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  • Hi,
    sorry, there is no content in the private field.
    And sorry again, this makes no sense at all. The resize to 360×540 is wrong, because we increased the number of columns from 3 to 4. As a result the pics must be resized to 200×300. How can we achieve that, simply? That is what is all about since a couple of weeks now!
    best regards,

    in reply to: Menu design: 4 or 5 columns #1096489

    Hi Mike,
    great, that’s it!
    And now it’s clear that the same fly out should be related to all sub menus of this menu item “Brennerei Auswahl”. Because it looks awful if 1 flyout is left and the others are right.
    best regards, Joerg

    in reply to: Menu design: 4 or 5 columns #1095229

    Hi Mike,
    I come back to you only now, because I had other things to do. Sorry.
    So, you added new code to the Quick CSS. What I want is not 2 but 3 columns. I changed your code respectivley, please see screenshot and code below. I then deleted your older version of code, which obviously referred to a wrong menu ID (below as well).
    Fine so far.
    The only challange left now is to force the sub-sub blocks for the menu “Brennerei Auswahl” fly out really to the left instead of right. As for now it makes no difference in appearence, if the instruction for – #menu-item-19831 ul.sub-menu li {
    display: inline-block !important; – is “float: left” or “float: right”.
    Any idea?
    best regards, Joerg

    in reply to: Enfold Shop – Woocommerce Produktbild Größe ändern #1095220

    Hi Ismael,
    I had to care for other things, so I answer only now: Of course I regenerated some of the pics in question in order to test the new setting. It makes no difference.
    Kind regards, Joerg

    in reply to: Enfold Shop – Woocommerce Produktbild Größe ändern #1091016

    Hi Ismael,
    thanks. From my point of view, it makes no difference to the situation before. The pics are still marked as “forced to wrong format”. Please see screenshot enclosed.
    kind regards,

    in reply to: Enfold Shop – Woocommerce Produktbild Größe ändern #1090000

    Please see below

    in reply to: Menu design: 4 or 5 columns #1089977

    Hi Mike,
    I only changed the width of your original block from 840 to 630 and the columns to 200 in order to force 3 columns, and it worked. You can see this in the quick css of enfold child. The 3 submenu items appear just like a mega menu in 1 row instead of default column. Which is wrong. The result in screenshots below.

    So I tried and left away this part of your code:
    #menu-item-19330 ul.sub-menu {
    width: 630px !important;
    The result of this is what you saw yesterday: the sub level is default in 1 column – correct – but the sub-sub level flies out far left in 1 column. Which is wrong again.

    Expected for the sub-sub is:
    – 1 block with 3 columns referring to the largest sub-sub level – as above
    – and default column design referring to the other sub-subs

    When I started this I did not think of making a difference to the levels, because I thougth that the system would automatically adjust to the content, which is very uneven. But things seem to be more difficult.
    So, the aim of all this trouble is to display the items of a certain sub-sub level – in this case “Deutschland” – in a readably compact manner in 1 block with columns – in this case 3 are good.

    Hope, I made it understandable.
    Best regards, Jörg

    in reply to: Enfold Shop – Woocommerce Produktbild Größe ändern #1089475

    Hi Ismael,
    I really don’t see your problem. I just logged in with your data and I can edit everything I like. Please see below

    in reply to: Menu design: 4 or 5 columns #1089021

    someone changed your user rights. strange… I set it back, so feel free to test any code…
    kind regards, joerg

    in reply to: Menu design: 4 or 5 columns #1088612

    Hi Mike,
    yes, we’re getting there. Flyout left is good, but now we lost the block space needed for all the content of sub menu “Deutschland”, ideal would be 3 columns. Whereas the items of the other 2 sub menus could remain 1 column, but – in any case – fitted aside the sub menu of course, not solo far out left.
    I tried different settings but none brought me where I got to go. I put the whole actual code for the menu and a screenshot below.
    Kind regards,

    … I never used Temporary Login without Password before and it seems to not working properly, please see old method in private section below.

    in reply to: Menu design: 4 or 5 columns #1088172

    Hm, I never used Temporary Login without Password before and it seems to not working properly, please see the old method in private section..

    Hi Nikko, I had to change the login, please see below
    kind regards, joerg

    in reply to: Menu design: 4 or 5 columns #1088018

    Hm, I don’t see the problem, but please see below

    in reply to: Menu design: 4 or 5 columns #1087841

    Sorry, please see below

    in reply to: Menu design: 4 or 5 columns #1087787

    please see the testsite backend with link below.
    My code to show all of the submenu items in 1 visible block with 4 columns is based on what you gave me first and goes like this:
    /* menu Brennerei Auswahl */
    #menu-item-19330 ul.sub-menu {
    width: 840px !important;
    #menu-item-19330 ul.sub-menu li {
    display: inline-block !important;
    float: right !important;
    width: 200px !important;
    #menu-item-19330 ul.sub-menu li:nth-child(odd) {
    float: right !important;
    margin-right: 10px;
    width: 200px !important;
    #menu-item-19330 ul.sub-menu li:nth-child(even) {
    float: right !important;
    margin-right: 10px;
    width: 200px !important;

