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June 3, 2020 at 8:12 pm in reply to: Site crashes when manually enlarging and shrinking gallery images on mobile #1219235
So after much troubleshooting I finally figured out what’s going on. The FB widgets’ (any of the at least 4 I tried) “timeline” apparently puts a large strain on my ios safari browser and tends to cause it to crash with the more content there is on the page. *Again, this only occurs when utilizing the timeline and not when just the header and link are present.* (I am only referring to my homepage, I have not been able to make any of my inner pages crash probably because there is relatively so little content on them.) Basically, the more content there is on the page, the more likely it can be crashed. When the timeline is off however and only the header and link are on the page, or when the widget is deactivated, I haven’t been able to make the page crash regardless of the amount of content I have. For example when the widget is active, even with as few as 10 images in the gallery I can cause it to crash. On the contrary when only the header and link are on the page, or when the widget is deactivated, even with all my 115 gallery images on the page I cannot cause it to crash. Based on that, it seems to me that the FB widget timeline is causing the crashing.
Originally I created this thread to try and get some help figuring out what was going on, but I kept posting updates with the thought that maybe this will help someone in the future if they encounter the same issue.
Thanks again, Ismael, for the responses :)
June 2, 2020 at 10:01 pm in reply to: Site crashes when manually enlarging and shrinking gallery images on mobile #1218859I just realized something else. When I originally described the issue in the first post I said, “The problem is when I enlarge or shrink an image with my fingers on mobile my site crashes.” I just noticed that the issue occurs regardless of where on the site I enlarge or shrink the screen, not just on images. It could be an image or text or anywhere else on the page.
June 2, 2020 at 8:55 pm in reply to: Site crashes when manually enlarging and shrinking gallery images on mobile #1218845Thanks for the suggestion. I tried it but it didn’t help.
Disabled the lightbox plugin and tried it. Disabled the lightbox plugin and tried three of the plugins you listed. I’m currently using the masonry gallery but I also tried both the gallery and the horizontal gallery. Everything mentioned above continues to result in the same issue.
May 29, 2020 at 7:37 pm in reply to: Site crashes when manually enlarging and shrinking gallery images on mobile #1217845Are you using the default lightbox option from the theme?
It’s possible that the default lightbox script is incompatible with the FB widget, or a line of code is causing it to crash, so using a different lightbox plugin or script might help fix the issue.
Agreed…as I mentioned I’ve tried 4 different plugins, very popular ones, and the problem persists with all of them.
Unfortunately, we can’t really know without a way to properly debug the issue. Have you tried connecting your phone to your laptop and debug the issue using the web inspector? An error should at least occur in the console before the page crashed.
No, I wouldn’t know where to start or have any idea of what I’m doing. It’s happening to me on two different iphone Xs, are you able to reproduce it on your device? If so, can you debug it?
Would it help if I gave you my login info?
This level of coding is above my level of understanding. I have someone that does a good bit of coding work for me and he can’t figure it out which is why I’m coming to you. I’m using the theme’s default lightbox and I’ve tried 4 different FB plugins that are all yielding the same issue which at this point is making me think it’s some code in the theme that’s causing it.
May 21, 2020 at 10:16 pm in reply to: Site crashes when manually enlarging and shrinking gallery images on mobile #1215090Thanks for the response Ismael.
I’ve tried the theme’s default FB Like Widget but it’s not really what I’m looking for, for two reasons:
1) Showing the feed is important because it’s very dynamic, always being updated with relevant content and interesting photos. This gives the site (especially in my industry) an up-to-date feel as well as generating interest so people hang-out and continue to explore even further. Without the feed the widget is simply a link for people to leave and go to FB where they can see the feed (as well as other content but none typically more desirable for the visitor to seek out or want to view than the feed). And if someone absolutely wants to get to FB to see that content they can either click the link on top of the plugin/widget or they can click on the FB icon located in both the header and footer. And this leads to my second point…
2) I don’t particularly want an app/widget/link that directs potential clients away from my site when it’s only for something as simple as a feed (which seems to me like something that should be easy enough to have using a theme as popular and widely used as Enfold). I spend a lot time and money to get people TO my site and not direct them away for social proof that I should rather easily be able to give them.
I certainly appreciate the theme providing the FB Like Widget, but for the reasons above it would be really nice to have the feed. I thought I would give you guys/gals a chance to figure it out and better the theme before giving one of my developers a shot.
I’ve been using Enfold almost exclusively since 2013. It’s a great theme with people behind the scenes that have been doing a great job with it for a long time and I just want to let you all know I very much appreciate it :)
May 18, 2020 at 10:03 pm in reply to: Site crashes when manually enlarging and shrinking gallery images on mobile #1214128Anyone???
