Thanks for the reply.
I have posted the requested info in the Private Content area. Hope it helps.
Thanks for looking into it
I dont quite understand the answer to the video cropping issue. The header logo has been resolved with a code change and it works great.
On there are 2 videos, first one uses Full Screen Slider and second uses Color Select (set as background). This is a VIMEO set as 16:9 with controls visible. For some reason the controls are not displayed. Is this a VIMEO issue of ENFOLD?
The problem I am having is which widget component do I use to insert the Content Element for Social Share Buttons
The footers are set as Widgets, so I just need to drag something from other set Widgets in Appearance-> Widgets.
Is there a way to setup the Social Share Buttons as a Widget so I can drag it to the Footer Widget that is setup?
If I could post a screen shot that may be clearer.
Thanks for any assistance.