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Thanks Rikard!
I thought I was doing something wrong with the way I structured it. I was surprised that the fix was some CSS.
ClaudiaConsider ticket closed
Thanks all done. Please close it
Thank you! I had exported the settings from another site and had no recollection of that. I tried EVERYTHING except checking the CSS. It is working now.
You may close it n ow.
Thanks!That was the first thing I tried. I looked for that over and over again and did not see those options. I must have missed the closed down arrow for Image Caption. 🥴
ThanksFYI It turned to be a PHP problem…the hosting company was a version behind. All good now.
Thanks Nikko I appreciate your input.
I did disable the SSL plugin and that line of code disappeared but when I enabled it the code reappeared. It is an important plugin for sites using https and I have it on all sites without a problem. That functions.php remained. This is a small site and I guess, at worst, if I can’t get rid of those I can try rebuilding the site. It has been around since 2014. Before I do that I will try to find a developer knowledgable enough to fix it.
Good news! It seems to have finally worked. I just got a notification that an update was needed and updated Enfold with no problem. I have to assume that I would need to use this same token for ALL my enfold sites next time an update is needed.
Thanks, the menu now works and my client is fine with just a still image for IOS.
BUT I need the second question answered concerning the horizontal ipad version…it is trying to show the large device version so it is just a black background although the text overlay is working. It is also showing a section that I want only displayed on larger devices as well so do I need to change the tablet breakpoint? And if so, where is that done?
Case closed!
HI Ismael
While waiting for your response I was experimenting with the widgets and got the results I wanted without the plugin. I removed all the widgets from Display Everywhere. Then added the widgets I want to Sidebar Blog and widgets I want to Sidebar Pages. Is this just another way to do it or is there a caveat to this?
Thanks for quick response.Thanks Ismael
I think I need to understand the widgets area before I go with that complicated plugin. I see “Display Everywhere” and “Side bar blog” and my Enfold custom widget area. Is there any Enfold documentation or video tutorials explaining these?November 15, 2018 at 8:18 pm in reply to: Updating to Enfold 4.5 and validating Personal Token #1034122Hi Yigit
The odd thing is that I was able to update the other sites just the normal update way. It took a few tries with and without transient cleaner activated. but now they are all updated to 4.5 except for this one.The only thing about this site is that the client needs to have the home page redirecting to another site temporarily so if you key in it will roll over to another site. However, if you key in any other page they will NOT redirect. Could this possibly create a problem?
That said I am giving you login credentials in private contentNovember 14, 2018 at 6:59 pm in reply to: Updating to Enfold 4.5 and validating Personal Token #1033614This reply has been marked as private.November 14, 2018 at 5:29 am in reply to: Updating to Enfold 4.5 and validating Personal Token #1033330Hi Yigit
I installed the plugin, then went to my envato account and downloaded the enfold theme, but when I try to upload it I am getting this message:
The link you followed has expired. I tried several time. I tried two ways
1. I downloaded just the the theme (
2. I tried again this time downloading “all files and documentation”, unzipped it and tried uploading just “”Could it be that they want me to buy another license? I am using the theme on more than one site and purchased it quite a while ago. I currently have 4.41 installed on this site.
Thanks for your quick response!
The css worked on Firefox and Chrome but the video does not show up on Safari at all…it used to have a loading icon but that is gone. The file name is iStock_16829119_HD_BIG_WEB_MP4 so it looks to be an HD MP4 file. This could be something having to do with Safari and NOT Enfold. Unusual that it used to work but not now.That did the trick! it fixed the other problem of the Hover Effects showing the text side in a screened back mode. Now it looks great! I notified the Hover Effects developer as well. You may close this ticket
Hmmm. Not sure why it is not working. I wonder if it has to do with the way the “hover effects” plugin works. I create the effect within the plugin settings then a short code is created which I inserted in the text box on the actual page.
I put this css at the end of all my css customizations:
body {
font-size: 15px;
}#header_main .container, .main_menu ul:first-child > li a {
min-width: 76px;
}#footer { padding-top: 23px; padding-bottom: 20px; }
#footer .widget {
margin: 0;
.home #av_section_1 .content {
top: -160px;
}#top .scroll-down-link {
color: #cf0a2c !important;
font-size: 100px !important;
}.av-fixed-rotator-width .av-rotator-text {
width: 100%!important;
text-align: center;
.cagd-indentbox .avia_textblock {
max-width: 750px;
margin: auto;
.sidebar .widget {
margin-bottom: -30px;
.sidebar .widget {
margin-top: -10px;
span.text-sep.text-sep-cat {
display: none !important;
.slide-meta {
display: none!important;
.blog .slide-entry-excerpt { display: none;
}.slide-content .blog-categories {
display: none;
.special-heading-inner-border {
border-color: #BFB8AF!important;
opacity: 1;
}.avia-team-member {
text-align: center;
}.team-member-description {
text-align: left;
.page-id-664 .avia_transform a:hover .image-overlay {
opacity: 0 !important;
@media only screen and (max-width: 450px) {
.av-image-caption-overlay-center {
font-size: 28px !important;
}}For #1 Unfortunately, that custom code removes it from all pages and I just want it gone from one specific page shown above.
As for #2 I will open a separate ticket as there will be quite a bit of copy thereThanks for your quick response
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
Problem solved. Thank you and you may close this ticket
Hi Victoria.
I am not even sure how it got there. It may have been part of a a Enfold response to someone else trying to do a similar customization. Removing that from the quick css editor did the trick,Still not resolved. Is there a way to correct just the damaged files pertaining to the content slider or will I have to reinstall the theme via FTP?
The good part it that I did create a child theme. There was a functions php file that was modified which I have a copy of. All other customizations were css. I also created my own font icons so I would need to find those.Please advise on next steps.
Hi all. You are looking at the wrong thing. It is in the blue area which is the third content area. I will add slider titles so you can see what I mean. To make it easier for you, I also tried it on a test page so you can see the problem here as well:
The “heading above image” shows and the “slide title” shows but whatever I put in the content box itself whether an image or text does not show up. Feel free to experiment on the “testing content slider” page.
ClaudiaYou are looking at the wrong thing. It is in the blue area which is the third content area. I also tried it on a test page so you can see the problem here as well:
The “heading above image” shows and the “slide title” shows but whatever I put in the content box itself whether an image or text does not show up. Feel free to experiment on the “testing content slider” page.
Unfortunately I did that and it did not help. Could it be some sort of hack or corruption? If so, what is my next step? …I have no idea how to rebuild this site especially because I started it a long time ago and there are a few modified function and php files. I already tried copying over the whole wordpress site to a new subdomain but same problem. At least I now have a copy of the site to work on troubleshooting..
I do have backup buddy but I simply let the hosting company do the site duplication via their end.
Please advise.I tested it out on a different page and no luck. I did see the arrows and the titles but not text – I definitely see the text on the admin end but not showing up on the front end.
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
cagraphicdesign. Reason: added clarification
I tried it on another of my enfold sites and it worked fine. I am wondering if an updated plugin caused a conflict?
You are right. It did not work because its three separate boxes. I even tried putting it in a color background and that just made a big indent on the right side but made everything stick out further on the left. Oh well, maybe I should try a different way of making this grid rather than jamming three rows of 1/3 content boxes together.
Thanks for trying.OK. The section where I have three rows of three ruled boxes…I would like the total width of each row to not go to full width but to go only as wide as the content boxes ABOVE it which are 84% of the full width.
I hope that explains the issue.
Thanks!thanks. That worked! You may close this query
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by