Forum Replies Created
to see if there is a problem with a plugin just deactivate it and check if the issue is gone. If yes, than you know that it is the plugin’s cause. As Ismael already mentioned please contact the plugin’s author for support.
Best regards,
please refer to this link:
Best regards,
AndyNovember 20, 2014 at 2:12 am in reply to: Photography demo – Main background color and slider image #354087Hey!
yes, you might be right, it could have been brought over by the demo. Please access to your custom.css via ftp to remove the code Ismael mentioned.
I can’t see any icons on your page. Could you remove it?
Best regards,
AndyNovember 20, 2014 at 1:57 am in reply to: Page with color section breaks codes on search page when click on tag #354084Hi!
please follow the instructions of Yigit to add content to your footer.
Let us know how we can help you any further.Best regards,
AndyNovember 20, 2014 at 1:34 am in reply to: Page with color section breaks codes on search page when click on tag #354079Hi!
does my code change anything on your page? If not please clear browser cache and if that does not help neither, could you please provide us admin access? post it here as a private reply.
AndyNovember 19, 2014 at 4:26 am in reply to: Page with color section breaks codes on search page when click on tag #353469Hi!
For the layout try this in Quick CSS:
.avia-section .template-page .entry-content-wrapper { margin-left: 100px; } .alternate_color .rounded-container, #top .alternate_color .pagination a:hover, .alternate_color .small-preview, .alternate_color .fallback-post-type-icon { top: -6px; }
For footer font color:
.alternate_color a, .alternate_color .widget_first, .alternate_color strong, .alternate_color b, .alternate_color b a, .alternate_color strong a, .alternate_color #js_sort_items a:hover, .alternate_color #js_sort_items a.active_sort, .alternate_color .av-sort-by-term a.active_sort, .alternate_color .special_amp, .alternate_color .taglist a.activeFilter, .alternate_color #commentform .required, #top .alternate_color .av-no-color.av-icon-style-border a.av-icon-char { color: white; }
1. what about placing the logo a little bit more to the left:
@media only screen and (max-width: 1024px) { div .logo { left: -160px; }}
2. It happens for me on desktop and not on mobile. Try this one:
.title_container .breadcrumb { position: static; }
Glad it’s fixed. I think it was caching related :)
Best regards,
AndyNovember 19, 2014 at 3:34 am in reply to: How to get full-screen Vimeo video to playback in HD? #353455Hi!
It said on vimeo homepage:
“Otherwise, if you have a specific video you want to default to HD mode, head to that video page and click “Settings.” From there, select the Embed tab. Check the box next to “Default this video to HD quality when embedded” and save it like your life depends on it.With this option turned on, the only situation in which your videos will not play in HD is when your viewer manually turns HD off.”
Did you do this?
If yes, could you please create us an admin account to have deeper look into the issue? post it here as a private reply.
try this one in Quick CSS.
.avia-button.avia-color-green, .avia-button.avia-color-green:hover { top: 13px; }
Can you post a link to your website to assist you with some custom CSS? In your post there is no link anymore …
AndyNovember 19, 2014 at 3:06 am in reply to: Versandkostenhinweis in Produktübersicht wird nicht angezeigt #353446Hey michi!
Ich denke wenn du im Worpress Backend zu WooCommerce->Einstellungen->Versand->Versandberechnungen gehst, kannst du dort “Versandkosten verbergen, bis eine Anschrift eingegeben wird” deaktivieren.
AndyNovember 19, 2014 at 3:01 am in reply to: Replace Default logo with Text or remove it completely. #353445Hey!
Please add the menu as you build in your mockup. Also remove the default logo as Yigit said in his post before.
Add this to Quick CSS:.av-main-nav li { right: 500px; color: white; font-family: sans-serif; }
Please adjust “500px” or “sans-serif” to the values of your needs.
when I try to open the link of your website, I get this error: “Gateway Timeout: can’t connect to remote host”.
Did you resize your logo to 436 x 116?Regards,
Let us know if we can help after you checked the links above. We are here to assist you :)
all links in your footer/socket seem to work for me. Could you fix it?
AndyHey Mono14!
here the team of Events Calendar write:
“Does Events Calendar PRO support shortcode embeds?
No. This plugin works by rewriting the loops and doesn’t use shortcode embeds for the time being.”As lots of people post the link of their website as a private post, I think we should not publicly spread the word about their website :).
You can just try to use this plugin and if you have any issues, we are happy to assist you.
This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by
currently there is no option for that. But if you tell us what you want to customize, we could provide you with some code.
For example if you want to change font color of the titles, go with this in Quick CSS:#footer .widgettitle { color: red; }
Let us know which changes you wish.
Best regards,
AndyHi mw75!
