Forum Replies Created
June 17, 2015 at 1:20 pm in reply to: Blog Kategorie soll auf einer Seite komplett angezeigt werden #460720
das ist aktuell das normale Verhalten bei Kategorie Seiten. Leider gibt es noch keine einfache Möglichkeit diese Seiten anders zu gestalten. Mache ein Feature Request für Enfold, damit Kriesi über deinen Bedarf informiert wird.
Das Layout hängt aktuell von den Einstellungen ab, die du bei Enfold > Blog Layout > Blog Style wählst. Du kannst versuchen mit diesem Code in deiner functions.php das zu erreichen was du möchtest:add_filter('avf_blog_style','avia_change_archive_blog_layout', 10, 2); function avia_change_archive_blog_layout($layout, $context){ if($context == 'archive') $layout = 'single-big'; return $layout; } add_filter( 'post-format-standard', 'avia_category_content_filter', 15, 1); function avia_category_content_filter($current_post) { if(!is_single()) { $current_post['content'] = get_the_excerpt(); $current_post['content'] .= '<div class="read-more-link"><a href="'.get_permalink().'" class="more-link">'.__('Read more','avia_framework').'<span class="more-link-arrow"> →</span></a></div>'; } return $current_post; }
Wenn es nicht klappt, müsstest du wahrscheinlich weiterhin auf den Standart WordPress Editor setzen.
Oder du schaust dir dieses Tutorial dazu genauer an:
Lieben Gruß!
This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by
Hey Stanko!
Enfold bietet dir ein Kontaktformular an, aber kein Newsletter-Versand und damit auch kein Double Opt-in Verfahren an. Dies erreichst du mithilfe von Plugins von dritten (wie das z.B. von Mailchimp).
glad you did it. Let us know when you need have some more questions or issues related to the theme. We are happy to assist.
Best regards,
Deine Galerie habe ich jetzt einmal dupliziert und dann scheint sie zu erscheinen (aber nur ein mal, obwohl sie zwei mal vorliegt). Versuche sie komplett raus zu löschen, dann aktualisiere und dann erstelle sie komplett neu.
Hast du sonst noch irgendwelche CSS Einstellungen in der custom.css gemacht, die da lieber nicht sein sollten? Bitte checke das via FTP und lösche jeden zusätzlichen Code heraus, um dies festzustellen. Ansonsten vermute ich, als gäbe es einige defekte Dateien bei der Installation und in diesem Fall müsstest du alle Theme Dateien via FTP löschen und dir eine frische Version über deinen Themeforest Account besorgen, um diese zu installieren. Mache in jedem Fall vorher ein Backup.
Lass uns bitte nicht zu sehr abschweifen und beim Topic bleiben. Für alles andere mache bitte separate Tickets auf. Kurz googeln hilft bei vielen kleineren Fragen auch immer.
it would be great if you would do it by yourself. As I already told you, you just need to adjust my code as needed. So basically you would just need to change the (max-width) value. For iPad it would be something like:
@media only screen and (max-device-width: 1024px) { .header_color .header_bg { background-size: 100% 13%; }}
Play around with the different values until you find what fits to you. For more information about media queries check out this link: could also hire a freelancer for customizations.
AndyJune 16, 2015 at 4:36 pm in reply to: Remove Single Shortcodes Elements – in both 'Post' and 'Page' #460136Hi!
actually I think the magic wand icon does have a unique ID: #mceu_15
and using Elliott’s php code you will achieve what you want I think.Best regards,
AndyJune 16, 2015 at 4:31 pm in reply to: Exclude current portfolio item on list of portfolio items #460132Hi GIEKApl!
not sure what you mean, but I think it would require a heavy customization of the theme and you can find a freelancer for this job here.
use this for mobile:
@media only screen and (max-device-width: 767px) { input#terms { top: -77px; right: 259px !important; } label.checkbox { margin-left: 75px; margin-top: -75px !important; float: left; }}
and adjust as needed.
just use media querries for mobile and play around with the values. For example for iPhone:
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .header_color .header_bg { background-size: 100% 13%; }}
adjust as needed.
AndyHi cmackey2159!
check out our demo:
On the menu link “Portfolio” you see that there is a filter, although it’s different from your example. If you need exactly this one, you would need to search a plugin for it.Cheers!
