Forum Replies Created
Hey kgbrooklyn!
just increase font size to 25px or use this code:
.avia_textblock { font-size: 25px; }
Best regards,
AndyAugust 18, 2015 at 11:20 am in reply to: Editing window of page is empty since update 2 days ago? #489383Hi!
glad Rikard could help you. Let us know in a new ticket if you have some more questions related to the theme. We are happy to assist you.
sorry, here is the correct one:
it won’t be possible to eliminate it in the future, as such an advanced theme like Enfold could not work otherwise. If you don’t want any javascript, jQuery etc. than I recommend to use a default WordPress theme.
AndyHey set_carsten!
ich weiß nicht genau was du meinst. Kannst du uns bitte zeigen wo das Problem genau zu sehen ist? konnte es auf deiner Seite nicht finden.
we are lots of people in our team and can’t change any host files. Let us know when your site is live and we’ll take a look.
AndyAugust 18, 2015 at 11:10 am in reply to: #489374Hey!
we are still not sure why this is happening, so Kriesi is still investigating and needs more time as it seems very complicated. It is not happening on every browser and not even every time for every person. We are sorry to inform you that there is no better answer yet and thank you for being patient. We will let you know when we find a solution for this issue.
Best regards,
maybe your server is using some kind of caching? please ask your host about that. Otherwise I think there might be some corrupted files and in this case you need to delete all theme files and get a fresh copy from your themeforest account.
AndyAugust 18, 2015 at 11:03 am in reply to: Farbiger Menu-Button mit direktem Link auf externe Seite #489369Hey!
bitte führe ein Upgrade zu Enfold v3.2.3 durch und lass uns wissen, wenn du dann immer noch Hilfe benötigst.
I think now I get what you mean. You can control background image position for iPad screen size with this code:
@media only screen and (max-device-width: 1024px) { { background-position: 50% -30% !important; }}
Try to play around with -30% until it fits for you.
try this code in functions.php:
add_filter( 'avf_avia_builder_masonry_lightbox_img_size', 'enfold_customization_change_popup_size' ); function enfold_customization_change_popup_size( $size ) { return 'fullsize'; }
AndyHey mikebackhouse!
I can’t see any video on the link you have provided. Are you sure this is the correct link to see the issue you have described?
Make sure to use newest theme version and deactivate all plugins while testing, to check if one is causing a conflict.Regards,
please deactivate all plugins to check which one is causing a conflict. Afterwards clear browser cache and hard refresh.
Andysorry, there was a little typo in the code. I already changed it in your Quick CSS, please review your slider now.
@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) { div#full_slider_1 { min-height: 300px !important; } .avia-slideshow li img { min-height: 300px; }}
AndyAugust 18, 2015 at 10:27 am in reply to: Can I create a portfolio page that people can download from? #489348Hi!
1.) you can direct buttons to the download page of you photos of course. Yes, for 200 photos you would need to implement 200 downloads(-buttons). However, I think you might want to search a plugin for this special functions you need.
2.) You can use social share buttons (content elements) of ALB.
AndyAugust 18, 2015 at 10:22 am in reply to: Customising Blog appearance, blog and post pages should be consistent #489347Hi!
follow these instructions:
Best regards,
did you clear browser cache and hard refresh a few times? Are you using any caching (plugin)?
AndyAugust 18, 2015 at 10:15 am in reply to: Image in Post Disappeared When Hyperlink is Added (Again) #489341Hey!
I just decreased max-width value in my code to 165px. Though not sure why a bigger value is causing a conflict … However, I am glad you are happy now. Let us know in a new ticket if you have some more questions related to the theme. We are happy to assist you.
AndyAugust 18, 2015 at 10:13 am in reply to: Farbiger Menu-Button mit direktem Link auf externe Seite #489338Hi!
du kannst als Menünamen (Navigation Label) auch HTML verwenden und damit einen Code zu einer externen Seite einfügen.
Dein Post hat nichts mit dem eigentlichen Thread Thema zu tun, daher eröffne bitte ein separates Ticket.Danke,
Try this code instead:
@media only screen and (min-width: 768px) { div#full_slider_1 { min-height: 300px !important; } .avia-slideshow li img { min-height: 300px; }}
Wordpress is defining image sizes by default and you can control it with a plugin like:
could you provide us admin access so we can take a deeper look into it? post login details here as private reply.
Best regards,
space on your website seems decreased for me. Please clear browser cache and hard refresh a few times to see the changes.
Wordpress is defining automatically image sizes and you can control it with a plugin like this:
1.) You footer seems fine to me. Clear browser cache and hard refresh a few times. Are you using any caching (plugin)?
2.) Your tables seem totally fine to me. Can’t see any mess.
3.) It is displayed next to each other for me and not below.
Which OS and device are you using? Please check on another computer as well.
das wäre zwar möglich, aber außerhalb der Möglichkeiten, die wir dir hier in diesem Support Forum anbieten können. Du müsstest für diesen Auftrag einen Freelancer engagieren.
AndyAugust 18, 2015 at 9:35 am in reply to: Image in Post Disappeared When Hyperlink is Added (Again) #489314Hey!
refuse from bumping into your own thread please.
It’s fixed. Review your website now.
Responsive does not mean it will automatically fit to any screen, instead it means that you can control different behaviors on different screen sizes. You can make a background image fit 100% to the width with:background-size: 100%;
it should not make any difference, however I think Quick CSS might be the quickest and easiest solution right now. The code should be fine, so please try to clear browser cache and hard refresh a few times. Are you using any caching (plugin)?
Best regards,
Andy -