Please share with us a link to your website.
Also we strongly recommend to update to Enfold 3.0.2!Regards,
AndyNovember 16, 2014 at 9:38 pm in reply to: Blog excerpts not showing when editing the avia layout builder in the posts #352169Hey joanne!
I can’t see that you post is not showing up ;)
Please provide admin access, so we can have a look at this post. Post it here as a private replyRegards,
AndyHi Dominique!
could you please share the link to your website?
Best regards,
AndyNovember 16, 2014 at 9:30 pm in reply to: How to get full-screen Vimeo video to playback in HD? #352164Hi charger70!
I think only a Pro or Plus membership is allowed to play in HD:
AndyHi charger70!
use this in Quick CSS:
#top .avia-slideshow-arrows a { display: none; }
Best regards,
AndyHi Sophieja23!
right now the width is set to 200px. Use this in Quick CSS:
.image-overlay { width: 190px !important; }
Best regards,
AndyHi KK!
I am sorry, I don’t get what you mean. I can’t see any “menu of the day”. I also cant’t see any roll-over effect. Please be more specific and provide us screenshots.
If you like to replicate a page shown in, than please just import it.Regards,
AndyNovember 16, 2014 at 9:09 pm in reply to: Special Heading thin font type changes to "helvetica" when I log out of WP Admin #352153Hey!
you can use one of our demo files: and check by yourself how it is done.
AndyNovember 16, 2014 at 9:04 pm in reply to: Special Heading thin font type changes to "helvetica" when I log out of WP Admin #352149Hey!
please add this to Quick CSS: h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { font-weight: 500; }
while editing a page in your WordPress backend scroll down. On the right side you’ll see the option “Header visibility and transparency”.Regards,
This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by
November 16, 2014 at 8:47 pm in reply to: Wrap content with color sections (different background) #352145Hey!
Glad you did it! Let us know if we can help you with any other issue.
AndyNovember 15, 2014 at 12:29 am in reply to: How to change the font size, style and weight of sidebar widget's title? #351610Hey!
what changes of the font do you want to have? add this in Quick CSS:
.main_color a, .main_color .widget_first, .main_color strong, .main_color b, .main_color b a, .main_color strong a, .main_color #js_sort_items a:hover, .main_color #js_sort_items a.active_sort, .main_color .av-sort-by-term a.active_sort, .main_color .special_amp, .main_color .taglist a.activeFilter, .main_color #commentform .required, #top .main_color .av-no-color.av-icon-style-border a.av-icon-char { color: #c3512f !important; font-size: 20px; }
.news-excerpt { color: red; }
to hide thumbnail:
.news-thumb { display: none; }
2. You can put border-color same as background-color:
.header_color#header .avia_mega_div > .sub-menu.avia_mega_hr, .html_bottom_nav_header.html_logo_center #top #menu-item-search>a { border-color: #fff; }
.header_color, .header_color div, .header_color header, .header_color main, .header_color aside, .header_color footer, .header_color article, .header_color nav, .header_color section, .header_color span, .header_color applet, .header_color object, .header_color iframe, .header_color h1, .header_color h2, .header_color h3, .header_color h4, .header_color h5, .header_color h6, .header_color p, .header_color blockquote, .header_color pre, .header_color a, .header_color abbr, .header_color acronym, .header_color address, .header_color big, .header_color cite, .header_color code, .header_color del, .header_color dfn, .header_color em, .header_color img, .header_color ins, .header_color kbd, .header_color q, .header_color s, .header_color samp, .header_color small, .header_color strike, .header_color strong, .header_color sub, .header_color sup, .header_color tt, .header_color var, .header_color b, .header_color u, .header_color i, .header_color center, .header_color dl, .header_color dt, .header_color dd, .header_color ol, .header_color ul, .header_color li, .header_color fieldset, .header_color form, .header_color label, .header_color legend, .header_color table, .header_color caption, .header_color tbody, .header_color tfoot, .header_color thead, .header_color tr, .header_color th, .header_color td, .header_color article, .header_color aside, .header_color canvas, .header_color details, .header_color embed, .header_color figure, .header_color fieldset, .header_color figcaption, .header_color footer, .header_color header, .header_color hgroup, .header_color menu, .header_color nav, .header_color output, .header_color ruby, .header_color section, .header_color summary, .header_color time, .header_color mark, .header_color audio, .header_color video, #top .header_color .pullquote_boxed, .responsive #top .header_color .avia-testimonial, .responsive #top.avia-blank #main .header_color.container_wrap:first-child, #top .header_color.fullsize .template-blog .post_delimiter, .header_color .related_posts.av-related-style-full a { border-color: #fff; }
This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by
This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by