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  • in reply to: Problem with table #947295

    Yes now it’s good, you can close the wire. I meant that I had already tried to clear the cache but it had not worked for several days and it ended up working!
    Have a good day

    in reply to: Problem with table #945404

    I tried but it did not change anything. Now it appears as it should on my screens …
    Thank you !

    in reply to: Problem with table #941334

    It’s really weird, here’s what I see on my computer and my phone

    in reply to: Problem with table #940498

    No it does not work ….
    When I check the code with google chrome, here’s what I see:

    td {
    border-width: 10px! important;

    td {
    font-size: 13px;
    padding: 9px 12px;
    border-style: solid;
    border-width: 1px;
    border-left: none;
    border-top: none;

    in reply to: Problem with table #939782

    Thank you for your answer but it does not work.

    It’s very weird ..

    in reply to: Problem during migration #939259

    Ok thanks, you can close the discussion

    in reply to: Problem during migration #938200

    Hi Rikard
    Thanks for your feedback, the problem has been fixed with the Search-Replace-DB-master script to modify the database.
    Will you confirm that all the parameters entered in ENFOLD CHILD will not be deleted during updates of the theme and version of wordpress? cordially

    in reply to: Problem with layer slider #935321

    Hi Victoria
    I do not speak English very well, can not you connect to the backoffice?

    in reply to: Problem with layer slider #934798


    I tried to follow your advice.
    Everything is updated, plugins, themes and wordpress. I deactivated the total cache plugin W3 and then recreated a new slideshow “accueil1”. I just noticed that it is when I integrate the javascript code into the HTML and that I disconnect myself from the backoffice that there is a problem.

    Because when I reconnect, I can not change my slider, the parameters are visible but locked. Can I integrate js here?


    in reply to: Problem with layer slider #933492
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Problem with the gallery #929027

    it might be a good idea to integrate it into the buider …
    You can close the wire, thank you!

    in reply to: Problem with the gallery #928226

    In fact I no longer spoke of the gallery images, but blocks that we insert in the pages. It may be interesting to have large spaces on computer but still not on mobile.
    I thought it would have been nice to be able to change it when we are in the constructor in “line settings” without going through the css ..

    in reply to: Problem with the gallery #928048

    Hi Nikko
    I would like to know how to make the values ​​entered to make a margin on the columns different on mobile ?
    Thank you

    in reply to: Problem with the gallery #928010

    It’s ok !
    thank you

    in reply to: Problem with the gallery #927533

    OK I understood why I inserted internal margins … on the other hand I would like to know how to remove the white outline of the vignettes in css …
    Thank you !

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