AndyJune 16, 2015 at 3:46 pm in reply to: Adding custom button on top right hand of Enfold Header #460096@geeman84
please always open a new ticket for a new task/issue/question. Include a link to your website showing what you mean. Screenshots showing what you want to achieve would help a lot. Use or dropbox.Regards,
AndyJune 16, 2015 at 3:43 pm in reply to: How can I make the post title appear above the featured images on the blog page? #460092Hi!
it should still be valid and if it does not work for you please open a new ticket, as this thread is growing too big already and it gets confusing for us moderators and other readers.
Best regards,
AndyJune 16, 2015 at 2:49 pm in reply to: After adding a new menu item it is not saved and menu crahses #460060Hi!
please refer to this link:
Let us know in a new ticket, if you have any theme related issue or question.
AndyJune 16, 2015 at 1:28 pm in reply to: First list item in an unordered list displays disc on the right #460019Hey!
please have in mind, that we usually have a weekend as well and use to work from monday till friday for you, as written in our support policy (support shedule). Please refuse from bumping into your own thread, because otherwise it gets behind in our queue and marked as “answered”, so we can’t provide a faster reply for you.
When I use the same shortcodes as you provided here, then the same thing is happening for me. But you are missing the [av_textblock] element, so use this shortcodes instead:
[av_hr class='default' height='50' shadow='no-shadow' position='center' custom_border='av-border-thin' custom_width='50px' custom_border_color='' custom_margin_top='30px' custom_margin_bottom='30px' icon_select='yes' custom_icon_color='' icon='ue808' font='entypo-fontello'] [av_textblock size='' font_color='' color=''] [av_textblock] <ul> <li>Measures:</li> <li>Materials:</li> <li>Dyes:</li> <li>Condition:</li> </ul> [/av_textblock]
This way it’s working fine for me.
Best regards,
please go into your cache plugin and switch off caching. Afterwards deactivate all unnecessary plugins and clear browser cache and refresh website a few times. When you just deactivate your caching plugin, it will still cache.
Hope this helps.
screenshots would have helped to make things clear from the beginning. Now I see what you mean. Please try to rebuild your contact page (as it should work when you build a new page). You could try to save your existing contact page as a template. Hope this helps.
thank you for the links. Try this code in Quick CSS:
.mejs-container.mejs-audio { top: -210px; } .big-preview.single-big { bottom: -50px; }
AndyHi Nic_007!
please try to remove the slide in question and rebuild it again. Clear browser cache and refresh your website a few times.
Hope this will help.
sorry, I don’t understand. Can you give us a link to your website? so we can hopefully see what you mean? screenshots showing what you want to achieve would help as well. You can use or dropbox.
ein Tutorial wie du “anker” Links einsetzen kannst, findest du hier:ß,
not sure how you have done things so far. Admin access to have a look would help I think.
Have in mind, that you can use html when editing your text block. Just include your title element inside your html code.You can use something like this:
<img src="" width="100" height="150" alt="I am an image." title="I am an image. [e.g. copyright of the author]" />
AndyHey erwin_m!
try this:
.sidebar { right: -20px; } main.template-page.content.av-content-small.alpha.units { margin-right: -3px; }
and adjust as needed.
what about the username for the ftp account?
AndyHey Martin!
to be honest I have no Idea what you want to achieve. Can you elaborate please? Your image does not work for me, please use or a dropbox link to show screenshots.
You can go to
Enfold->Demo Import->Import: Church Demo
to get the style from Church Demo.About which gridrow and table are you talking about? please use screenshots to make things clear.
1.) Dieses Hintergrundbild von dem du sprichst, sollte da eigentlich nicht sein. Bitte lade zunächst die neueste Versionen von all deinen Plugins herunter und checke anschließend noch einmal. Wenn das nichts hilft, dann deaktiviere bitte all deine Plugins, um zu schauen, ob eins die Ursache für diesen Konflikt ist.
2.) Bitte füge immer auch einen Link neben den Screenshots mit bei.
Bei mir wird es korrekt dargestellt:
Konntest du es fixen? Wenn nein leere bitte deinen Browser Cache und gehe sicher, dass du immer die neueste Browser Version verwendest.3.) PHP Code funktioniert im Textbereich nicht. Du könntest deinen Code entweder im header.php manuell einfügen oder du setzt auf ein Plugin wie dieses hier:
du verwendest eine veraltete Theme Version. Bitte installiere als erstes die neueste Theme Version von Enfold v3.2. Leere deinen Browser Cache und checke dann nochmals, ob es mit den Farben dann hinhaut. Konntest du bereits deinen Host kontaktieren und erfragen, ob die für deinen Server einen Cache verwenden?
the portfolio grid does not have this function and you would need to hire a freelancer for this job.
Andy -
This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by