    If each of the subsub menu item blocks would flow the opposite way, I would happy ;-)
    best regards. Joerg

    in reply to: Menu design: 4 or 5 columns #1087768

    Hi Mike,
    the screenshot is from the testsite, you won’t see it live. And you are right, the sub menu column css you gave me was principally fine. I only adjusted it to achieve 4 columns – success! – and a flyout the opposite way, as you said – failed! Then I had the idea to structure it a bit better by putting in 3 submenu points and making the rest sub-sub points. The corresponding screenshot was the first I gave you. The reason I cannot use default Megamenu is that these subs and/or sub-subs are very uneven, one of them still containing around 30 distilleries, another one only 2. Looks awful with megamenu and many points are not visable on medium and smaller screens.
    Maybe there is another solution, you mentioned lightbox. But I am not sure which consequence this would have to SEO?
    best reagrds, joerg

    in reply to: Menu design: 4 or 5 columns #1087746

    Hi Mike,
    this is misunderstanding. It does not concern the text items, I need the whole block to be aligned to the opposite side – name it left or right – so that all menu columns are visible on normal and smaller screens. I enclose another screen shot to make it clearer.
    best regards.

    Hi Nikko,
    somehow my reply from April 1 disappeard. Anyway, I gave you the login, please see private field. Temp. Login Limit is set to 3 days.

    in reply to: Menu design: 4 or 5 columns #1087533

    Hi Mike,
    somehow my second replies from April 2 disappeard. Anyway, I asked you if it is possible
    a) to have the the submenu block aligned left instead og rhight. I changed the code already, but it had no effect.
    b) the same in case of subsub menus.
    As the menu point concerned is the outer right, I need this alignment, please see screenshots enclosed in the private field.

    in reply to: Menu design: 4 or 5 columns #1085527

    Hi Mike,
    this is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks. But: I need this for the menu “Brennerei-Auswahl”. Which item number is this, where can I get the parameters?
    best regards, joerg

    in reply to: Enfold Shop – Woocommerce Produktbild Größe ändern #1084128
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Enfold Shop – Woocommerce Produktbild Größe ändern #1084018

    Hi Nikko,
    you mean the functions.php of the Child Theme? Done. Result: Empty white page.
    Kind regards, Joerg

    in reply to: Enfold Shop – Woocommerce Produktbild Größe ändern #1083516

    Hi Nikko,
    thanks for reply.
    As explained before and again, on my site the images of “shop_catalog” (which is equal to “woocommerce_thumbnail” also part of my mediathek) are delivered in 360×540 and not as you say 450×450. But this not the point.
    The point is, I must have a format ca. 200×300 to fit in the site’s design, because we have 4 columns on shop page instead of default 3. So, easily to understand: each product image is concerned, anywhere on the site!
    By now ,all these images seem to be scaled down by CSS or whatever function of WP / Woo / Enfold, so the frontend appears ok. But as the systems deliver a bigger format than actually needed, the data are bigger than they should be. Which means: bad loading time, bad ranking.
    I tried all the usual settings in customizer, WP settings, with and without plugins “simple-image-sizes” and / or “regenerate thumbnails” and / or EWW, and even some code, which I picked from some of your older posts in a similar topic – Nothing ever changes.
    Putting “$avia_config[‘imgSize’][‘shop_catalog’] = array(‘width’=>200, ‘height’=>300);” in the WP > Enfold Child > General Design settings has no effect.
    Any suggestions?
    kind regards, joerg

    in reply to: Enfold Shop – Woocommerce Produktbild Größe ändern #1083231

    Hi Nikko,
    I tried it, but there is no change. Meanwhile I found a lot of similar questions on Images sizes in the support blog. It’s a mess.
    The EWW optimizer plugin tells me, the images are forced to 193 x 290 (by CSS or Enfold, I guess) but their original size is still the same. Which means too much loading time, as this is the only interesting thing about it.
    Is it possible that the EWW and Regenerate Thumbnails informations are misleading?
    By the way, in Settings > Media I can change only the standard WP-Sizes, not the Woocommerce and Theme formats.
    Kind regards, Joerg

    in reply to: Menu design: 4 or 5 columns #1082767

    Hi Victoria,
    I started this because mega menu of course is no option. So, I am not sure what you understood.
    Are you saying that there is no way to configure Enfold by css or whatever kind of code to achieve more than the default 1 column in the submenus?
    kind regards, joerg

    in reply to: Enfold Shop – Woocommerce Produktbild Größe ändern #1078667
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Menu design: 4 or 5 columns #1078664
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Menu design: 4 or 5 columns #1077806
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Enfold Shop – Woocommerce Produktbild Größe ändern #1077805

    Hi Victoria,
    of course it is set to 200 (instead of 360), but apparently this has no consequence at all. GTmetrix tells me, all pictures remain 360px width. Regenerate Thumnails does not recognize any changes, too.
    best regards,

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