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  • in reply to: Mailchimp integration with group checkbox #869898

    Hi Victoria,

    That would be great!!

    I already set up the plug-in and created a test-site with the two newsletter boxes.
    (link below in the private section).

    I integrated them using the provided shortcode from the mailchimp-plugin.
    For the upper box I used the code block from the content elements for integration.
    For the sidebar box I just used the text widget and copied the code there.
    (let me know if there are better ways to integrate the code.)

    At the moment the boxes look like this:

    I would like to have the following adjustments:

    Upper box:
    – the fields email, first name and the submit-button should be in one line (like this)
    – the checkboxes with the text “choose your topics” should be below in one line, as they already are, but the text after the checkboxes should be a bit bigger and better aligned (more space between the groups)

    side bar box:
    – is basically ok, only the spacing between the check boxes is to big and the text too small

    Thanks for your help!


    in reply to: Remove box between Header and blog post #868323

    Thanks, works!

    in reply to: Underline Hyperlinks #868322

    Thanks, works!

    in reply to: Change Font-family in Special Heading #860281


    also after clearing the cache the special heading is shown only in “times new roman” (instead of the font defined in the CSS), I tested it with different devices.

    I solved the problem now by using the plug-in “use any font”. After uploading the respective font with this plug-in, the heading was shown properly as defined in the CSS.


    in reply to: Change Font-family in Special Heading #859535


    it’ s the special heading on top of the page saying “LIFE AND LANGUAGE
    , can not be missed.
    Page and admin login in the private area.


    in reply to: Arrow image hover effect of featured image #859204


    Is the zoom-in effect as shwon in the demo for the blog-masonry also possible for the “blog post grid layout”?


    in reply to: Change Font-family in Special Heading #859184


    that’s what I am trying to to but it is not working.
    I added for example the google font “Pacifico” as following in the function.php:

    add_filter( ‘avf_google_heading_font’, ‘avia_add_heading_font’);
    function avia_add_heading_font($fonts)
    $fonts[‘Pacifico’] = ‘Pacifico:400’;
    return $fonts;
    add_filter( ‘avf_google_content_font’, ‘avia_add_content_font’);
    function avia_add_content_font($fonts)
    $fonts[‘Pacifico’] = ‘Pacifico:400’;
    return $fonts;

    Pacifico is now also showing up in the drop down menus of the theme.

    Then I set the custom CCS class of the special Header of my front page to “CP-special-headers“.

    and specified the following in the Quick CSS field:

    .CP-special-headers h1{
    font-family: “Pacifico” !important;

    But the only effect is that the font is switching back to Times New Roman instead of Pacifico.

    What am I doing wrong?


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by catchbudapest.
    in reply to: Change Font-family in Special Heading #858995

    Hi Rikard,

    I am not sure if I understood correctly:

    So it is not possible to use a “font-family 1” in the h1 of ablog post and to use a “font-family 2” in the h1 of a special heading?
    Not even if define a Custom CSS Class for the Sepcial Heading and copy {font-family: “”font-family 2”} in the quick CSS?

    Please confirm.


    in reply to: Change Font-family in Special Heading #858566

    Hey Rikard,

    see admin login in the private area.
    At the moment I am just experimenting with the site and I bypassed the problem (described in point 1 of my earlier posting) by setting the special heading (in the top colored section) as h6, and changed the h6-heading in the advanced styling to the font-family yellowtail.

    But actually I want to keep the special heading as h1 but have the possibility to use whatever google-font I want e.g. “Indie Flower” (independently from the font-style of normal h1-headings I use in my future blogposts).

    The questions 2-4 I asked to get a better understanding of the topic, since I will come up with similar styling problems and don’t want to bother the support each time… ;)


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