June 8, 2019 at 7:18 pm in reply to: Website crashes when manually enlarging and shrinking gallery images on mobile #1108483You can close it.
Thanks again,
BrianJune 5, 2019 at 7:50 pm in reply to: Website crashes when manually enlarging and shrinking gallery images on mobile #1107728Hello Rikard,
I’m using an iPhone X and safari browser but I found out what was causing the issue. I went plugin by plugin deactivating each and the “Simple Facebook Plugin” is the problem. I’ll have to find a new FB plugin. I did that once yesterday but must not have given the settings enough time to engage before checking it on my phone.
My bad for bringing this topic up but perhaps it will help someone else figure out what’s going on if they have the same issue.
BrianYep, that did it, the first slider image is loading quicker now. Thanks for the help. I just had too many images loading on the homepage. I decreased the amount of gallery pics to about half and added a “Load More” button to load the other half.
On a somewhat related note…I did that yesterday and this morning noticed that the button wasn’t working on mobile (was working fine on desktop). Did a quick search of the forum and found some threads from others with the same issue. One suggestion was to clear the cache and that seemed to resolve it, at least for now. I’ll keep checking periodically to see if it happens again. Any thoughts on why the mobile Load More button wasn’t working today, or is that a question for a new thread?
Hello again Ismael.
I realize site optimization is beyond the scope of support, but what I’m saying is that I’m not sure the issue I’m having is related to optimization.
In the last few weeks I’ve spoken w at least 5 different website designers/developers and they all say they can’t help because the delay in the first slider image is being caused by a lazy load feature built into the theme and that I should contact theme support.
I just can’t figure out why it’s happening to my site. Again, the enfold demo sites have slider images 3-4 times as large and their first one loads instantly along w the rest of the page.
Hi Ismael, thanks for the response.
I went through the two links above and followed them step by step in terms of theme settings and optimizing my images. I had already optimized my images when I initially put them on the site, but I went ahead and downloaded the shortpixel plugin and optimized all the images again with it. At completion it said the overall compression rate was 64%.
It really didn’t do much at all as my original gtmetrix pagespeed score was F(32%) with a fully loaded time of 10 sec, and after adjusting the theme settings and optimizing all the images on the site the score now is only F(39%) with a fully loaded time of 8.3 sec.
Also, my issue with the delayed first slider image on mobile still persists. To answer your question, I have 6 slider images and they range from 100kb-140kb…not very large at all for full screen slider images. The Enfold 2017 demo and other Enfold demos typically have slider images in the range of 400kb-500kb. The interesting thing is that I didn’t always have this issue, it started relatively recently.
May 13, 2019 at 8:07 pm in reply to: Masonry gallery – "Load more" starts shaking the website + random border #1100251Thanks Ismael, that fixed it. I added the code to the Quick CSS and then cleared my cache.
Hopefully you can figure out what causes it. Here’s something interesting that may help you…the issue still persists when I view that site in incognito mode (I’m using Chrome of course). That doesn’t really matter to me, but again it may help you figure out what’s going on.
Appreciate the help,
BrianMay 7, 2019 at 10:23 pm in reply to: Masonry gallery – "Load more" starts shaking the website + random border #1098225Hello Vinay,
Thank you for the response.Like clikcreations mentioned in the first post, when I click “load more” I am also experiencing shaking of the page and flickering of the scrollbar, but unlike clickcreations I can scroll immediately after the images load.
I followed your link to the “Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403” page but I’m not sure that’s of much help. Again, the images load but they do so following a shaking of the page and flickering of the scrollbar.
I started building my enfold site almost 6 years ago and although I don’t remember exactly when I first attempted to use the “load more” feature I do remember this issue has always been present when viewing my site on pc via both chrome and safari browsers. As I mentioned in a previous post I have never seen the issue using an ios phone. Furthermore, I have viewed the site on 3 different pc laptops as well as 2 different pc desktops and issue appears the same in all instances.
I followed your advice and deactivated all plugins before clearing my entire cache, I received no browser error message but the issue still persists.
BrianMay 6, 2019 at 7:13 pm in reply to: Masonry gallery – "Load more" starts shaking the website + random border #1097781Hi Victoria,
I notice the issue on my pc when using both chrome and firefox browsers. On my ios phone however the issue does not appear to be there.
BrianI followed Ismael’s suggestion and edited the masonry_gallery.php.
Question…when I update the theme will I lose that edit, or do I need to install a child theme and edit that instead?
Brian(Yes, I realize this is a 5 yr old thread.)
