This is just really a mess.
-If you force the footer third to 100% width then you have to add another !important customization if you’re using the facebook likebox.
-I’m having to force color on a single h2 that isn’t taking my custom color through the advanced layout builder.
-?iframe=true doesn’t work on 2 buttons but works on others
I can spend hours customizing css media queries to make this work, but I shouldn’t have to with a premium theme that cost me $59. Is there something particular about my layout that is breaking the css for the rest of the page?
Is this something fixed in the new theme version that just came out today?
That seems like a piecemeal fix to a theme bug and it doesn’t solve all of the issues. The footer, for example, still loses responsiveness, and the color of the title for the last section isn’t using the custom color from the back end.