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Hi spr!
try this code in Quick CSS:
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .flex_column.av_two_fifth.avia-builder-el-12.el_after_av_three_fifth.avia-builder-el-last { position: relative; top: -50px; padding-top: 120px; } .flex_column.av_three_fifth.first.avia-builder-el-9.el_after_av_hr.el_before_av_two_fifth { padding-top: 175px; } .avia-image-container.avia_animated_image.avia_animate_when_almost_visible.right-to-left.av-styling-.avia-builder-el-27.avia-builder-el-no-sibling.avia-align-center.avia_start_animation.avia_start_delayed_animation { position: relative; top: -370px; } .flex_column.av_three_fifth.first.avia-builder-el-23.el_after_av_hr.el_before_av_two_fifth { top: 200px; }}
and adjust by yourself as needed.
Best regards,
thanks a lot for your input. I will forward it to Kriesi. Hopefully he can find a solution soon!
AndyMay 12, 2015 at 12:06 pm in reply to: Position der Checkboxen AGB, Widerrufsbelehrung, digitale Inhalte ändern #442949Hi!
danke für den Link. Versuche es mit diesem Code:
input#widerruf-digital-acknowledgement { position: relative; top: -21px; }
und passe den Wert für “top” eventuell an.
Lieben Gruß,
AndyMay 11, 2015 at 6:35 pm in reply to: No way to advance to the next month: Enfold + Events Calendar Pro #442622Hey!
did you already try to deactivate ALL plugins but events calendar? are we allowed to deactivate all your plugins by ourselves?
Maybe you did it already, but please try to go into settings of your WP Super Cache plugin and disable caching. Afterwards deactivate WP Super Cache. Clear browser cache and refresh your website a few times (while all other plugins are deactivated).Hope this will help.
AndyMay 11, 2015 at 5:59 pm in reply to: CSS only displaying on preview page in wordpress, not on actual page. #442599Hey!
maybe your server is using some kind of caching. Please contact your host about that.
Please also use newest theme version (current Enfold is v3.1.5)
This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by
glad Ismael could help you. Let us know when you need some more help. We are happy to assist you :).
Best regards,
maybe it’s just a caching problem, so please clear browser cache. Do you use any caching plugin? or maybe your server is using some kind of caching, in this case please contact your host about that.
hm what exactly do you want to achieve? do you want to move the words “Add to cart”? if yes use this code:
button.single_add_to_cart_button.button.alt { padding-right: 30px; }
and adjust as needed.
Best regards,
AndyHi VinzentE!
just add a normail mailto link into it, for example “mailto: (Email address hidden if logged out) ” into this field:
Best regards,
AndyHi tech500!
you could try to use a plugin like this:
AndyHi alfaweb2!
I think you made the same question here already: you are posting a lot in this forum and we are very busy right now (as you can the in the queue) we kindly ask you to hire a freelancer for anymore customization. You can find someone who can do this job here.
AndyMay 11, 2015 at 5:03 pm in reply to: Auto reply email on forms, the adress is all messed up ? #442562Hey!
did you check on another computer and/or on another email client as well?
AndyHey tomek_z!
you did not implement the code in your Quick CSS as mentioned here.
If it is still not working please try to deactivate all plugins, to see if one is causing this issue. Also update WordPress and the theme to the newest version.
Best regards,
AndyMay 11, 2015 at 3:24 pm in reply to: Edit caption CSS on Masonry Gallery, or link photos to separate lightboxes #442486Hi kristenangel!
I searched for a quick solution and this thread: may help you because it tells you how to add a rel attribute to the gallery links. Insert following code at the bottom of functions.php:
add_filter( 'wp_get_attachment_link' , 'add_lighbox_rel' ); function add_lighbox_rel( $attachment_link ) { if( strpos( $attachment_link , 'a href') != false && strpos( $attachment_link , 'img') != false ) $attachment_link = str_replace( 'a href' , 'a rel="lightbox[gallery]" href' , $attachment_link ); return $attachment_link; }
What kind of captions over the photos do you mean? can you show us a screenshot of what you are trying to achieve (, dropbox)?
