Forum Replies Created
November 9, 2014 at 8:26 pm in reply to: Menu link to open content in new lightbox (magnific popup) #348439
Thanks, and glad you did it!
If you have any more questions we are happy to assist you.Cheers!
use this to style the menu in your header:
.header_color, .header_color div, .header_color header, .header_color main, .header_color aside, .header_color footer, .header_color article, .header_color nav, .header_color section, .header_color span, .header_color applet, .header_color object, .header_color iframe, .header_color h1, .header_color h2, .header_color h3, .header_color h4, .header_color h5, .header_color h6, .header_color p, .header_color blockquote, .header_color pre, .header_color a, .header_color abbr, .header_color acronym, .header_color address, .header_color big, .header_color cite, .header_color code, .header_color del, .header_color dfn, .header_color em, .header_color img, .header_color ins, .header_color kbd, .header_color q, .header_color s, .header_color samp, .header_color small, .header_color strike, .header_color strong, .header_color sub, .header_color sup, .header_color tt, .header_color var, .header_color b, .header_color u, .header_color i, .header_color center, .header_color dl, .header_color dt, .header_color dd, .header_color ol, .header_color ul, .header_color li, .header_color fieldset, .header_color form, .header_color label, .header_color legend, .header_color table, .header_color caption, .header_color tbody, .header_color tfoot, .header_color thead, .header_color tr, .header_color th, .header_color td, .header_color article, .header_color aside, .header_color canvas, .header_color details, .header_color embed, .header_color figure, .header_color fieldset, .header_color figcaption, .header_color footer, .header_color header, .header_color hgroup, .header_color menu, .header_color nav, .header_color output, .header_color ruby, .header_color section, .header_color summary, .header_color time, .header_color mark, .header_color audio, .header_color video, #top .header_color .pullquote_boxed, .responsive #top .header_color .avia-testimonial, .responsive #top.avia-blank #main .header_color.container_wrap:first-child, #top .header_color.fullsize .template-blog .post_delimiter, .header_color .related_posts.av-related-style-full a { background-color: #8AF448; color: #8AF448; border-color: #8AF448; border-top-color: #8AF448; }
Hope that is what you are searching for. If not, could you please show as (screenshot/mockup/exact explanation) what you want to achieve?
AndyHi danwassink!
Could you give us a link to your website please? admin credentials would be useful as well. Post it here as a private reply.
Best regards,
AndyHey markpevans!
go with this code in Quick CSS:
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, #top .title_container .main-title, tr.pricing-row td, #top .portfolio-title, .callout .content-area, .avia-big-box .avia-innerbox, .av-special-font, .av-current-sort-title { font-family: Helvetica, 'HelveticaNeue', 'Helvetica Neue'; }
Best regards,
AndyNovember 9, 2014 at 7:25 pm in reply to: Pictures in Gallery Display the abnormal size with others #348404Hey!
You need to regenerate the thumbnail. To do so you can use this plugin:
Best regards,
AndyHey Nathan!
This is a normal security feature of WordPress. If you want to disable it, use this code in theme’s functions.php:
//disable WordPress sanitization to allow more than just $allowedtags from /wp-includes/kses.php remove_filter('pre_user_description', 'wp_filter_kses'); //add sanitization for WordPress posts add_filter( 'pre_user_description', 'wp_filter_post_kses');
AndyNovember 9, 2014 at 7:05 pm in reply to: Just curious how I could center the Mobile Menu text…? #348396Hey sterlingwilliam!
you can try this one:
.html_header_top.html_logo_center .main_menu { text-align: right; }
If it’s not what you are searching, than please give us a link to your website.
Best regards,
AndyNovember 9, 2014 at 7:02 pm in reply to: resizing screen causes logo to overlap with top menu at certain resolutions #348394Hey!
Thank you! Glad you fixed it. If you have any other questions, we are happy to assist you.
AndyNovember 9, 2014 at 7:00 pm in reply to: Kategorien -> blog-post sollen nicht auf Single-post verweisen #348391Hey!
Now I get it. Try this one:
.main_color .rounded-container, #top .main_color .pagination a:hover, .main_color .small-preview, .main_color .fallback-post-type-icon { pointer-events: none; }
AndyNovember 9, 2014 at 3:23 pm in reply to: Possible to hid breadcrumbs from individual blog posts? #348338Hey!
replace code with:
.title_container .breadcrumb { right: auto; top: 95%; margin-top: 10px; left: 46px; }
AndyNovember 9, 2014 at 3:14 pm in reply to: Kategorien -> blog-post sollen nicht auf Single-post verweisen #348336Hey!
I know that you want to remove the link of the thumbnail which redirects to a single post entry. That’s why I showed you a way how to do it. Please follow the instructions of my post before.
thanks @ElliottBitte mach es so wie Eliliott es bereits gesagt hat:
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .avia-builder-el-0.av-minimum-height-100 .container, .avia-builder-el-0.avia-fullscreen-slider .avia-slideshow { height: 330px; }}
Versuche ein wenig mit der Zahl 330 rumzuspielen, bis du eine Einstellung findest, die für dich passt.