May 2, 2019 at 11:40 pm in reply to: Masonry gallery – "Load more" starts shaking the website + random border #1096650Thank you for asking that, clikcreations. I’ve always noticed this as well and it looks unprofessional which is why for the longest time I would not add a “Load More” option.
I have a feeling if there’s a solution for this it’s going to come from a theme update, but if anyone out there knows of a fix please post it.
BrianHello Basilis, thnx for the response.
The update came out today and I just uploaded it…from what I can tell it looks like it solved the issue. Nice work :)
Something I’m wondering though…I believe before the update I could “swipe” through my lightboxed images once I have one selected, in my gallery for example, something i can’t do now. (Like how we can swipe through slider images.) Now only the left and right arrows cause the images to scroll. Again, I can’t remember if I could do this before but I thought we could.
February 26, 2017 at 8:43 pm in reply to: Lightbox pictures disappearing / flickering on mobile #752027Hi Mike. Thanks for the response.
What I referring to was the most recent code Yigit posted, the one from Jan 14, not the one from Jan 4 In any case, neither worked. I’m sure it will be addressed in the next update, in the 3-4 yrs I’ve been using Enfold the developers have always been really good at fixing issues.
Would be really nice though if I could have a temporary fix until the update comes out, I’m showing the site to the client later this week.
Thanks again,
BrianSo I figured it out (or at least a solution that will work). The issue has to do with viewing via chrome…doesn’t happen with any other browsers as far as I can tell. Not only does a white line show at certain screen sizes but the corners of all pics in the grid show a few white pixels…looks bad. So the easiest fix I could think of was to edit each cell and use “Custom Background Color” to make a dark background so the pixels blend with the dark boarders. Looks good now. Welcome.
Hi Nikko. I apologize for the delay in getting back. I disabled the “under construction” plugin so now the site is live.
As I mentioned on 10/28, it happens in chrome but not firefox or ie. Furthermore if I adjust the size of the chrome window, at certain sizes the line will be completely gone but at other sizes it will be under as many as three images. (I also tried adjusting the size of the firefox and ie windows but the line doesn’t appear at any size.)
From my very limited coding knowledge it appears to be a compatibility issue with that particular element and chrome.
Something else I’ve noticed is that it happens in chrome but not firefox or ie. Furthermore if I adjust the size of the chrome window, at certain sizes the line will be completely gone but at other sizes it will be under as many as three images. (I also tried adjusting the size of the firefox and ie windows but the line doesn’t appear at any size.)
site login and pass below…
Got it. Thanks so much Yigit, really appreciate the info.
Screenshot below in private content…
Yep, that solved the issue.
I thought you were going to create a child theme, my bad, I’m not sure why I thought that lol.
I could have added the code to Functions.php myself, as I understand how to do that. I thought however that after adding to the parent files, upon updating the enfold theme I would lose those additions, is that correct? In other words when I update will your addition remain or will I have to add it again?
Wow, thanks a lot, I really appreciate you doing that.
Is there anything different I need to do now that I have a child theme? Do I still access the site, login, update, backup, etc. the same way?
Also, I started another thread regarding a different issue, perhaps while you’re in there if you don’t mind you can take a look.
Thanks for the quick response Yigit.
Sorry about having the maintenance page up, still building the site and forgot it was activated, just turned it off.
I’m not very advanced when it comes to working with code and adding and dealing with a child theme is something I really don’t want to do if at all possible. Is there any code I can add to the Quick CSS?
Appreciate the help but I found an answer online at
#top .av_header_transparency {
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
}That code does the trick…allows me to darken the transparent header (or change the color if I want) but doesn’t affect the mobile header color.
So I added the following code:
#top .av_header_glassy.av_header_transparency #header_main {
background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.2);
} did what I wanted when viewing on desktop and darkened the transparency of the header to my desired amount. The problem now is that on mobile I get a slightly darkened header…instead of being white it is now gray.
To make the gray mobile slider white again I tried this:
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
#top #wrap_all .av_header_transparency, .av_header_transparency #advanced_menu_toggle {
background-color: red !important;
} of course changed ‘red’ to ‘white’ but got the same effect…a gray header. The transparency setting is overriding any other changes.
Is there a way to use a code similar to the this one but have it only active on non-mobile viewing?
#top .av_header_glassy.av_header_transparency #header_main {
background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.2);
}Again, I want to be able to do what this site is doing:
If you look at it on desktop you’ll notice a dark transparent header, and if you look on mobile you’ll notice it’s white.-
This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by
Thanks Basilis for the quick response but that’s not what I’m looking for. That fix changed the header to solid white. I’m trying to keep the transparency but just make it slightly darker (less transparent). Please see the example site I posted above.
Is there a setting to simply adjust the level of transparency on the header or will I have to manually enter code?
This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by
This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by