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  • in reply to: Mobile Menu Not Sticky #1072752

    Dear Jordan,

    Thank you for your kind support. The cache was the problem.

    But the solution I was looking for is about an issue with Full Width Sub Menu /not with Main Menu/. It is not sticky in mobile version.

    Do I have to open new topic?


    in reply to: Mobile Menu Not Sticky #1072640


    I have the same issue but the css code doesn’t work for me.

    Would you please kindly take a look at our site as well. I am sending you a link as a private content.

    Thank you in advance.


    in reply to: burger menu and text widget #1025117

    Dear Yigit,

    Thank you for your reply.

    I add

    define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false);

    at the end of wp-config.php file via FTP but unfortunately there is no difference.


    in reply to: burger menu and text widget #1025095

    Dear Yigit,

    Thank you so much for your kind support. The burger menu is shown on mobile version and looks fine.

    And what about text widget in footer / Column 4? Is it with conflict with any plugin or the problem is somewhere else?

    *(The issue is with low priority).


    in reply to: burger menu and text widget #1024824

    Dear Mike,

    Thank you for your kind support and prompt feedback.

    I need your assistance. I deactivated all plugins, reinstalled WordPress and cleared my cache. But unfortunately burger menu’s icon hasn’t shown.
    I left functions.php empty but no success.

    Would you please kindly check at your end as well and if you need to deactivate something please do it. Every morning our host company do backup automatically so there is no problem to return previous version.

    P.S. As far as i know all the customization in functions.php are done for one of our contact forms (I am sending you a link to it in private content area).

    Once again thank you for your kind support.


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