling of it would be important to me. Because it’s misleading that you provide a field for it and then you can’t actually start with the content. Or in my case nothing can be done with it. Layman! ;-)
    You can only display it on single images. A pity. You do the work and enter it everywhere and then… disillusionment or ignorance, how to use it. Great would be approaches like that you can display it everywhere or print a list on the imprint page – something useful – so that it has a permission. Wouldn’t it?
    No – the DSVGO has not changed. Should be enough in the imprint, I think. It will just be a long list! ;-)

    To point 1 and your second answer.
    I really can’t judge it. My knowledge was only enough that I didn’t change anything concerning the topics there and I thought that it might have something to do with Enfold. And you can help me. My changes are only based on CSS changes in the General Styling – everything from the forum here. But I was surprised to see that 13 errors were displayed…

    The only thing that could be is that I have installed a plugin “Tablepress” – but I don’t use a table on the start page… The only thing that looks like a table is the table at the bottom of the page. Here I used the partner logo display from the builder.


    hi günni – thanks for the answer!

    yes, it’s a madness with the PageSpeed – but it was really lame before! Apart from all the measuring to get the last percent. But it was a good exercise. All good. What surprises me is that the loading of the fonts slows down or an error is displayed when caching. And I do not know how to change that. I uploaded the fonts to Enfold so that I don’t have to use GoogleFonts (DSGVO).
    What I also found out is – that WORDPRESS has a Java problem, which slows down the mobile site… (something with the scrolling) Ok – not your problem. But there is no solution from WordPress?!?
    What really helped me was autoptimze in combination with super cache… the rest the usual with gzip etc. and of course the possible settings of enfold… !

    Copyright / DSGVO / https
    I’m currently on the subdomain as a test server – the website will move when I’m ready to start with an https certificate. ;-)

    As far as copyright is concerned, a better handling of it would be important to me. Because it’s misleading that you provide a field for it and then you can’t actually start with the content. Or in my case nothing can be done with it. Layman! ;-)
    You can only display it on single images. A pity. You do the work and enter it everywhere and then… disillusionment or ignorance, how to use it. Great would be approaches like that you can display it everywhere or print a list on the imprint page – something useful – so that it has a permission. Wouldn’t it?
    No – the DSVGO has not changed. Should be enough in the imprint, I think. It will just be a long list! ;-)

    To point 1 and your second answer.
    I really can’t judge it. My knowledge was only enough that I didn’t change anything concerning the topics there and I thought that it might have something to do with Enfold. And you can help me. My changes are only based on CSS changes in the General Styling – everything from the forum here. But I was surprised to see that 13 errors were displayed…

    The only thing that could be is that I have installed a plugin “Tablepress” – but I don’t use a table on the start page… The only thing that looks like a table is the table at the bottom of the page. Here I used the partner logo display from the builder.


    in reply to: Several requests #1224658

    Hi Guys,

    Sorry – did I something wrong? Or how long is the normal response time? :-)


    in reply to: Support? #1224043
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Search Result Box in Header #1210389
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Search Result Box in Header #1210181

    Please klick into the searcharea in the header and type anything to start a search. You will see that the font is white. I’d like to change the color of the font. But didn’t find it in the settings …


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