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  • in reply to: Problem with "jumping" main menu #1149763

    Hi Victoria,
    isn’t it maybe possible to give an absolute position to each menu item to avoid this behaviour?
    It looks really unprofessional on a website..


    in reply to: Arrow down triangle between sections #1149365

    Hi Jordan,

    here is the website I am working on, see private content.
    I don’t understand why the arrow currently doesn’t display between “Kollektion” and “haendler” section..


    in reply to: Arrow down triangle between sections #1149348

    Ciao Victoria,

    is it possible to change the size of the down triangle and make it a little smaller?


    in reply to: Hide HOME top menu item on one page layout #1134531

    Great, thank you!

    Perfect, that solved it! Awesome, you’re the best!
    Thank you so much!

    in reply to: Masonry gallery – title below image and new image effect #1129528

    Hi Mike;
    I tried the first code that you gave me because I indeed wanted the inactive font in semibold (thinner than before).
    Now the only problem is that the hover seems to work on the whole gallery and not on the single photo. If I hover over a photo, all photo captions get the hover effect instead of just the one.

    Thanks again for your excellent support!

    All the best

    in reply to: Masonry gallery – title below image and new image effect #1127562

    Hi Mike,

    it should be
    font-family: Gilroy-Semibold;
    font-size: 16pt;
    when inactive

    font-family: Gilroy-Bold;
    font-size: 16pt;
    on hover

    Thanks again

    in reply to: Hide HOME menu item on one page website #1127534

    No, fine like this thanks a lot!
    You’re really supportive, thanks again!

    in reply to: Hide HOME menu item on one page website #1127519

    Hi Mike,
    thank you, this solution helped me!

    Concerning the alternative solution: I checked my menu options but I don’t have the “one page (Enfold Child Main Menu) in my dropdown options.. Maybe something went wrong when I installed the demo data?

    All the best

    in reply to: Style contact form #1127518

    Thanks for your fantastic support, Mike!

    Awesome, Mike, that is really great!
    Is it also possible to add a hover effect to the caption below the image?
    (font-family: Gilroy-Bold)?

    Thanks a lot!
    Best, Carolin

    in reply to: Table formating / Border colors #1127514

    Hi Mike, thank you, that looks really great! Just a little thing: is it possible to vertically center the content of the first table row?
    At the moment it seems to be a little too high.


    in reply to: Table formating / Border colors #1125902

    Here it is..

    in reply to: Hide HOME menu item on one page website #1125900

    Hi Vinay,

    I’m not sure which point in the instruction you are referring to that could help me to solve the problem?
    The highlighting works well with the sections that I defined. The only problem I have when the page is initially loaded?!
    If you load the URL given below, the first section KOLLEKTION is already highlighted (although it should not be active then, the section is further below)

    Please advise, thank you..


    in reply to: Hide HOME menu item on one page website #1125445

    Yes, exactly. KOLLEKTION should only be highlighted once you clicked upon it but not when the page is initially loaded (none of the menu items should be active/highlighted then)

    Thank you!!

    in reply to: Style contact form #1125444

    Hi Mike,
    thanks for your help. I did everything your suggested concerning the placeholder, added the firefox code, cleared the FF browser cache, and it now looks fine!

    Concerning the checkbox,: it IS now in front of the sentence but it doesn’t quite look nice because it is not vertically centered in front of the line but too high.
    Can you see it?
    I also lost the 30px margin above and belove the part with the checkbox.
    Here is the code that I currently have in quick css. Do you generally recommend to cut and paste it into the custom.css of the child theme or in the WordPress Additional Css box that you told me about?

    font-family: Gilroy-Semibold;
    font-weight: normal !important;
    font-size: 16pt !important;
    line-height: 26pt !important;
    margin-top: 30px !important;
    margin-bottom: 30px !important;

