Forum Replies Created
you can adjust it with this:
#top form { margin-top: -20px; }
can you show us a screenshot of what you mean please?
Best regards,
AndyDecember 6, 2014 at 1:55 am in reply to: icon box link and icon and title link not working right. bug? #363974Hey!
can you please deactivate all plugins to see which one could cause the issue?
AndyDecember 6, 2014 at 1:47 am in reply to: Contact form – user's email address is used as the from email #363972Hi!
sorry that it’s not working with your auto responder and thanks for your feature request.
Best regards,
please refer to this post:
This one might also help you:
Best regards,
I am afraid yes.
Feel free to make a feature request here:
Best regards,
I can’t see your images. The links you posted are not working for me. Anyway I don’t think it’s possible. You might refer to or
AndyDecember 6, 2014 at 1:18 am in reply to: Webm video background on color section does not play #363955Hi!
ahh so Safari can pick for a format which is supported by apple, right? Nice. Thanks for sharing!
AndyDecember 5, 2014 at 9:27 pm in reply to: Webm video background on color section does not play #363841Hi!
I am sorry, but WebM videos are not supported by apple:
Best regards,
login does not work. Please check.
Also which sizing are you talking about?
Please clear browser page and check again the changes you made.Best regards,
the problem is that you want to use a landscape picture although you have lots of content and you need to scroll down a lot. Better would be to use an image in portrait format.
To quote this page
If you have already set up things with the regular Enfold theme and have decided to move to a child theme WordPress will register that you are using a different theme which means a whole different set of theme options. To make things easier, we’ve added in a way to import the options from the Enfold Parent theme right into the child theme.
Once you’ve activated your Enfold Child Theme go to the Import/Export tab and you’ll have a new option to “Import Settings from your Parent Theme“. Once clicked, it will work run for a moment while it imports the data. When the page refreshes your parent settings will replace the default theme settings.
So after settings up a child theme, you can import your previous settings.
Anyways you should make sure to have a backup of your files and database.
Best regards,
ich denke es wird mit Enfold funktionieren, aber da es ein externe Plugin ist, solltest du lieber noch mal den Author des Plugins fragen.
Wenn das Plugin/der Slider Probleme macht, kannst du denke ich auf deren Support vertrauen.
Das WordPress Plugin von diesem Slider bekommst du hier:ß,
das ist komisch. Versuche es mit diesem Code in functions.php:
add_filter('avf_blog_style','avia_change_archive_blog_layout', 10, 2); function avia_change_archive_blog_layout($layout, $context){ if($context == 'archive') $layout = 'multi-big'; return $layout; }
und schau, ob es dann auf deiner Seite funktioniert.
Lieben Gruß,
deine Seite sieht für mich in Ordnung aus. Was heißt denn für dich “verstellt sich”? hellsehen können wir leider nicht :)
Bitte mache den Fehler deutlich z.B: per Screenshot.Liebe Grüße,
AndyDecember 5, 2014 at 6:06 am in reply to: Safari 8.0 Seems to Not Auto-Loop Full Screen Video Slider #363431Hi!
you are using a WebM video, which is unfortunately not supported by Apple (Safari):
you click on “Support” in the menu and then you choose your theme. After that you can search in the forum or scroll down to post a new thread.
I can’t see any black bar on top of your website. Please show us a screenshot of the issue. Which browser are you using?
Best regards,
schön, dass dir die Codes bisher helfen konnten. Gerne sind wir wieder für dich da, wenn du Hilfe benötigst.
Liebe Grüße,
hier kannst du auch noch mal das Selbe von Kriesi durchlesen: :/
AndyDecember 4, 2014 at 7:59 pm in reply to: Webm video background on color section does not play #363187Hey!
please refer to this post:
Also as Elliott said please install the newest update of flash.Best regards,
schön, dass du es hinbekommen hast. Wenn du noch Probleme hast, dann sind wir gerne für dich da.
Liebe Grüße,
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .responsive #top #wrap_all .flex_column { margin-left: 6px; margin-right: 7px; }}
Try to play around with those numbers. Hope that helps
Can you show us that iconbox and line below it with lots of white space? post a link please and show it on a screenshot.Best regards,
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
Lieber Tom,
Für mich scheint auf deiner Seite das Layout in Ordnung zu sein. Was genau meinst du mit “Postslider”? Die beiden Einträge auf dem roten Hintergrund (Balken)? sieht in Ordnung für mich aus:
Kannst du uns bitte einen Screenshot von dem Problem zeigen?Deine Sidebar ist bei mir ganz normal auf der rechten Seite:
Hast du nachdem du alle Plugins deaktiviert hast anschließend deinen Browser Cache geleert, um zu schauen, ob dein Layout für dich wieder korrekt angezeigt wird?
