Forum Replies Created
Hey that did the trick. THANKS!
But this is not a nav item it is the contact form? That does not make sense??
Both the client who I am building this site for and myself are having the issue. I can send you a screen shot. It is happening on my iPad as well.
I know what a media query is… regardless I added it so that you can see that it didn’t make a difference.
I set it so it is always on – adding a max-width will not make any difference. (?)
Sorry that still didn’t work – email input background is white on my iphone??
So I figured out the answer myself since you all refused to really look at this question. For future reference if you add class=”noLightbox” to a link it removes the lightbox functions THAT ARE BEING ADDED BY THE THEME.
NO they’re not. Just so I can show you I removed the onclick function from my shortcode but the mouseout and mouseover functions are still there! These are being added by the theme. The functions being added are
function() {
if (s.length) {
if (a === !1) s.stop().animate({
opacity: 0
}, 400)
}function(a) {
return “undefined” == typeof n || a && n.event.triggered === a.type ? void 0 : n.event.dispatch.apply(k.elem, arguments)
}function(e) {
var i = o.find(‘img:first’),
r = i.get(0),
l = i.outerHeight(),
f = i.outerWidth(),
d = i.position(),
p = o.css(‘display’),
s = o.find(‘.image-overlay’);
if (l > 100) {
if (!s.length) {
s = t(‘<span class=\’image-overlay ‘ + n + ‘\’><span class=\’image-overlay-inside\’></span></span>’).appendTo(o)
if (o.height() == 0) {
r.className = ”
if (!p || p == ‘inline’) {
display: ‘block’
left: (d.left – c) + parseInt(i.css(‘margin-left’), 10),
top: + parseInt(i.css(‘margin-top’), 10)
overflow: ‘hidden’,
display: ‘block’,
‘height’: l,
‘width’: (f + (2 * c))
if (a === !1) s.stop().animate({
opacity: h
}, 400)
} else {
display: ‘none’
}function(a) {
return “undefined” == typeof n || a && n.event.triggered === a.type ? void 0 : n.event.dispatch.apply(k.elem, arguments)
Look at the source of the events. That is not me.
Seriously I’m pulling my hair out here because you guys won’t answer my question.Please read the previous reply by me and here is an additional screenshot.
I want to remove the mouseover and mouseout events on the images in the grid on case studies section on the home page. (But nowhere else). These are being added by your theme and in this particular case they are messing up my grid layout.Please READ the notes. Getting a little frustrated as I cannot finish up this work without some help.
On our home page we have a case studies section that is being built through a shortcode.
Screen shot is here:
[/code]It appears that a script is being added (not by me) that is messing up the hover on the images so that the grid is not maintained. I am trying to add an onclick event but first need to remove whatever is happening when you hover over one of the images. It appears to be attached to the surrounding tag.
Then please tell me what is happening on hover. There are functions attached to the hover that I didn’t put there. How do I remove those??
I am not asking why the function doesn’t work. I haven’t even added the function yet and the function doesn’t even get called onto you click on the image. I want to remove the image overlay which is disrupting the grid on hover ….
Hovering over the image should not change its position.
<span class=”image-overlay overlay-type-extern” style=”left: -5px; top: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: block; height: 130px; width: 184px;”><span class=”image-overlay-inside”></span></span>
[/code]Please read the latest post – I figured out the home page. Function didn’t translate exactly right but I fixed it. Now I want to sort the second footer widget portfolio list in the same manner.
Nevermind about Home page – I got that working! Is there a way to sort the second footer widget portfolio list? THANKS
Added the function – thanks! but still not sorting as expected. There is a masonry block on the home page that is sorting by page order, ascending, which is not sorting even with the new function and menu order added to portfolio items.
Also I have a widget in the 2nd footer widget area. How do I get that to sort with Page order as well.
You know what – nevermind I will figure this out myself. I don’t have time to go back and forth with you.
Could you please just tell me how these boxes were created? I don’t have a local install setup and we want to use different sections from different demos and to suggest that I have to install all the different demos to get what I need is not helpful. Another moderator just sent me screenshots of a section and detailed to me what was going on… Please help me like that rather than suggesting a demo install.
Is there a way to look at the code to see what layout builder block that is in use for the different demo sections?
I already have a site in progress – do not want to install the demo. Please give me a screen shot and any needed css. THANKS
That did the trick – thank you. Please close this ticket.
That didn’t really work as the arrows should appear when you hover over the slideshow – not when you actually hover over the arrows themselves.
Trying to show you a screenshotI AM using Minimal Light – controls are always visible
Okay nevermind about the elements – I see how that works but I want the arrows to be circles and how do I make them only appear on hover. THANKS
Thanks but the Construction Demo slide elements are using slideshow.css styles and I want to incorporate those as well. Does that css get loaded with Fullwidth Easy Slider? And how are h2 + p + button being brought in on top?
I figured out that Enfold construction demo uses slideshow.css and I would like to use that css file which I have copied but how best to link it into the theme please and is there an easy way to determine a layers settings from looking at the active construction slideshow?
I might not have been completely clear – BTW using enfold theme and want construction demo slider. THANKS
you can close it – Thanks