Forum Replies Created
This is solved now. Thank you.
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}Ok I inspected the code with css validator. But no luck. The margins are still f*k up side wide..
Ok, they are loading now after I changed the order of the styles. I put the ones that were not loading at the top of the customizer. Now fine.
Except there is a new problem. Some of the boxes lost their margins/padding. eg. on the page über mich, the table with the dates was in the same line as the text above. NOw it is squashed to the side.
It happened after I pasted this morning a new style you sent for the flip boxes on the front page. After that the styles went crazy.Which one is the style that affects the margins of the text pages on all the pages?
PeterThe videos on this page load through black again. You suggested this
#top .av-video-slide .avia-slide-wrap, #top .av-video-slide iframe {
background: #fff;
which worked fine.The css is still in the stylesheet. It has also lost the link to the justify.text css. How could this happen? I have not touched the site for 2 weeks. Before all was fine. The styles are in the css and the markup is in the html. What could be the problem?
February 26, 2024 at 11:40 am in reply to: Tables in mobile view don’t perform – (don’t give to Ismael) #1435419HI there,
after the tables initially performed well on Mobile and desktopview, they have now reverted back to the standard layout in desktop view. How could this happen? I have not touched the code for 2 weeks and have not looked at the page. Today suddenly the css for the Table view on desktop doesn’t take hold anymore. Is the handler not called this anymore? .av-hriqo-df64f73a2229a5a484cc56fae9caca2e .avia-data-tableIt needs it be like this:
1. no borders
2. no grey background
3. font sizes bigger, both 16px
4. font in first column is blue
5. all fonts in cells align leftI suspect that the handler name somehow changed itself? can you please check? I would not like to go through adjusting the css again from scratch since it was so much hassle to get it right…
Bets, Peter
- This reply was modified 11 months, 1 week ago by ausgesonnen.
Thank you. That works fine now.
Ok much better on mobile. However now the breakpoint on desktop is too wide. The icons get vertically aligned a bit too soon.
in addition to my request above I just noticed another thing on the mobile view. The spaces between the cells vertically is very large. How to make them smaller?
Thanks Mike. Much better. One last thing about this: The 3 cells could make better use of the widths of the window. There is a lot of space on the left and right. I tried to adjust the padding but it doesn’t seem to make a difference either way.
Please send CSS to space out the boxes more and reduce margins left and right.
Thank you.
February 10, 2024 at 6:16 pm in reply to: Tables in mobile view don’t perform – (don’t give to Ismael) #1433926February 10, 2024 at 4:14 pm in reply to: Tables in mobile view don’t perform – (don’t give to Ismael) #1433917Hm, Problems now:
1. in the first lines, the bottoms parts o letters are cut of, eg. the bottoms parts of g, p
2. there should be no indent for the dates.
3. best would be to have the description start on a new line. Is that possible?Best
PeterFebruary 9, 2024 at 7:24 pm in reply to: Tables in mobile view don’t perform – (don’t give to Ismael) #1433860Ok great, much better. Thank you. And thanks for your speedy reply.
2 small problem remaining:
1. the first cell content with the years in each beginning of the 3 tables is not displayed. How can it be made to reappear?
2. It is not clear, which description the dates belong to because the distance between all cells is equal. How to decrease the distance between date and description only?Thanks
PeterI will open a new ticket now.
So you think that the screenshot is the right display? Did I understand you correctly? Are you drunk? Don’t you see the double dates i have been talking about now for 3 weeks?
Also, your new code you sent has destroyed the layout in the Desktop view. Aren’t you checking the code before you are sending it out? This is getting quite frustrating.
Generally I am noticing, that the answers that are coming from Ismael are often not working or he is stalling for time, saying he doesn’t understand the question.
Could somebody else please see what is going on with these tables? It should be something quite simple for you I suppose? For me unfortunately it is not which is why I opted to pay for this service. Time is running out and this issue needs to be solved asap.thank you.
Yes I kept the previous code as well. It still doesn’t work. The other tables probably have also very long individual handlers ?
LOL – now the double dates are back Lol.
1. The same again please without the double dates.
2. the tables below are still with border. please send teh css handler to do the same to them as to the table above.Thanks
Ok will try that. have not included this new code yet. Another problem that showed up with your previous code is that the burger menu has now disappeared from the mobile version completely.
Is there a fix?
So not double on desktop and not completely gone on mobile please.
You asked previously if I had modified anything to do with the burger menu. The answer is no. No Idea why it behaves like that.
Thanks you.
Hey Rikard. No, unfortunately I have not found a solution. in the mobile menu, I want the top level menu items to be the same size as the sublevel menü items. Please send the css for this.
thanks you
Last think: please send the css handler so I can adjust the color of the burger menu. thanks
OK thank you that worked.
HI Mike,
I saw on this page
that the video doesn’t have loading problem. How do they do that? On my page it still only loads about 7 out of 10 times.Best
PeterYour new code has removed the double dates but the other issues are still the same.
Please send adjusted css for mobile version to:
1. remove the border from around the table
2. set the years in one line
3. the color of the year to blue
4. decrease paddingthank you.
Ok, that looks better now on Desktop. On mobile however it is still a mess. The dates show double, there should not be a border around it, the dates should display in one line. Can you please also send the css handler for that?
Also – how can I address the font color in the right column.
Thank you.
Ok great. I need to style the table further but from inspecting the code, I really cannot work out how to add the correct names for the styles :(
Can you please help me and send CSS for the following
1. no borders
2. second column has white not no grey background
3. font sizes bigger, both 16px
4. font in first column is blue
5. all fonts in cells align leftthanks
Thank you for your advise. You mean this layerslider?
- This reply was modified 1 year ago by ausgesonnen.
Hi Mike again. Also 8 out of 10 times the video doesn’t play at all. It freezes on he first image. This has been the case also before the the css for the white background. In the mobile version, the video doesn’t play at all. Are there known issues with embedding vimeo? Why could this be? here is the link I am using.
I have tested this also which another random video from vimeo. There it also happens but only like 3 out of 10 times. What could be the problem? It would be really good if the video could load reliably.
Peter- This reply was modified 1 year ago by ausgesonnen.
- This reply was modified 1 year ago by ausgesonnen.
- This reply was modified 1 year ago by ausgesonnen.
Hi Mike,
thanks for that. Now that part works. However another strange thing occurs now. While loading, the layout jumps. The text below the video is visible in the space of the video for a split second. Is there any way to include a height setting for the video container in the code so that the space of the video is just white upon loading and ideally displays a loading icon?
Hi Mike,
ok, I included the css. Thanks. The boxes do still go oval upon resizing the window. I am not sure what you mean by “you must set the min-height or it will be oval due to the inner content.” In the CSS you supplied, the min height is already set, right? Is there anything else I need to do or is it simply not possible to avoid the oval reshaping? -