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  • in reply to: FAQ Accordion problem – Unexpected white space #1328544

    Hey Ismael,

    I am sorry, the problem was just because I am stupid ;o)

    All the problems are fixed and the issue was because I had many same #ID for different toggles!! I was not looking at the right place to change the ID and now everything is working even without your custom css. Sorry for the inconvenience and many thanks for your support!

    Have a nice day and you can close the topic!


    in reply to: FAQ Accordion problem – Unexpected white space #1328542

    Hi Ismael,
    Thanks for your quick answer. I added the custom code and it looks like it fixed that issue.
    But now it looks like I have another kind of problem with the toggle on the right column.

    Please have a look at thsi short video, especially when I click on the right column items. I cilck and being moved downer than the opened toggle.

    But on the left toggle, it’s ok.

    That it is means there’s a kind of conflict between both toggles being on the same page or else?

    I have also another strange bug on another page and the ID of each toggle looks like not being updated. It looks like a cache issue but I have no cache plugin and I disactivated your performance options for now.

    Thanks for your help,


    Hi Ismael,

    Thanks for your answer. It’s a bit a shame that it can’t be done as the tab section is useful to display any kind of page content. It’s a really useful way to display the huge contents of a page, instead of scrolling for hours.
    But I understand.
    No plan to work on that in any kind of future?


    Have a nice day Ismael,


    in reply to: TABS : select on hover #1307674

    HI Nikko,

    It’s just Perfect! Thank you so much for you efficent help, it works like a charm!

    have a great day! thanks,


    in reply to: TABS : select on hover #1307284

    Hi Nikko,

    Thanks for your answer.
    I created credentials for you to access the backoffice. Please find it in the private part.

    Thanks for your help,


    Hi Guys,

    Sorry to insist and bother you but I made a copy of my previous website, everything is now up-to-date (WP, enfold, plugins).
    I create a page and also a portfolio item using exactly the same presentation as I was using for the products on woocommerce and the result is exactly the same.
    Frontend is ok but tab-sections are broken in BO. Only the first tab display its content, except the text box (when I click on it to edit the text, it opens the default text “add your text here”).

    I dont see any specific error in the console.I try without any plugin at all, even without woocommerce. Tab section is still broken only in BO for no reason…

    I am using the debug mode and don’t see any error message thazt could explain that.

    Please, can you have a look on this?



    Thanks Victoria for your answer.
    Well the client doesn’t need to use woocommerce so I can change the products into a portfolio item or a post. But i don’t want to do that if I get the same broken issue ;o)

    I don’t know why my Google API is old. Should I update the version into Google api account, if you know?
    Do you know what is
    I check the link => and don’t know where is it from.

    Could the website have been hacked? I see some base64.

    And fo the 404 on image, it’s all the images that are in the tab section’s content (you can see them in front-end) but doesn’t show in backend.

    Do you think an update can fix the broken product page (only in BO) with the tools you implemented?

    What is strange is it was working perfectly, according to my client. He had only to finish editing 1 tab on all product. He went out for couples day and when he went back ad logged in it was directly not working as we can see it.
    Don’t you think it’s a bit strange to break like that?

    Thanks again for your time,


    Same request here!
    I’d like to be able to add a link in top bar or footer menu with “Changes Your preferences” even after they choose to desactivate some cookies, people need to be able to change it, use the modal window.

    Thanks guys, and thanks for all your last updates, it’s great!!!!

    in reply to: Enfold Theme breaks many edit actions in WordPress 4.9 #881232

    Hi There,

    I am just a participant that wanted to see if last version of enfold (4.2) is working on WP 4.9 and it looks like there are some bugs with the layout editor. Have a look here on the forum, you may find your fix:
    Nice afternoon,


    in reply to: Tab section bug on mobile phone #809566

    Hey Basilis,

    I forgot to reply, sorry!
    I’ve already did what your recommand me cause yes it was working ;o) I didn’t check if the bug has been fixed with the new updates but I guess!

    thanks again for your help and for this lovely template!


    in reply to: Tab section bug on mobile phone #777365

    The problem is when you go back (click on the first tab, then the second, then again the first) to the first Tab, images and icons are not displayed.
    No problem on the second tab, it’s just on the first tab. do you understand what I mean?

    in reply to: Replace .postid-300, .postid-301… by ".all-my-portfolio" #688092

    a big THANK YOU Guenni007! You rock!

    it’s working perfectly.