AndyNovember 9, 2014 at 2:34 pm in reply to: Kategorien -> blog-post sollen nicht auf Single-post verweisen #348331Hi!
thanks @Ismael!
If you want to remove the link of the image, than please go to the post and remove the link in the editor. See screenshot:Regards,
1. Das wird nicht möglich sein. Du könntest einen Freelancer beauftragen, aber ich habe von so etwas noch nie zuvor gehört.
3. Wenn du per FTP die Daten überschreibst, werden nur die Daten aktualisiert, die geändert worden sind. Also einfach rüberziehen :). Vorher natürlich immer ein Backup machen!
4. Füge diese Code ins Quick CSS:
.html_header_sidebar #header .av-main-nav, .html_header_sidebar #header .av-main-nav-wrap { width: 75%; }
Statt 75% kannst du jede beliebige Zahl eingeben.
5. Ganz genau!
Lieben Gruß,
Please add this to your Quick CSS: #advanced_menu_toggle, #advanced_menu_hide { background-color: #7c6853; }
You can change the color code to any color you want.
Belonging to the missing stripes/typo, please deactivate all plugins and see if it gets fixed. After that activate the plugins one by one to see which one causes the issue.
AndyNovember 7, 2014 at 12:56 am in reply to: Kategorien -> blog-post sollen nicht auf Single-post verweisen #347473Hey dreisatz!
was genau meinst du? bitte poste einen Link zu deiner Website.
This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by
the link “Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen” does work for me. By clicking I get to
Could you fix it?Best regards,
For first design:
In WordPress Backend go to Enfold->General Layout->Layout->Logo and Main Menu->choose “Top Header”Then go to General Styling->scroll down to Background Image->choose “upload custom image”->upload your image
If you still have any questions, please provide us a link to you website.
AndyNovember 6, 2014 at 11:53 pm in reply to: Product Description and Product Image light box STILL missing in all VIEWS #347456Hey Wolfi!
1. In deinem WordPress Backend gehe zu Enfold->Theme Options->Logo
Dort kannst du dein eigenes Logo hochladen.2. Füge ins Quick CSS folgendes ein:
.logo, .logo a {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
}3. Ja.
4. Die Breite kannst du einstellen in Enfold->General Layout->Dimensions->Content/Sidebar Ratio
5. Meinst du ein Dropdown Menu? bzw. Untermenüpunkte?
Kannst du einstellen in Design->Menüs->Menüstruktur
Dort verschiebst du die hinzugefügten Menüs unter das Obermenü und leicht nach rechts. Damit wird automatisch zu einem Untermenü.Gruß!
Du kannst die Login Daten sicher als private Message hier verschicken. Du wir vom Support Team werden dies sehen können.
I think best solution is to hide main menu and show the menu like on smartphones, because you have too many menu items:
@media only screen and (max-width: 1024px) and (min-width: 768px) { #advanced_menu_toggle, #advanced_menu_hide { display: block; } .main_menu { display: none; }}
Best regards,
try with this one:
.avia-content-slider .slide-entry-wrap { float: none; }
AndyNovember 6, 2014 at 12:44 am in reply to: How to add section ID's when the menu is on the right or left sidebar? #346890Hi!
how do you want the socket to look like? As we can’t know what you want, please send us a screenshot/mockup/explanation of what you want to achieve.
Belonging to full width video: Do you want the video to overlap your sidebar?
In Avia Layout Builder you can edit the video and when scrolling down you can choose the video format. You can go for custom size and choose whatever you want.Best regards,
For the icons use this in your Quick CSS:
#top .iconbox.av-no-box .iconbox_icon { padding: 18px; }
For the other issues, please forward us admin access. Post it here as a private reply.
Best regards,
This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by
November 5, 2014 at 10:58 pm in reply to: Icon with text not spacing correctly after 3 lines of text #346831Hey!
We should handle this differently I think.
I had a look into you WordPress backend for page
In Avia Layout Builder you created a single full width element for “Here’s What You’ll Get:”. Why not separate icons, text and image into THREE different columns? This way it would be easier I think and you could separate icons from text.Cheers!
AndyNovember 5, 2014 at 10:37 pm in reply to: Formatierung von Links auf der Homepage falsch (und nur dort). #346808Hey!
You are welcome. If you have any more questions, please let us know. We are happy to assist.
Best regards,
AndyNovember 5, 2014 at 5:01 pm in reply to: Formatierung von Links auf der Homepage falsch (und nur dort). #346630For bold text use this:
strong, b { font-size: 16px; }
AndyNovember 5, 2014 at 4:55 pm in reply to: Formatierung von Links auf der Homepage falsch (und nur dort). #346625Hey!
Add this to Quick CSS:
#top .av_inherit_color a { text-decoration: none; }
could you please give us admin access? we like to have a closer look. Post it here as a private reply.
Andy -
This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by