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Hi Yigit,
lovely – it works! Could you tell me please, which file or place in the backend did you edit?
Thanks Sven
### SOLVED ###
Nope – doesn´t work.
I use poedit for such things. But there is no strings like this of the mail responder inside. And I can´t find it on other places.
Need the enfold developers look for that.
Thanks Sven-
This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by
Do you have a solution?
Thanks Yigit,
thanks. The solution doesn´t work, because the sidebar is displayed with no content.
But I found the solution now:
Enfold prefs: Sidebar on Single Post Entries = no sidebar
Single post: sidebar
= sidebar in posts, no sidebar in productsSOLVED
Hi Basilis,
I have found the troublemaker. Since the update, the cache plugin cachify doesn´t work and it shut down the website. I don´t know why and it would be good, that this doesn´t happen. But: I´m very eased to solve this big issue. The reason, why the website worked only for me (admin) but not for the rest was: no caching of the website for admins.
Merry Christmas!
Sorry it doesn´t work! Only if I logged in as admin, the website works as normal. If I logged out = white screen.
Please I need a solution.
I have quite the same problem and it took over 2h and a lot of nerves! Installing the new update causes big issues. I don´t think, that has something to do with WordPress 4.7, because I installed this before and everything works. I hope to contribute for a solution.
enfold 3.8 installed, enfold 3.8.4 and yoast plugin update available … processing updateAfter
Frontend shut down = white. Yoast is deleted in the backend but not physicly (FTP). No enfold theme options available in the backend!Solution
After trying a lot of things that doesn´t work, I installed a fresh (envato) enfold theme via FTP. Now it works.Have fun.
thanks! Everything works – SOLVED.
1) Using 1/1 or Color Section
2) Inside this section = code block with iframe refering to the html´s
3) Important: allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”Best regards Sven
Do you have news about it?
Hi Rikard,
iframe is a solution, but it has one big disadvantage: it doesn´t display the “image to fullscreen button”, which is absolutly necessary for 360° view.
Look at the named screenshots.I think two possibilities would be interesting for this:
1) html in the code box = but until now it displays nothing, I think there are link issues or it doesn´ work inside the theme.
2) Create a page template for the childtheme. Inside the template replace the content loop with the html code = doesn´t work, is there a way to do it with enfold? (I have done it with another theme. Copy the page template inside the childtheme. Insert the new content in the right place. Create a new template in the backend…)Thanks
Hey Ismael and Nikko,
Thank you very much for your helpful input = solved.
Ok, understand the difference. So it´s more like a pop-up image. It makes no sense too at this place :) It works and I didn´t knew this css solution. Thanks! Only one small disadvantage: Because of the same class of the image (big-preview.single-big) in the post and in the overview, it blocks the link to the post via image too.
It works now! It´ a good solution for that, because in the preview you have the image-link and in the post not. Thanks. Do you know, why this code works delayed? At first the image is with a link, after a second not. Maybe it´ because of the code is in the child-theme function…Best regards
Ok, than we have a definition problem. :)
Lightbox is for me: an image as a preview or thumbnail is displayed on the page. By clicking on it, it displays the same image or a gallery in a (normally) higher resolution. The Lightbox Modal Window in the enfold theme by switching on / off: what is the sense of it?
If I don´t want a lightbox inside the page – by clicking on the image in the page nothing happens – what can I do to realize it?
In the beginning Nikko send me this code, but it crashes the website. But I think it was the correct way and the beginning of the solution:
function remove_lightbox(){ ?> <script> jQuery(window).load(function(){ jQuery('.single-post .lightbox-added .overlay, .single-post .lightbox-added .image-overlay').remove(); jQuery('.single-post .lightbox-added img').unwrap('lightbox-added'); }); </script> <?php } add_action('wp_footer', 'remove_lightbox');
Good morning,
2) Yes of course as I wrote in all posts! Deselecting of the lightbox has no effect and doesn´t work! The lightbox isn´t disabled. Please look at the links in the private content of the last thread and in this thread again.
Good morning,
1) You´ve right! Long time ago – it was set in the blog element. Thanks & solved!
2) Yes it is disabled. But no result on that. I´ve deleted the cache and tried another browser. Please look at the private content.
