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I thought only the analytics code is required. You have inserted a “little” bit more – a java script function.
Is this the normal way to do this or is this a workaround?
Where can I find those infos – in the documentation?Best regards Sven
Look here
Perfect! And that works for me.
Thanks Josue
Ah ok.
We want to be flexible and use different icons. The long way is create a new icon and look in the avia shortcode like this:
[av_font_icon icon='ue806' font='entypo-fontello' style='border' caption='' link='' linktarget='' size='40px' position='left' color='' custom_class=''][/av_font_icon]
I thought only you have a reference of it to make it faster…
Thank you for the film to integrate new fontellos.
Do you have a reference of the fontello font awesome, that you have integrated in enfold for shortcodes like this:
icon='ue82d' font='entypo-fontello'
The code of the signs on and the preview of doesn´t fit. Just try it. Select a font awesome sign. Go to “customize codes”. You can copy and paste the number. You will get an unespected sign.
Thank you. It´s so simple! Read over that shortcode.
PS. To change the sign: Do you have a reference of the fontello code “font awesome”? If I use the code of the signs doesn´t fit to the displayed sign.
Look down under
PS. Do you have a reference of the fontello code “font awesome”? If I use the code of the signs doesn´t fit to the displayed sign.
Hi again,
aaah now I understand, what you mean. You suggest a way to change the symbol – the symbol (arrow) is ok for me. But thank you – it was very interesting how to change it.
Please look at the link and to the two downloadable items. Above is a caption “klick mich” in white (not the arrow). I want to change this wording for example in “download”. The class selector is “avia_iconbox_title”. With css pseudo selector :before and :after it doesn´t work for me.
.avia_iconbox_title:before { content: 'download'; }
I want to change also the wording: “klick mich”
How does it works?Hi Ismael,
thanks – it works.
Do you know what is changed since the last update of enfold. Why does it need a 1/1 clolumn in a 1/3 widget part?
Regards Sven
You have the full admin Account. If you want, you can try other possibilities. At this place it´s only a test website (see below).
Before the update the map fits in the widget and everything works. Now the shortcode for me it´s the same, but the footer widget layout crahes with the map. Why?
Thanks Sven
Done & doesn´t work!
Hi Yigit,
now this works for both websites.
Do you mean:[av_hr class='invisible' height='0' shadow='no-shadow' position='center' custom_border='av-border-thin' custom_width='0' custom_border_color='' custom_margin_top='0' custom_margin_bottom='30px' icon_select='yes' custom_icon_color='' icon='' font='entypo-fontello' custom_class='']
I´ve tried it. Doesn´t work.Regards Sven
See below for the website that is updated.
March 22, 2016 at 12:58 pm in reply to: Enfold WordPress Website – Migrationproblem / urgent #601841Hi Basilis.
thanks to this important hint. During the last hour, we can solve this problem with the hoster. Now it works. I´ve testet the brandnew update on a other website and now I have another problem there in the footer. I´ll make a new thread for that.
Further question to the migration problem please:
The one and only migration that really works until now (localhost >>> webspace / one webspace >>> another), is with the plugin duplicator.
But the requirements are high. When the hoster has older preferences (mySQL, php…) or stringent time outs – It doesn´t work. I´ve tried many other possiblities (mySQL dumper, export out of phpmyadmin, tons of workarounds…) Without success.What is your best migration choice? And if it´s not working, the best workarounds for that?
And the last:
duplicator writes in the wp-config: define(‘DB_CHARSET’, ‘utf8mb4’); And it works! Today, we can solve the problem only with the normally charset: define(‘DB_CHARSET’, ‘utf8’); What do you mean to that?Regards Sven
PS. Do you understand that error message? Is the avia builder missing?
Hi Yigit,
thanks! No, it´s exactly the same installation as on localhost and on our website. I migrated the whole thing with the good working tool duplicator. After a few minutes everything is working as it should.
If not normally the hosting preferences aren´t compatible or too old. Until now, I had such a error only one time. The mySQL version was not compatible. But here I have 5.5 and php 5.6. On our webspace we have mySQL 5.5 too and php 7.0.
Overwrite is: to take the whole enfold folder and overwrite the existing one?
Other ideas?Regards Sven
Ok, thanks for all.
1) Done. It looks now as it should.
2) Maybe I´m little bit paranoid at the moment – are the plug-ins tested and save?
3) Ok. Sometimes you can see this stuff in the source code…Thanks
Hi Andy,
nope. I´ve bought a new licence and I didn´t see a new API Key there.
Regards Sven
Hi Rikard,
thanks. This works.
Regards Sven
Hi Basilis,
the page of impressum has a normal look. The bug is inside. If you want to change a word or something in the backend, every time you get this silly
tags. Try it.Best regards Sven
Lovely & thanks!
The solution looks a bit weird but it works.
/***** MEDIA QUERIES bis 667px *****/
@media only screen and (max-width : 667px) {
.avia-slideshow li img {
width: 150% !important;
min-width: 150% !important;
}}/***** MEDIA QUERIES bis 375px *****/
@media only screen and (max-width : 375px) {
.avia-slideshow li img {
width: 200% !important;
min-width: 200% !important;
}}Thanks Andy,
the right way to include this two selectors and slyles is to use only one time the “@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {……..}” in one big bracket – correct?
The selector is now correct (how do you find it – do you have better developer tools? ;)
The image is currently unproportional increased.The problem is: when I use other ratios in px and percents – smaller or bigger – the result of the bg-img is either
unproportional increased or smaller than the content. Both not optimum. ?Regards Sven
Ah ok, thanks.
Sure – it would be good. Look at this…
Hi & thanks.
I’d made it like your suggestion. The text is now visible on mobile. But the background images doesn`t fit to the content. The images (landscape and portrait) are much smaller than the content and they end before the text ends. Do you have a solution finally for that? I tried this code in your custom.css. (by the way: In case of the themeupdate: does the custom.css will be ovewritten?)
This code works with the content.
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { /* Add your Mobile Styles here */ ul.avia-slideshow-inner { height: 560px !important; }
But I can´t find a proper selector for the slider-images. I think it has to be like this:
background-size: 100% 100% !important;
background-repeat: no-repeat !important;
`PS to responsiveness: the logo and the navigation collide before the breakpoint at 767px. Do have a hint for that?
This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by
This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by