    Have a nice sundy!

    PS: thanksfor the “single-post” type. I guess i can also do “page-single” if necessary. Thanks so much!

    in reply to: javascript print / "save entry as a template" #576494

    Hey Guys,

    I’ve found a way using the widget shortcode. But then I can’t anymore add a specific title (for each recipe) on the same line of the print button, it should be in two different rows.

    If you have another solution, let me know.



    in reply to: javascript print / "save entry as a template" #576399
    <div class="print-button"><a href="window.print()">Print the recipe <img src="" title="Print the recipe" alt="Print the recipe" style="width:30px;height:30px;margin-left:3%;vertical-align:bottom;" /></a></div>
    in reply to: widget in left menu version #560541

    Thanks Yigit,

    It display my widget/image but not on my menu like on the pc version, it displays it on top of the website.


    Thanks Rikard for your support!

    I guess it was wether a problem of cache or a problem from facebook! Thanks a lot for being so reactive and efficient!

    You can close it!


    in reply to: Figcaption on gallery masonry item #547248

    Ok, thanks.

    And what about :

    in reply to: Figcaption on gallery masonry item #547068

    Hi Andy,

    Sorry, too much protection I guess…

    Can you try the links below please.



    in reply to: Portfolio Categories #546505

    Hi Elliott,

    You can close this topic if you want.



    You can close the topic.


    in reply to: hide or change color of socket background in print version #546399

    Thanks so much Yigit!!!

    So efficient as you are all the time!!
    That works perfectly, i’ve even changed white into transparent.

    Thanks again,


    in reply to: Figcaption on gallery masonry item #546127

    Hey Elliott,

    Thanks for your answer but:

    1- I can’t find the helper-masonry.php in the path you gave me /enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/helper-masonry.php
    Please see the link1, screenshot of my FTP

    2- I’m sure it will work once i’ll get the correct path but is there a misunderstanding about the Title / ALT / Description ?
    Please see link2 about my image in wordpress Media.
    I’d like to get the TITLE into the figcaption, not the ALT (if possible).

    Thanks in advance,


    in reply to: Figcaption on gallery masonry item #546030

    Sorry, I hate that security plugin that force me to approve new registration without any notification.

    It’s ok now Elliott, sorry again

    in reply to: Portfolio Categories #472075

    Sorry guys for the delay, I was working on other projects in the same time.

    I’ve just check and it works perfectly! Many thanks to you guys for your help and for being so fast in your help!

    Optional question: any way to restart the loop when I reach the last portfolio.
    After last portfolio, instead of nothing, is it possible to have the first portfolio item of the category?

    Thanks again guys and you can close to topic (with an answer or not to the optional question).

    sorry, this is the link I was talking about:
    the broken gallery is at the end of the page (and now all images for arrow separator are full size and center).

    Hi Ismael,

    Thanks, great! what do you mean by relocating the separator? changing their “class”?

    It works on this test page, right:

    But it doesn’t work in my current page (with more arrow separators) and also all the images have a weird display (size is smaller and all are aligned to the left, instead of centered).

    it’s very strange, no?

    Sorry Yigit, you’re too fast! It should be ok, thanks!!


    in reply to: connecting form to soap #453686

    Ok Basilis,

    Thanks for your answer. It’s just that I’ve seen Dude’s post and seen that he was helping a bit more with the hook on filter…
    it’s okay, i’ll find myself.


    in reply to: connecting form to soap #453149

    Sorry Elliott, me again.

    Can you help me with that noob question please?
    I’ve seen Dude answers ( that should help me. But my question is to know if I’ve to modify the function.php and the specific line 679 or if I’ve to add my php codes (hookable on your filter) in a “code shortcode” on my contact form page (for example) to make the action working?

    Thanks and sorry for being noob ;o)

    in reply to: connecting form to soap #452770

    Hi Elliott,

    Thanks for your answer. As i’m not a professional php coder I guess I will have a look on how to use filter ;o) I guess I’ve to “hook” to your filter in order to connect everything. If you have any tips, do not hesitate ;o)

    Thanks for helping, I’ll let you know if I find the solution and will post it here in case it may help other people.


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