Best regards
SvenThanks Ismael,
Nope! The thumbnails of the single post and the overview are completly different. This was the beginning of this thread and I don´t understand the programming until now. By default In the blog overview (Preference: Elegant, Advanced layout editor) the images are not cropped and imagesize is not limited. By default in the single post with sidebar the images are cropped to 1040 x 391px and the imagesize is limited to 845 x 321px. Result: pixelated, unfitting details. Maybe the converse would make sense.We have found a solution for the single post (plugin). Do you have a solution for the thumbnails in the blog overview?
Doesn´t work! Check it out, you have the credentials.Best regards Sven
Hi Ismael,
Installed. It works for the single-post-thanks. You have to generate the thumbnail(s) new or upload it again.b) BLOG OVERVIEW
Preference: Elegant, Advanced layout editor. Don´t know, what for a size of images to edit there. By inspecting it: class=big-preview single-big and inside class=attachment-no scaling size-no scaling wp-post-image
Do you have a final solution?2) SINGLE POST IMAGE & LIGHTBOX
Thanks. Don´t know what you mean with second option, but it works for me. Last thing to that is: lightbox. How can I deselect the lightbox here? The first code snipped crashed the website. Do you have a final solution?Best regards Sven
I´ve checked it out. This code in the child function doesn´t “overwrite” the functions code of the theme.function avia_change_image_size_array() { global $avia_config; $avia_config['imgSize']['entry_with_sidebar'] = array('width'=>1040, 'height'=>1040 , 'crop' => false); } add_action( 'init', 'avia_change_image_size_array');
I use a normal page with a content element called blog posts.2) Ok. I´ve had the site on localhost. Now it´s uploaded to our testserver.
Aim & Conclusion:
Blog overview (aktuelles): images are not cropped and in fullsize = > here it would be good to crop them and reduce it to a smaller size
Single post: = > no cropping and reduce it to a size, that shows in a good quality / solved but only in the enfold functions.php not in child functionDo you have ideas to that?
Hi Nikko,
thanks for the two parts.
After some problems – a code of the child-theme function overwrote all changes – it works. I delete this code and it works (after reupload):function ava_image_sizes() { add_image_size('entry_with_sidebar', 845, 321, array('center', 'top')); add_image_size('entry_without_sidebar', 845, 321, array('center', 'top')); } add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'ava_image_sizes', 11 );
So the last things to this topic are:
a) How can I integrate the following line in my child-theme to protect in case of theme-updates? If I insert the whole array or parts of it in the function of the child theme, the website crashes.
$avia_config['imgSize']['entry_with_sidebar'] = array('width'=>1040, 'height'=>1040 , 'crop' => false); // big images for blog and page entries
b) How can I crop the images in the blog overview? The default is original size.
Doesn´t work. Your code snippet crashes the website….Rocks! Thanks.
Thanks Yigit,
it works- cool!
The displayed mobile header overlays the content. Further questions to that:
a) Is it possible to display the header and include a transition, so that the header is only displayed if the user touch / scoll through the website?
b) Instead of overlay the content, is it possible to display the header over the content?Thanks
See below
The only working work around until now is to insert manually the long- and latidude.
Hi Vinay,
a) only city: tried it – doesn´t work too.
b) can´t do it. We have created for every client an own project in google API with several APIs.
c) can´t do it. It´s not a web URL, it works on localhost. I left the field empty. When it´s online, I think it works. But I search a solution for localhost.Thanks
now it´s solved. The mistake was:
1) I inserted only the analytics number in this field = doesn´t work.
2) You get the login to the backend and inserted the script, but owerwrite the correct analytics number with another = doesn´t work.
3) Now it´s the right script with the correct number = works!Thanks for the support anyway,
Best regards SvenHi,
the code (script) isn´t from me – it was insertet from your support. I had only the analytics code(number). Could you check it in the backend: Are you sure, that your script is correct? I ask meanwhile for the analytics access.
Best regards Sven
the customer respondet: it doesn`t work until now.
Any ideas? Thanks
thanks again. I think the problem is/was, that only our customer has this account. So I hadn´t this script. I´m wating for the response and I will tell you, when it works.
Feedback: Maybe you include it in the documentation – if it´s always the same script our you rename it in the backend or filled it with the script as default…
Best regards Sven
This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by