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  • in reply to: Search mobile view overlaps #1321584

    Worked perfect, thank you!
    You can now close this thread!


    in reply to: Burger menu set screen size #1319150

    Great thank you! Worked perfect.
    You can close this thread!


    in reply to: Cookies #1319108

    Okay, thanks for clarifying. I’m new to this as you probably can tell :-)
    Another question. I’ve now set the cookie banner to have three buttons:

    1. Accept
    Button Action: Accept all cookies and services, dissmiss notification

    2. Read more
    Button Action: Link to our policy- and cookie info

    3. Deny
    Button Action: Do not accept and hide notification

    If I use external cookies (google analytics for example), will these automatically be blocked initial? And will these third-party cookies (google analytics for example) continue to be blocked if the customer press Deny?


    in reply to: Cookies #1318653

    Thank you for your respons. Yes, that´s what I´m looking for.
    Is there anyway to also block the internal cookis on initial load?


    in reply to: Accordion on single product code issue #1317450


    Please provide a screenshot of the layout that you are trying to create, and a direct link to the page where the accordion should be displayed.

    I’ve managed to get the look I want front-end (see link in private content).
    What I’m concered about is if it will effect my SEO-ranking since the HTML-code is showing in search result.

    Everything in the short description field will be included in the search results. Unfortunately, shortcodes will not render correctly and will only display as static text.

    I’ve now managed to move the accordion to the “Long description”-box instead of the “Short description”-box (see link in private content) (I removed the woocommerce tabs). Will the info in the “Long description box” be included in the search results?


    in reply to: Accordion on single product code issue #1317299

    Thank you! Im aware of that, but my question is: If I choose to have an accordion in the short discription box (I add it manually) is there any way I can make sure the code won’t show in search engines?

    I need an accordion there (that includes different text for each product)..

    Thank you again for helping me!

    in reply to: Accordion on single product code issue #1317116

    Okay, but how do I add an accordion to the Short Description then without the search engines render them as static text?
    I want to have an accordion to every product I have, and they should have different content depending on the product.


    in reply to: Reduce the space between columns in content slider #1317115

    Perfect, thank you thank you thank you!


    in reply to: Center the title in portfolio pages #1317113

    YEY! Thank you! :)
    You can now close this thread.


    in reply to: Accordion on single product code issue #1316918

    Yes, thought the accordion would show in the Visual editor, thanks for clarifying.
    Please see private content. As you can see it says that the code will show, but it won’t?


    in reply to: Center the title in portfolio pages #1316915

    Works PERFECT, thank you!
    Do you know why the breadcrumbs aren’t centered in mobile view though?
    Still aligning to the left…


    in reply to: Breaks the word instead of new line responsive #1316659

    Perfect, worked great, thank you :-)
    You can close this thread.


    in reply to: Center the title in portfolio pages #1316655

    Yayyy works perfect, thank you! :)
    Two more questions though.

    1. The breadcrumbs aren’t centered, how do I do this? See picture in private content.

    2. And on mobile view the title has a lot of space between the lines. How do I make the space smaller? See picture in private content.


    in reply to: Center the title in portfolio pages #1316628

    1. When clicking on one of the portfolio posts the title is not centered. See link in private content.
    Is there a code to fix this?

    And regarding changing the title font of the portfolio posts, my H3 is set to 50px (and the title in the portfolio posts is much smaller), so I don’t think its the right one. Do you have any other ideas? I just want to change the title in my portfolio posts (not the portfolio grid).


    in reply to: Breaks the word instead of new line responsive #1316598

    Absolutely, see private content.
    The title that’s causing an issue on this page is “Återförsäljare”.
    In a larger screen it looks good, but when I look at my mobile, I can’t see the whole title (“Återförsäljare”).
    I would like the title to automatically become smaller when looking at a mobile screen/ipad/smaller screen, or break to a new line.

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Center the title in portfolio pages #1316596

    Thank you for helping me!
    1. Won’t work :( Posted a link in private content so you can see the issue.
    And another question regarding that, how do I change the font of the title?

    2. Yey, worked pefect. Thank Y(ou)igit!


    in reply to: Accordion on single product code issue #1316561

    Hi Ismael!
    See link in private content.
    On the front end it looks good. And when searching for the product on the webpage I’ve removed the short description text to be shown (but before I removed it by adding the code below:

    main.template-search .entry-content {
      display: none;

    …it was shown.

    But the problem still remains and the code is showing in meta description and will be shown when googling the product. Posted a picture in private content where you can see how it looks in the “visual box”.

    (Kort produktbeskrivning stands for Short description)

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Change product view but save the picture view #1316415

    Thank you! :)

    Regarding 4.
    What do you mean by “using the Search element from the Layout Builder”?
    I can’t find anywhere to change the search layout.


    in reply to: Center Upsell #1316309

    Thanks again for your fast respond :)
    I will have different amount of Upsell products depending on which product page it is.
    All I want to do is center the column so the Upsell products aren’t placed to the left.
    Right now the title “You may also like..” is centered, but the products underneath the title are aligning to the left.
    This is how the upsell products are placed right now (but the title “you might also like..” centered):

    Set up Related Products, Up-Sells and Cross-Sells


    in reply to: Center Upsell #1316299

    Thank you for your fast respond :)
    So there isn’t a way to just center the picture column without changing the amount of products to display?


    in reply to: Center Upsell #1316274

    Thank you, I want to add more than two products to upsell. Probably 7 as maximum.
    I added the code below which did center the heading “You may also like”:
    #top .upsells.products h2 { text-align: center; }

    But now I also wan’t to center the pictures, how do I do this?
    And is there anyway I can make the pictures a little bit smaller?


    in reply to: Center text after removed the date in search result #1309348

    PERFECT, thank you! Two more questions about the result page.

    1. When I search in the search box the feauture image is shown, but at the result page only a number is shown. I would like the feauture image to be shown on the result page instead of the number. Is there a code to fix this?

    2. In mobile view, the results on the result page overlap each other. How can I fix this?

    Thanks for helping me!

    in reply to: Center text after removed the date in search result #1309202

    Yey works perfect on the result page. Thank you!
    Although it’s still the same in the search box. When I type something in the search box and suggestions shows underneath, the text is still not centered..
    Is there a code to fix this?


    in reply to: Center Upsell #1309056

    Sorry, I mean it’s the “Du gillar kanske också…” column.

    in reply to: Center Upsell #1309052

    Posted a link in private content.
    It’s the “Matcha med…” under the product gallery I want to be centered…


    in reply to: Show boxed layout only on single product pages #1309050

    Posted a link to the page in private content.
    This is just one product page, and the code I’m looking for should change the layout of every single product page.
    Hope there is a way to fix this.
    Thank you!

    in reply to: Center text after removed the date in search result #1309049

    See private content.
    And when you try to search (and in the search result), the text is placed to the top from the number.

    in reply to: Change product view but save the picture view #1309048

    1. Think I figure this one out for now.

    3. See private content.
    I just want the title to be shown.

    4. Is there anyway to change the result layout? I would like to have mostly pictures showing in a grid.
    Similar to this:*


    in reply to: Center Upsell #1308795

    Thanks for your fast respond :) Unfortunately it’s in maintaince mode. Just how the pictures are centered is how I wan’t them to be :) And the text “You may also like” centered too.. My page is set to stretched layout.

    Is there any code I can try to center the Upsell product column on evey single product page?

    Thanks again Yigit!

    in reply to: Hide product meta on single product page #1308778

    Works perfect, thank you!


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