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January 20, 2020 at 8:49 pm in reply to: ENFOLD 4.7.1: Cookie (Consent) Problem with Woocommerce Cart still exists 😱 #1176427
I don´t know how to explain it more than I already have done…
Where is the Logic?! A visitor can choose that maybe Google Maps cookies are ok and f.e. Google Analytics are not ok but a visitor can NOT choose that ONLY the WC Cart cookies are ok? Why is the option missing to choose only these cookies? Sorry, but this doesn´t make any sense for me…
I think people who don´t want to be tracked by Google maybe want to use Onlineshops? Or should those people never use an online shop anymore??
January 20, 2020 at 8:41 pm in reply to: ENFOLD 4.7.1: Cookie (Consent) Problem with Woocommerce Cart still exists 😱 #1176421Yes only essential Cookies selected and the cart cookie ist an essential cookie, because the shop does not work without it?
January 20, 2020 at 3:57 pm in reply to: ENFOLD 4.7.1: Cookie (Consent) Problem with Woocommerce Cart still exists 😱 #1176337How should a visitor use this? If he can´t choose only the necessary cookies to work? He nned to accept cookies for GA or GMaps to use the cart?? Really?
or is there a way to let them choose these cookies I don´t know? Then please let me know.Best Kim
January 20, 2020 at 3:48 pm in reply to: ENFOLD 4.7.1: Cookie (Consent) Problem with Woocommerce Cart still exists 😱 #1176335HI Günter,
if it really like that this is big mistake! Because necessary Cookies like cart cookies are always allowed! There is no problem for this cookies with GDPR or other europen laws… and it is NOT possible to choose these Cookies in the Cookie consent banner, so I don´t think this is correct!! If this was what you programmer wanted, why is there no possibility to accept just these cookies?? This doesn´t make any sense…..
And this is the second thread I opened for this problem, why does nobody told me this before?
This would be awesome… loved it so much to have this freedom! 🙏
Ok, thank you! :)
January 15, 2020 at 6:34 pm in reply to: ENFOLD 4.7.1: Cookie (Consent) Problem with Woocommerce Cart still exists 😱 #1174638this happens if I ignore the cookie consent and if I reject it…
If I accept the Cookies everything works fine!!January 15, 2020 at 6:31 pm in reply to: ENFOLD 4.7.1: Cookie (Consent) Problem with Woocommerce Cart still exists 😱 #1174637if I logout the cart is empty again….
January 15, 2020 at 6:26 pm in reply to: ENFOLD 4.7.1: Cookie (Consent) Problem with Woocommerce Cart still exists 😱 #1174635Ok, I made a complete new installation ONLY plugin is woocommerce with Enfold and Demo Content Enfold 2017.
Cookie Consent is set to “must opt in (only necessary Cookies activated)”Have the same issue!
When I try it again and login before, it works fine and all products I put in are suddenly there!
January 15, 2020 at 2:35 pm in reply to: ENFOLD 4.7.1: Cookie (Consent) Problem with Woocommerce Cart still exists 😱 #1174008Hi Günter,
thank you for your response.Is the recaptcha from enfold? because I already have deactivated recaptcha in Enfold.. don´t know, where this error come from.. :(
To use the cart must be possible even if I do not accept cookies! This is a necessary cookie and it is everytime OK! even with the new law…
cache was cleared before, every time I tried….January 15, 2020 at 2:23 pm in reply to: ENFOLD 4.7.1: Cookie (Consent) Problem with Woocommerce Cart still exists 😱 #1173999ok, I found out, if I am logged in it works the previously inserted products even reappear, but if I am logged out and try to open the cart it is empty..
Have you tried it logged out on your own installation?
This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by
January 15, 2020 at 12:50 pm in reply to: ENFOLD 4.7.1: Cookie (Consent) Problem with Woocommerce Cart still exists 😱 #1173944Yes, I tried it deactivated and tried it active again…
Did not work… I put something into the cart and when I open the cart it is empty :(Thank you Victoria, if it will be the early January this is fine for me. :-)
I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year!
Best KiM
Thank you! Do you know how long the next update will take? roughly?
Is it working properly when the Privacy & Cookies ? Default Cookie Behavior is set to the first option?
Yes this works fine!
If you accept all cookies it works fine, too….Only if you don´t accept or you if you ignore the cookie banner and the cookies are blocked this problem appears.
Hope you find a solution. 🙏
Thanks a lot. Best KiM
When I check the actual local storage in my browser I get this result. ->
Maybe it helps if you take a look in the backend?
Hi Ismael, thanks for your help.
Have you click on the card?
Because till this point it worked for me too, but if I click on the card, it is empty like this:We had many customers who told us about it… they where using f.e. iPhone or Samsung Android. I could reproduce it on my iMac with Firefox.
Thanks a lot
best KiM
Crazy: If you change the cookie settings after that, eg Google Analytics allows and then saves and reloads, the shopping cart will work again, even if you ban Google Analytics again and save it and reload it, it still works ?!
Try it here:
Hi There, we have exactly this problem with 4.6.3
(Hi, we have a problem with the cookies. Users have to accept all cookies otherwise the Woocommerce cart cookie is not saved.)
The visitors can´t save anything in the cart.. when you open the cart it is empty, if you haven´t accept all Cookies!PLEASE HELP!
Thanks in advance KiM
This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by
I always check the cookies with Gostery. As you can see, Gostery blocks Google Analytics cookies, although they may not be set without permission.
Please check the screenshot ->
Best regards,
KiMhopefully it will get fixed with the next update?
ok, yesterday I did anything wrong.. don’t know what, but now it works fine.. Thank you!!! 😊🙏
Best regards
KiM ✌️
Vielen Dank! Teste ich bei Gelegenheit. Sollte man vielleicht auch in das nächste Update übernehmen? ist zwar kein Fehler, sieht aber wie einer aus ;)
Lieber Gruß
Thanks a lot, let me check that..
Maybe it should be in the next Update? it is not a really error, but it looks like ;)Best KiM
tried to change both files and disabled and enabled script merging but I can´t delete server cache only browser cache and this does not work for me! :(we take care of so many sites that we have built with Enfold and fixing them all manually is an absolute nightmare !!! 😱
Hi There, this Problem still exists! When do you update it?
Best regardsKiM :)
That’s great, it works perfectly. Thank you so much. :D
Best regards,
My problem is that I want to block the Analytics cookies as long as the visitor did not read the cookie hint and accepted it.
If he accepts -> the cookies may be set
If he refuses -> the cookies may not be setAt the moment the cookies are set though this should not be so.
I hope you can help me.
Best regards,
KiM -
This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by