Well I have no idea whats going on, I Installed WP and Enfold Localy on Mamp and tested and all worked as expected.
I think I am going to reinstall Enfold on the live site and possibly reinstall WordPress as something is broken.
This will probably resolve my issue.
Thanks Elliott.
Sorry For the Late Reply. I got so consumed in other things I forgot I even requested support!!
I have decided agains the way I was trying to represent some data on the site and have taken a different approach.
This means for now I will not need any help with my opening question. Thank you for the reply though.
Well I have resolved it…. One more shot at SUICIDE and FTP transferring wordpress and enfold files from fresh downloads..
its worked so I have not got access again the Advanced editor!!
I am having the same issue with the Advanced layout editor..
Initially I was having a constant roatating icon…. So reinstalled removed WordPress, reinstalled Enfold, reinstalled WordPress, SUICIDE etc… still not working!!
I am running WordPress version 4.2.2 and Enfold 3.1.5
Any reason why I am having this trouble???
Really need this working… :(