    #top.home .av_form_privacy_check {
    float: none !important;

    in reply to: Style contact form #1125148

    .. I’ve just checked: on firefox, the formatting of placeholder and input fonts doesn’t seem to work?!

    in reply to: Style contact form #1125132

    Hi again,

    I resolved point 1) by myself with the help of another of your posts by adding

    #top .input-text, #top input[type=”text”], #top input[type=”input”], #top input[type=”password”], #top input[type=”email”], #top input[type=”number”], #top input[type=”url”], #top input[type=”tel”], #top input[type=”search”], #top input[type=”submit”], #top textarea, #top select{
    font-family: Gilroy-Bold;
    font-size: 16pt;
    line-height: 26pt;

    Now I only need help with
    The clickbox for the data protection acceptance should be in front of the sentence and not above.


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by bm_cw.
    in reply to: Footer menu links cut #1125070

    Hi Rikard,

    this solves the problem that the letters are cut in the bottom but now, the Copyright note and the social media icons are not on the same line as the menu items anymore and it all looks very crooked..


    in reply to: Arrow down triangle between sections #1125069

    Hi Victoria,

    thank you, this is exactly what I was looking for!

    Best regards

    Hi Victoria,

    I am trying to achieve what you see on top of the masonry gallery.
    As I tried to explain, I simulated the effect that I want with single elements that I obviously cannot use because I am missing the gallery features like lightbox, etc.
    If you go on the website (private content), you see the line above the gallery.


    in reply to: Style contact form #1125028

    Hi Victoria,

    ikf you read above, this subject has only been solved partly, I still have trouble with the three points listef above?
    The only think resolved by now is the color of the button!


    I simulated what I want to achieve with one 4 columns row of single images with the caption underneath, to explain what I am looking for within the gallery.

    I need the gallery to have less space between the images and columns but what’s more, to have the lightbox feature to browse through all the photos.


    in reply to: Hide HOME menu item on one page website #1124758

    Hi Jordan,
    when you go on the website, the menu item KOLLEKTION already has the :active BOLD css format although you haven’t clicked on that menu item yet.

    Do you know what I mean?

    Hi Victoria,
    I’ve tried all possible settings but as you can see, if you checke the website now with the title always shown, it is still not below the image but on top, and covers part of the image.
    I would like to have a line below the image, on the normal blue background.

    How about the second question about a custom color overlay?


    in reply to: Style contact form #1124694

    Your solution for the button went fine, thank you!

    in reply to: Style contact form #1124693

    Hi Mike,

    thank you for your reply. I checked in another browser and saw what you mean. Strangely, I see the placeholder with the correct font in Chrome but not in Firefox.
    Maybe I did something wrong?

    These are the modification in quick css that I am using now to achieve:
    1) Placeholder font Gilroy Bold, 16pt
    2) Input font Gilroy Bold, 16pt + line-height 26pt
    3) Checkbox data security sentence. font Gilroy-semibold, 16pt, line-height 26pt with checkbox in front of the sentence (right now it is in the line above) with margin 30px above and below the sentence to the boxes above and below.

    font-family: Gilroy-Bold;
    font-size: 16pt;

    .avia_ajax_form input
    font-family: Gilroy-Bold;
    font-size: 16pt;
    line-height: 26pt;

    font-family: Gilroy-Semibold;
    font-weight: normal !important;
    font-size: 16pt !important;
    line-height: 26pt !important;
    margin-top: 30px !important;
    margin-bottom: 30px !important;

    in reply to: Footer menu links cut #1124691

    No, it is still there. In the footer menu in the socket on the right..

    in reply to: Footer menu links cut #1124210

    I applied this to quick css

    #socket .sub_menu_socket li a {
    font-family: Gilroy-Bold;
    font-size: 16pt;
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;

    in reply to: Hide Logo when scrolling down #1124164

    Thanks, Nikko, I didn’t see that Guenni was only a participant himself.
    I tried the css and it works perfectly fine! Thanks for your great support!

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