AndyHi larrywillisva!
not sure what you mean, as there are already arrows on desktop as well as on mobile:
However, it sounds like custom work to me, which would be out of our support scope. You can find someone who can do this job for you here.
that would require a heavy customization of the theme, which is out of our support scope. However, I think it could be done and you could find someone here.
AndyMay 11, 2015 at 1:51 pm in reply to: When clicking on image for "Single Product" two images come up. #442436Hey!
I have seen this sidebar problem a lot from other customers, but 99% of the time it was caused by a plugin.
You can provide us admin access and we take a closer look into the issue. Are we allowed to deactivate all plugins temporarily?
You can post login details here as private reply.Cheers!
you could use the default editor and insert a `rel=”nofollow”
into your html link, but image links are “nofollow” by default, so I have no idea why you would need it. Maybe you want to explain further?Cheers!
you did not give us admin access, so we can’t check anything.
Please update to the newest theme and WordPress version and let us know when you are done.Cheers!
the author page is exactly the way you see it. If you need something else then you need to customize it. As we are very busy right now (as you could see in the forum queue), we can’t offer you any help on changing your author page the way you want it. So please hire a freelancer for this job:
AndyMay 11, 2015 at 12:47 pm in reply to: Position der Checkboxen AGB, Widerrufsbelehrung, digitale Inhalte ändern #442396Hi!
du würdest es uns sehr viel einfacher machen, wenn du uns einen link zu einem digitalen Produkt auf deiner Website schickst. Ich habe versucht eins zu finden, aber nichts gefunden auf die Schnell.
AndyHi alfaweb2!
for your menu use this code:
.avia-menu.av-main-nav-wrap { left: -60px; }
I can’t see any social icons on your website, so please provide us a link showing them, so we can provide you some CSS for it. However try this:
ul.noLightbox.social_bookmarks.icon_count_2 { left: 700px; } form#searchform { left: 450px; }
Best regards,
This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by
May 8, 2015 at 4:00 pm in reply to: When clicking on image for "Single Product" two images come up. #441581Hi Charles!
please try to deactivate all plugins, to see if one is causing this issue. Afterwards you can activate them again one by one to see which one is causing it. If it still does not help, you might need to delete all theme files and get a fresh copy from your themeforest account, as there could be some corrupted files.
AndyHi Tobias!
use this code as an example:
<a href="" rel="prettyPhoto" title=""><img src="images/thumbnails/flash-logo.jpg" alt="YouTube" width="60" /></a>
This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by
Hi ragugo!
please show us what you mean by providing a link to your website and/or showing screenshots. We would also need admin access.
AndyHey trussardi!
you can make it possible when you send us a link showing what you mean :). So we can provide you some CSS code. Basically you would achieve this with for example an “opacitiy=0.5” value.
wenn ich bei der Suche auf Enter drücke, werden auch Seiten für mich angezeigt, z.B.:
Die Suche scheint für mich daher zu funktionieren.Wenn Sie jedoch etwas anderes meinen, dann könnte dies sehr viele unterschiedliche Ursachen haben. Die erste (weil auffälligste und größte mögliche Ursachenquelle) ist die sehr alte Theme Version. Sobald diese mögliche Ursache ausgeschlossen wurde, können wir weiter nach anderen Möglichkeiten suchen.
Sie könnten auch versuchen alle Plugins zu deaktivieren, um zu schauen, ob eins dieses Problem verursacht.Wenn Sie nach einem Update zu der aktuellen Enfold Version weiterhin das Problem haben, dann senden Sie uns bitte Admin Login zu (hier als private Nachricht).
Sie könnten auch mit diesem Such-Plugin arbeiten:
This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by
danke für den Screenshot, aber ein Link wäre besser gewesen, da ich in deinem source code nachschauen muss. Konnte ihn aber selbst finden auf deiner Website. Versuche es mit diesem Code im Quick CSS:
.title_container .main-title { display: none; }
I think you could achieve it easily with a plugin like: regards,
Andy -
This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by