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Can you please create us a WordPress administrator account? post it here as a private reply.
AndyHi quicky2000!
you almost said how it could be done:
1. Open the site with Firefox and have Firebug installed
2. Browse to the element
3. Look into Styles
4. Copy CSS Class
5. Paste CSS Class into Quick CSS with custom valuesRegards,
AndyOctober 29, 2014 at 1:08 am in reply to: Align mobile menu position to the left + rotating avia arrow #342499Hi InvivoGraphic!
add this code to Quick CSS:
#advanced_menu_toggle, #advanced_menu_hide {
margin-right: 230px;
}What do you mean with rotating avia arrow 180 degree? could you explain or show a screenshot/mockup of what you want to achieve?
AndyHi niquelao!
If you don’t recognize any issues because of the “</p>” than I think you can ignore it :).
AndyOctober 29, 2014 at 12:20 am in reply to: Enfold theme failed to load correctly on wordpress dashboard #342486Hey!
Please update your WordPress. You should also update your plugins.
If the issue still remains, please try to deactivate all plugins and see if that helps. If yes, than activate the plugins one by one to see which one causes the issue.Regards,
AndyOctober 28, 2014 at 11:11 pm in reply to: Format Twitter-Output in the Share links at the bottom of blog post #342446Hi!
Your Twitter Links seem to work fine now. Could you fix it?
I checked as well and everything works fine for me. Does it work for you when you deactivate the cache plugin?
It is very weird that your portfolio items don’t show up when set to french language.
Please try to deactivate all other plugins (beside WPML) to check if another plugin causes the conflict.Regards,
AndyOctober 28, 2014 at 10:07 pm in reply to: Removing sidebar and extend the tag group in the single-product-page #342422Hi!
Can you post a link to your website please?
AndyHi paola86pp!
You need to set permalinks. You can read about this for example here:
AndyHi José María!
Can you post a link to your website please?
Best regards,
Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob das möglich ist was du möchtest. Aber noch mal zum Verständnis: Du willst dass der Text “Burnig Man. 3 Vorschau-Text hinzufügen …” und “Into the blue” unter “Surfing & Sports” bzw. unter “Sunset Sessions” angezeigt wird, richtig? So, dass nix über die Bilder kommt, richtig?
Wäre es in Ordnung für dich, wenn du uns einen Admin Zugang ermöglichst? du kannst die Login Daten hier als private Nachricht posten.Gruß,
This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by
Do you mean if you click on the image to see it in lightbox? because on your page (hosted on WPengine) the blog images are showing fine for me.
Best regards,
On your website (hosted on WPengine) the images are shown in full content. Could you fix it?
It is possible but it would require a heavy customization to the theme, unfortunately that’s outside our support scope. If you really need it you would have to contact a developer from Envato Studio or Codeable.
Best regards,
AndyOctober 28, 2014 at 4:30 pm in reply to: Enfold Update 3.0.1 was broken down all my website! PANIC! #342300Hi!
I can see that you have Enfold 3.0.2 installed. Glad you did it! If you have any more questions let us know. We are more than happy tho help you.
bitte versuche alle anderen Plugins zu aktivieren und schau, ob sich das Problem dadurch löst. Falls ja, dann aktiviere eins nach dem anderen, um herauszufinden welches Plugin die Ursache für den Konflikt ist.
du könntest z.B. das Portfolio Raster im Avia Layout Builder verwenden.
wäre super, wenn du den link zu deinem screencast hier noch postest :)
AndyHi Shira!
You can easily add videos to your site by using Avia Layout Builder->Media Elements->Video
Hope this helps. Otherwise please post a link to your website.Cheers!
AndyHey simonac!
sorry für die späte Antwort. Kannst du uns bitte den Link zu deiner Website geben, wo wir uns das mal anschauen können was du meinst?
Die Masonry Gallery hat den Zoom-Effekt, um auf das Vergrößern eines Bildes hinzuweisen. Leider geht es aktuell noch nicht, dass da ein ganz anderer Effekt eingebaut wird. Du kannst aber gerne für Kriesi einen Hinweis schreiben auf:
AndyOctober 27, 2014 at 1:33 am in reply to: Transparent menu vanishes as browser page is made narrower or viewed on mobile #341245Hi!
I can’t see anything on your website about what you have written. For me the header works fine. Could you fix it? If not: can you create a screenshot/mockup of what would you want to achieve?
AndyHi ykblue!
please try to put this in Quick CSS:
.responsive.html_header_top #header_main .social_bookmarks { margin-right: 15px; margin-top: -15px; display: block; }
AndyHi rikv!
Did you already asked support team of Yoast plugin about this issue?
The video in your slider works fine for me. What do you mean with “boxed style”? The layout (page layout) of your site is set to default layout.
AndyOctober 24, 2014 at 6:08 pm in reply to: Page specific menu items and the search results page #340734Hi!
This code will remove the additional menu items, add it to the Quick CSS:
.menu-item-type-custom, .menu-item-object-custom { display: none; }
It is possible but it would require a heavy customization to the theme, unfortunately that’s outside our support scope. If you really need it you would have to contact a developer from Envato Studio or Codeable.
I am sure there is a solution for the issue you want to get fixed. Could you please provide us a mockup/screenshot of what you want to achieve? Than we would be able to provide you some code.
hast du die aktuellste Version von Enfold und WordPress installiert? Browser Cache geleert? Bitte versuche auch alle Plugins zu deaktivieren, um sicher zu gehen, dass es mit keinem ein Konflikt mit Enfold gibt.
Wenn du möchtest, kannst du uns gerne Admin Zugang gewähren, damit wir uns das mal näher anschauen können. Poste es hier als private message.Gruß,
This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by
This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by