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  • in reply to: Mail Repsonder #738412

    Hi Yigit,

    lovely – it works! Could you tell me please, which file or place in the backend did you edit?

    Thanks Sven

    ### SOLVED ###

    in reply to: Mail Repsonder #738386


    in reply to: Mail Repsonder #738381

    Nope – doesn´t work.

    I use poedit for such things. But there is no strings like this of the mail responder inside. And I can´t find it on other places.

    Need the enfold developers look for that.
    Thanks Sven

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by AWZ.
    in reply to: Mail Repsonder #737190

    Do you have a solution?

    in reply to: Sidebar Single Product vs. Single Post #732003

    Thanks Yigit,

    thanks. The solution doesn´t work, because the sidebar is displayed with no content.

    But I found the solution now:
    Enfold prefs: Sidebar on Single Post Entries = no sidebar
    Single post: sidebar
    = sidebar in posts, no sidebar in products


    in reply to: enfold update 3.8 to 3.8.4 | URGENT #727662

    Hi Basilis,

    I have found the troublemaker. Since the update, the cache plugin cachify doesn´t work and it shut down the website. I don´t know why and it would be good, that this doesn´t happen. But: I´m very eased to solve this big issue. The reason, why the website worked only for me (admin) but not for the rest was: no caching of the website for admins.


    Merry Christmas!

    in reply to: Word Press 4.7 #727599

    Sorry it doesn´t work! Only if I logged in as admin, the website works as normal. If I logged out = white screen.

    Please I need a solution.

    in reply to: Word Press 4.7 #727329


    I have quite the same problem and it took over 2h and a lot of nerves! Installing the new update causes big issues. I don´t think, that has something to do with WordPress 4.7, because I installed this before and everything works. I hope to contribute for a solution.

    enfold 3.8 installed, enfold 3.8.4 and yoast plugin update available … processing update

    Frontend shut down = white. Yoast is deleted in the backend but not physicly (FTP). No enfold theme options available in the backend!

    After trying a lot of things that doesn´t work, I installed a fresh (envato) enfold theme via FTP. Now it works.

    Have fun.

    in reply to: Include a static html page #722529


    thanks! Everything works – SOLVED.

    1) Using 1/1 or Color Section
    2) Inside this section = code block with iframe refering to the html´s
    3) Important: allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”

    Best regards Sven

    in reply to: Include a static html page #720539

    Do you have news about it?

    in reply to: Include a static html page #719626

    Hi Rikard,

    iframe is a solution, but it has one big disadvantage: it doesn´t display the “image to fullscreen button”, which is absolutly necessary for 360° view.
    Look at the named screenshots.

    I think two possibilities would be interesting for this:
    1) html in the code box = but until now it displays nothing, I think there are link issues or it doesn´ work inside the theme.
    2) Create a page template for the childtheme. Inside the template replace the content loop with the html code = doesn´t work, is there a way to do it with enfold? (I have done it with another theme. Copy the page template inside the childtheme. Insert the new content in the right place. Create a new template in the backend…)


    in reply to: Blog Image & Single Post Image Cropping #714799

    Hey Ismael and Nikko,

    Thank you very much for your helpful input = solved.


    Ok, understand the difference. So it´s more like a pop-up image. It makes no sense too at this place :) It works and I didn´t knew this css solution. Thanks! Only one small disadvantage: Because of the same class of the image (big-preview.single-big) in the post and in the overview, it blocks the link to the post via image too.


    It works now! It´ a good solution for that, because in the preview you have the image-link and in the post not. Thanks. Do you know, why this code works delayed? At first the image is with a link, after a second not. Maybe it´ because of the code is in the child-theme function…

    Best regards

    in reply to: Blog Image & Single Post Image Cropping #713592


    in reply to: Blog Image & Single Post Image Cropping #712817

    Ok, than we have a definition problem. :)

    Lightbox is for me: an image as a preview or thumbnail is displayed on the page. By clicking on it, it displays the same image or a gallery in a (normally) higher resolution.

    So: The Lightbox Modal Window in the enfold theme by switching on / off: what is the sense of it?

    If I don´t want a lightbox inside the page – by clicking on the image in the page nothing happens – what can I do to realize it?

    In the beginning Nikko send me this code, but it crashes the website. But I think it was the correct way and the beginning of the solution:

    function remove_lightbox(){
          jQuery('.single-post .lightbox-added .overlay, .single-post .lightbox-added .image-overlay').remove();
          jQuery('.single-post .lightbox-added img').unwrap('lightbox-added');
    add_action('wp_footer', 'remove_lightbox');
    in reply to: Blog Image & Single Post Image Cropping #711878

    Good morning,

    2) Yes of course as I wrote in all posts! Deselecting of the lightbox has no effect and doesn´t work! The lightbox isn´t disabled. Please look at the links in the private content of the last thread and in this thread again.

    in reply to: Blog Image & Single Post Image Cropping #710606

    Good morning,

    1) You´ve right! Long time ago – it was set in the blog element. Thanks & solved!

    2) Yes it is disabled. But no result on that. I´ve deleted the cache and tried another browser. Please look at the private content.

