Forum Replies Created
Hi Mathy!
at least the second plugin should work. Do you mind giving us admin access to your website? post it here as a private reply.
AndyHey dwill21!
please refer to this post:
AndyOctober 30, 2014 at 8:53 pm in reply to: Event Calendar Pro – Single Event view… MESSY #343666Hey Peter!
can you please post a link to your website? also a screenshot/mockup of what you want to achieve would be nice to help you with some code.
AndyOctober 30, 2014 at 8:46 pm in reply to: how to make fullwidth easy slider look okay on mobile #343662Hi!
the code should work. Could you please give us admin access to have a look into your site? post it here as a private reply.
AndyHi Daniela!
please refer to this post:
AndyOctober 30, 2014 at 8:33 pm in reply to: Product Description and Product Image light box STILL missing in all VIEWS #343650Hi!
That’s why I put height: 335px. Please use this. It should work.
Please follow the instructions from Ismael:
Regarding the thumbnail issues, please go to WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Product Image Sizes section. Adjust the Catalog Images size then enable the Hard Crop? parameter. Upload the featured image again or regenerate the thumbnails.
Please remember to make a backup before screwing up your entire site.
it looks fine for me too for iPhone 6 on mobile device emulation.
Best regards,
AndyHi sbrenca!
du kannst dieses Plugin dafür verwenden:
AndyHey djsmbd!
menu and layer slider is working fine for me. Let’s check what my teammates are saying.
AndyHey diefleischerei!
ich denke es wäre gut wenn du WooComerce Thumbnail Input Quantities plugin installierst, um das Problem deines anderen Posts zu lösen (wo im Warenkorb das Thumbnail der Flasche abgeschnitten ist).
Es schade bestimmt nicht die anderen WooComerce Plugins ebenfalls zu installieren, wenn du mit WooComerce arbeitest.Gruß,
checked and the ampersand is working for me on chrome, safari and firefox (Mac OSX 10.9).
AndyHi diefleischerei!
das Bild das dafür hochgeladen wurde ist dieses:×120.jpg
Dieses ist abgeschnitten. Bitte lade eins hoch was richtig beschnitten ist.Gruß!
AndyHi Simon!
its not 100% the same, but I think very similar:
AndyHey silviouk!
you are right, it is an external plugin, which you can download here:
AndyHi Paul!
please update Enfold and WordPress to the newest version.
AndyHey espaceprive!
Can you post the link to you website please?
Personally I have no experience with it, but I think you can try this plugin: the plugin’s description it says:
Add a rel=”lightbox[uniqueID|filename]” attribute to any link tag to activate the lightbox, include a name between square brackets in the rel attribute. For example:
<a href="images/image-1.jpg" rel="lightbox[uniqueID|filename]" title="my caption">image #1</a>
This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by
October 30, 2014 at 7:10 pm in reply to: Product Description and Product Image light box STILL missing in all VIEWS #343543Hi!
replace my code with this one:
.thumbnail_container { height: 335px; }
You can try to play around with the height number. You can go up to 380px, but as Ismael already mentioned you should adjust the catalog image size.
Please have in mind that you ALWAYS should make backups before you do any (big) changes in your theme/files.
This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by
October 30, 2014 at 6:42 pm in reply to: Transparenter Hintergrund für Spezielle Überschrift #343527Hey!
jeder Code, den wir dir zur Verfügung stellen, ist immer individuell, also abhängig von der CSS class des jeweiligen Objekts. Ohne deine Website kann ich weder die CSS ID noch CSS Class des Objektes einsehen. Somit wird es schwerer dir zu helfen.
Was du probieren kannst: Im Avia Layout Builder lege eine Farbsektion an. Weise ihr die Farbe zu, die du möchtest. Innerhalb der Farbsektion legst du dann deine spezielle Überschrift an.
Klicke bei der angelegten Farbsektion auf “Element bearbeiten” und weise dem Element eine Section ID hinzu (ganz runterscrollen), z.B. kannst du es mit “heading-background” (ohne Anführungsstriche) benennen.
Gehe jetzt in dein Quick CSS und gebe folgenden Code ein:#heading-background {
width: 25%;
height: 50px;
}Die Zahlen für width und height müssen für deine jeweilige Situation angepasst werden. Wäre an dieser Stelle besser, wenn wir deine Website sehen könnten. Viel Glück!
AndyOctober 30, 2014 at 2:21 am in reply to: Transparenter Hintergrund für Spezielle Überschrift #343165Hi Chris!
bitte gebe uns den Link zu deiner Website, damit wir uns die Sache mal anschauen können.
your pictures used in the slideshow are in landscape format. They will work best when set to landscape mode on mobile. A landscape format picture needs to be cropped in portrait mode. Thats normal.
to center the search field use this in your Quick CSS:
.widget { padding: 0; }
The php code for functions.php which Ismael provided works fine for me. Please clear browser cache and refresh your website.
AndyOctober 30, 2014 at 1:07 am in reply to: Incorrect Rendering of Video in Fullscreen Slider with Firefox #343131Hey Antonio!
My firefox totally shuts down when I open your website. In Chrome I see this error:
“The page at ‘’ was loaded over HTTPS, but displayed insecure content from ‘’: this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.”
So is it possible for you to load the video in httpS?
AndyHey Voilaah!
You could try this plugin:
Much easier and lots of options.Regards,
For transparency of menu items use this code in your Quick CSS:
.html_header_top.html_bottom_nav_header .main_menu>div, .html_header_top.html_bottom_nav_header .main_menu ul:first-child { opacity: 0.97; }
Belonging to the other issues: Can you please create us a WordPress administrator account? post it here as a private reply.
this is not about any file. It is about CSS styles. If you want to tweak it, than just change “-60px” to any number you want.
AndyOctober 29, 2014 at 10:13 pm in reply to: How can I change the default hotspot numbers to an emoticon/image? #343028Hey satner!
Can you post a link to your website please?
Best regards,
ansonsten kann ich dir noch das hier empfehlen: Tutorials auf deutsch:
Wenn es mit dem englischen doch geht, sind diese Video Lektionen super:üße,
AndyOctober 29, 2014 at 4:31 pm in reply to: Product Description and Product Image light box STILL missing in all VIEWS #342781Hi!
please add this to Quick CSS:
.thumbnail_container { height: 100%; }
Andy -
This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by