Liebe Grüße,
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by
if deactivating all plugins does not help, then I think you need to get a fresh copy of the theme. Please install enfold via FTP.
use this in Quick CSS to remove it:
.alternate_color, .alternate_color .site-background, .alternate_color .first-quote, .alternate_color .related_image_wrap, .alternate_color .gravatar img .alternate_color .hr_content, .alternate_color .news-thumb, .alternate_color .post-format-icon, .alternate_color .ajax_controlls a, .alternate_color .tweet-text.avatar_no, .alternate_color .toggler, .alternate_color .toggler.activeTitle:hover, .alternate_color #js_sort_items, .alternate_color.inner-entry, .alternate_color .grid-entry-title, .alternate_color .related-format-icon, .grid-entry .alternate_color .avia-arrow, .alternate_color .avia-gallery-big, .alternate_color .avia-gallery-big, .alternate_color .avia-gallery img, .alternate_color .grid-content, .alternate_color .av-share-box ul, #top .alternate_color .av-related-style-full .related-format-icon, .alternate_color .related_posts.av-related-style-full a:hover, .alternate_color.avia-fullwidth-portfolio .pagination .current, .alternate_color.avia-fullwidth-portfolio .pagination a { background-color: transparent; }
Best regards,
use this in Quick CSS to remove it:
.alternate_color, .alternate_color .site-background, .alternate_color .first-quote, .alternate_color .related_image_wrap, .alternate_color .gravatar img .alternate_color .hr_content, .alternate_color .news-thumb, .alternate_color .post-format-icon, .alternate_color .ajax_controlls a, .alternate_color .tweet-text.avatar_no, .alternate_color .toggler, .alternate_color .toggler.activeTitle:hover, .alternate_color #js_sort_items, .alternate_color.inner-entry, .alternate_color .grid-entry-title, .alternate_color .related-format-icon, .grid-entry .alternate_color .avia-arrow, .alternate_color .avia-gallery-big, .alternate_color .avia-gallery-big, .alternate_color .avia-gallery img, .alternate_color .grid-content, .alternate_color .av-share-box ul, #top .alternate_color .av-related-style-full .related-format-icon, .alternate_color .related_posts.av-related-style-full a:hover, .alternate_color.avia-fullwidth-portfolio .pagination .current, .alternate_color.avia-fullwidth-portfolio .pagination a { background-color: transparent; }
Best regards,
I can’t see any video on Did you already try to deactivate all plugins to see if this helps?
das ist die Antwort meines Kollegen Devin:
“Last time Kriesi mentioned anything about FF outside of the desktop app it was that the theme simply doesn’t support at this time because the usage/demand for it has been non existent.It has some odd quirks in the same vein that dolphin and the other non standard ones do.”
Heißt also, dass die Nachfrage für Firefox auf Tablets so gering ist, dass es sich nicht lohnt dafür extra etwas zu coden. Tut mir leid … Ich hoffe es reicht für dich aus, wenn du einen anderen Browser verwendest.
Wenn wir dir noch sonst irgendwie helfen können, sag einfach noch mal bescheid.
Liebe Grüße,
das ist die Antwort meines Kollegen Devin:
“Last time Kriesi mentioned anything about FF outside of the desktop app it was that the theme simply doesn’t support at this time because the usage/demand for it has been non existent.It has some odd quirks in the same vein that dolphin and the other non standard ones do.”
Heißt also, dass die Nachfrage für Firefox auf Tablets so gering ist, dass es sich nicht lohnt dafür extra etwas zu coden. Tut mir leid … Ich hoffe es reicht für dich aus, wenn du einen anderen Browser verwendest.
Wenn wir dir noch sonst irgendwie helfen können, sag einfach noch mal bescheid.
Liebe Grüße,
AndyHi Micheal0424!
Please try to help yourself by googling first or using search function of our support forum. I just found a possible answer to your question quickly:
Also: please have in mind, that you already posted lots of questions last month into this support forum. If you have any real issue with one of our themes, we are here to assist you. Otherwise please try google and help yourself. For any customization please use or
Andy -
This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by