    Best regards

    in reply to: Blog Image & Single Post Image Cropping #709685

    Thanks Ismael,

    Nope! The thumbnails of the single post and the overview are completly different. This was the beginning of this thread and I don´t understand the programming until now. By default In the blog overview (Preference: Elegant, Advanced layout editor) the images are not cropped and imagesize is not limited. By default in the single post with sidebar the images are cropped to 1040 x 391px and the imagesize is limited to 845 x 321px. Result: pixelated, unfitting details. Maybe the converse would make sense.

    We have found a solution for the single post (plugin). Do you have a solution for the thumbnails in the blog overview?

    Doesn´t work! Check it out, you have the credentials.

    Best regards Sven

    in reply to: Blog Image & Single Post Image Cropping #709110

    Hi Ismael,

    Installed. It works for the single-post-thanks. You have to generate the thumbnail(s) new or upload it again.

    Preference: Elegant, Advanced layout editor. Don´t know, what for a size of images to edit there. By inspecting it: class=big-preview single-big and inside class=attachment-no scaling size-no scaling wp-post-image
    Do you have a final solution?

    Thanks. Don´t know what you mean with second option, but it works for me. Last thing to that is: lightbox. How can I deselect the lightbox here? The first code snipped crashed the website. Do you have a final solution?

    Best regards Sven

    in reply to: Blog Image & Single Post Image Cropping #707862



    I´ve checked it out. This code in the child function doesn´t “overwrite” the functions code of the theme.

    function avia_change_image_size_array() {
    global $avia_config;
    $avia_config['imgSize']['entry_with_sidebar'] 	= array('width'=>1040, 'height'=>1040 , 'crop' => false);
    add_action( 'init', 'avia_change_image_size_array');

    I use a normal page with a content element called blog posts.

    2) Ok. I´ve had the site on localhost. Now it´s uploaded to our testserver.

    Aim & Conclusion:
    Blog overview (aktuelles): images are not cropped and in fullsize = > here it would be good to crop them and reduce it to a smaller size
    Single post: = > no cropping and reduce it to a size, that shows in a good quality / solved but only in the enfold functions.php not in child function

    in reply to: Blog Image & Single Post Image Cropping #705200

    Do you have ideas to that?

    in reply to: Blog Image & Single Post Image Cropping #704219

    Hi Nikko,

    thanks for the two parts.

    After some problems – a code of the child-theme function overwrote all changes – it works. I delete this code and it works (after reupload):

    function ava_image_sizes() { 
    add_image_size('entry_with_sidebar', 845, 321, array('center', 'top'));
    add_image_size('entry_without_sidebar', 845, 321, array('center', 'top'));
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'ava_image_sizes', 11 );

    So the last things to this topic are:
    a) How can I integrate the following line in my child-theme to protect in case of theme-updates? If I insert the whole array or parts of it in the function of the child theme, the website crashes.
    $avia_config['imgSize']['entry_with_sidebar'] = array('width'=>1040, 'height'=>1040 , 'crop' => false); // big images for blog and page entries

    b) How can I crop the images in the blog overview? The default is original size.

    Doesn´t work. Your code snippet crashes the website….

    in reply to: Sticky Header mobile #686950

    Rocks! Thanks.

    in reply to: Sticky Header mobile #686798

    Thanks Yigit,

    it works- cool!

    The displayed mobile header overlays the content. Further questions to that:
    a) Is it possible to display the header and include a transition, so that the header is only displayed if the user touch / scoll through the website?
    b) Instead of overlay the content, is it possible to display the header over the content?


    in reply to: Sticky Header mobile #684956

    See below

    in reply to: Map / Google API / Localhost #681227

    The only working work around until now is to insert manually the long- and latidude.

    in reply to: Map / Google API / Localhost #681198

    Hi Vinay,

    a) only city: tried it – doesn´t work too.
    b) can´t do it. We have created for every client an own project in google API with several APIs.
    c) can´t do it. It´s not a web URL, it works on localhost. I left the field empty. When it´s online, I think it works. But I search a solution for localhost.


    in reply to: Google Analytics #653729


    now it´s solved. The mistake was:
    1) I inserted only the analytics number in this field = doesn´t work.
    2) You get the login to the backend and inserted the script, but owerwrite the correct analytics number with another = doesn´t work.
    3) Now it´s the right script with the correct number = works!

    Thanks for the support anyway,
    Best regards Sven

    in reply to: Google Analytics #650691


    the code (script) isn´t from me – it was insertet from your support. I had only the analytics code(number). Could you check it in the backend: Are you sure, that your script is correct? I ask meanwhile for the analytics access.

    Best regards Sven

    in reply to: Google Analytics #649785


    the customer respondet: it doesn`t work until now.

    Any ideas? Thanks

    in reply to: Google Analytics #648636


    thanks again. I think the problem is/was, that only our customer has this account. So I hadn´t this script. I´m wating for the response and I will tell you, when it works.

    Feedback: Maybe you include it in the documentation – if it´s always the same script our you rename it in the backend or filled it with the script as default…

    Best regards Sven

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